The villain of Xianwu world

Chapter 1133 The Emperor is Secret

Chapter 1133 The emperor is secretive, seemingly in harmony with the gods ([-] recommendations plus more!)
Afterwards, the situation in the entire Star Continent became out of control.

Although, the Heaven-hating Demon Lord who had become the Heaven-hating Demon Lord, took advantage of the power of his great victory, and killed dozens of masters of the God-refining realm one after another, even several masters of the Heaven-reaching realm died before him. Under the sword, but can only temporarily stabilize the situation.What's more, the days of Hateful Demon Lord himself are numbered.

After a while, it flew into the sky.The situation on the mainland has also become worse, and people continue to raise troops!
And the emperor himself was killed in a fierce battle after the ascension of the Heaven-hating Demon Lord.

At that time, he was just a small character, and because of some adventures, he raised his cultivation to the level of refining gods!
Unexpectedly, he died on the battlefield.

After death, I thought it was all over, but unexpectedly returned to my boyhood.

After returning to his boyhood, the emperor who decided that the Star Continent would fall into turmoil next began to build up his strength.After spending more than ten years, relying on the secret method he learned in his previous life, he formed a dynasty, and even found the woman beside him who would become the proud daughter of heaven in the future to be his wife.

Originally, he planned to kill the Heaven-hating Little Devil and Yi Xuezhen in the bud.

After thinking about it later, I felt that it was more appropriate to keep this pair of rivals.

What's more, of these two people, one has been staying in Wendaomen, and almost never went down the mountain before his debut; the other is living with a mask, and no one knows his true identity.Even if he wanted to kill him, he couldn't find anyone at all!
In this way, after he realized that he had full wings, he played the banner of the dynasty.

Unexpectedly, he underestimated the background of the major forces, but also overestimated his own ability.

In just a few years, the dynasty was on the verge of collapse!

And he will also become the king of subjugation!

No one wants to taste the taste of a subjugated king.

At least, as a true king of subjugation, the emperor can give the answer to what it is like to be a king of subjugation:

It is a more uncomfortable feeling than being in the [-]th floor of hell. You clearly know what kind of reputation you will leave in history in the future, but you have no resistance at all; even, knowing that the god of death is coming , but couldn't find any way to resist.

In the end, even if he died, he would have no face to meet his ancestors, or even his former subjects!

This is simply the scariest thing in the world!

"Your Majesty, what should we do then?" Tianhou asked with a trace of melancholy on her face.

The emperor continued to remain silent.

It took a long time for him to spit out four words in this dim hall, saying: "Fate!"

"Report!" At this moment, a rush of footsteps suddenly sounded, followed by a hasty voice.

A messenger soldier rushed into the hall quickly.

"Report, report to His Majesty, the Queen of Heaven, the latest battle report from the front line." The messenger soldier was sweating profusely as he quickly knelt on the ground, reporting the report.

"What's the matter?" The emperor raised his eyes and said in a tone that was more sorrowful than heartbroken.

"Report to Your Majesty, Iron Dragon Pass..." the messenger soldier stammered.

Tianhou shouted impatiently: "What's the matter? Could it be that Tielongguan, which has millions of soldiers, has fallen in such a short period of time?"


As soon as Tianhou's words fell, the entire Huangji Palace fell into a dead silence.

The emperor's face was ashen, and he shouted: "Tell me, what happened to Tielongguan?"

The messenger soldier stammered and said: "Your Majesty, empress, Iron Dragon Pass has fallen!"

The last thing you want to happen just happened!
For a moment, both the emperor and the empress seemed to be dead, and they couldn't get any more motivation.

Tielongguan is already the last barrier of the dynasty.Now that it has fallen, it means that the dynasty is completely exposed to the eyes of the major forces, and the army of the righteous and the devil may invade at any time. The dynasty is now a helpless girl waiting to be invaded!
Today, there is no other destiny to speak of!

Iron Dragon Pass!
Solemn and solemn, Tielongguan, which has millions of troops, has now been captured.

Millions of soldiers and horses from both the righteous and the evil swarmed in, and the several generals stationed on the last checkpoint of the dynasty fought hard, but the general situation was gone, and they were already powerless.Millions of soldiers and horses have no morale, will have no fighting spirit, and will collapse at the first touch!
In just an hour, it was completely destroyed, defeated and scattered, and countless descendants!
And hundreds of masters in the god refining realm were quickly wiped out!
But half a day later, the successors of the major forces made great strides into the Iron Dragon Pass!

"Hehehe!" Gu Xiao and Yi Xuezhen walked into the gate of Tielongguan made of black iron side by side. The moment they walked in, they looked at each other at the same time, their eyes were burning, and they burst into laughter , the laughter is full of deep meaning and playfulness, only they themselves can understand the deep meaning behind the laughter!

It seems that the day when Zheng and Mo will turn their faces is not far away.

The heirs of other major forces who followed behind the two all thought so in their hearts.

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(End of this chapter)

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