The villain of Xianwu world

Chapter 1125 Between righteousness and evil, 3 moves

Chapter 1125 Between righteousness and evil, three moves

Boom!A loud bang.

Above the sky, the huge thundercloud shattered on the spot under this move.

Even the heavens and the earth cannot stop this battle, and they must submit to the confrontation between these two masters.

After this move, both of them shook their bodies, and then acted as if nothing had happened.

Continue to fly forward.

But in the process, they are already brewing a second move.

"Buddha's light first appeared." The first move was over, and the immeasurable sword that was issued with the help of the thunder and thunder did not take advantage. Gu Xiao followed up with the second move: Tathagata God's Palm.

The dark clouds all over the sky have dispersed, and under their confrontation, the sky has been disturbed.But Gu Xiao's second move - Tathagata God's Palm, also followed suit.

Just when the bright sunshine came to this world again through the dark clouds, his buddha's first appearance also followed.

The endless bright sunlight condensed behind him into a huge golden body of Shakyamuni Dharma. With his loud shout, there was only a ray of bright Buddha light left between the heavens and the earth. The Buddha light was burning and gathered in Gu Xiao body, rolling towards the purple-robed man!

Purdue Buddha light, all things surrender.

With one move, in this piece of heaven and earth, no matter the sky or the earth, there is only a golden light left.

And with the help of this golden light, the power of "The First Appearance of Buddha's Light" was also brought to the extreme!

"All Qi returns to the Yuan!" On this side, Gu Xiao's Tathagata Divine Palm was powerful and earth-shattering, and on the other side, the purple-robed man was not to be outdone, and with a loud shout, all the vitality of the world had gathered on him.

Afterwards, the copper gossip in the palm became more terrifying, filled with the rhyme of Dao Ze Dao.

"Boom!" One after another hexagrams were punched out through the copper gossip.

The gossip is divided into 64 hexagrams.

Qian San Lian, Kun Liu Duan, Shaking Yang Yu, Gen Covering Bowl, Leaving Center Empty, Kan Zhong Full, Duting Up Short, Sunda Down Breaking!
Now, all the eight phases have emerged, forming a huge hexagram image lingering with purple energy, and facing the Tathagata palm that Gu Xiao has already struck.

The struggle between Taoism and Buddha, the contest between good and evil.

Gu Xiao, the leader of the generation of the Heaven-hating Demon Palace, the leader of the Demon Dao generation, since his debut as the Little Demon Lord of the Heaven-hating Demon, how many people have hated him under his sword, and almost killed all of his own. The whole family is ruthless and ruthless. They do not recognize their relatives. In time, they will become unworldly demons.

The purple-robed man, the descendant of Wendaomen's generation, the righteous way has not really appeared yet, but he is already the only one who has the hope of fighting against the little devil who hates the sky. His understanding of the Dao is almost no longer in his master. The head of this generation - under Zong Yucheng!

The confrontation between the two of them not only represented them personally, but also represented Wendaomen and Heantian Demon Palace, as well as Righteous Way and Demonic Way!

If the little devil who hates the sky wins, then in the next few years, the Star Continent will probably be ruled by the devil; Firmly suppress the evil way; if it is a tie, it will be a situation where the righteous and the evil will divide the world equally.

The fortunes of each other ebb and flow, although the outcome of this battle will not determine life or death, it may determine the level between them!
This battle will not be the end, but just the beginning. Whether it is Gu Xiao, the sky-hating little devil, or the Zipao man, Yi Xuezhen, the contemporary descendant of Wendaomen, they all know very well that when they meet today, the relationship between each other Although there is going to be a fight, it is impossible to fight a life-and-death fight. This fight can only be regarded as a test, to test the opponent's weight, and to have a small foundation for each other's abilities.Now, it's not time for them to fight to the death and really decide whether to live or die.If it is a matter of life and death today, it may only become a big joke and a laughing stock in the eyes of others.Maybe, it becomes a stepping stone for others.Therefore, whether it was Gu Xiao himself or the purple-robed Yi Xuezhen, when they attacked each other, they deliberately left a three-point margin, and did not use all their abilities to fight each other to the death.Just because, that is meaningless at all, and it is not the time!

The void is shattered, and the earth, water, fire, and wind repeat themselves.

Gu Xiao and Yi Xuezhen fought each other with just two moves, and they had completely shattered everything within a hundred miles. The Tao was chaotic, and the world seemed to return to chaos.From these two moves alone, it can be seen how terrifying they are fighting each other, how terrifying their combat power and cultivation base are!
Among the successors of Zhengmo and Dao of this generation, no matter who comes here, they may die between these two moves and die at their hands.

But for them, these two tricks can only be regarded as temptations!

The Taoist purple qi and the Buddhist golden light collide and cancel each other out.

After a long time, when the purple air and golden light completely dissipated, the two of them shook again.

It's a tie again!

I can only look at the third trick!Gu Xiao and Zipao Yi Xuezhen looked at each other, tacit understanding.

Now, it is not yet the day of their decisive battle. At least, before the dynasty is destroyed, the contradiction between the righteous and the evil will always be secondary.Before killing the big tiger Dynasty, the grievances between the righteous and the evil must be put aside and wait for a while before dealing with them.

After the collapse of the dynasty, it was the turn of the Righteous Way and the Demon Way to continue what they had been doing for tens of thousands of years: fighting for hegemony, fighting, and continuing to fight for different ideas and interests.Just like what happened to them in the past countless years!This point, no matter who is well aware!

Click!The Changhong sword moved again.

This piece of heaven and earth was completely shattered, and even a piece of space debris could not be found.

The power of endless time and space condensed on the blade of Gu Xiao Changhong Sword, exuding an aura of destruction.

At this moment, Gu Xiao seemed to have completely separated from this world, not in the present, not in the past, and not in the future. He seemed to be a legendary existence, a real god, which made it impossible for people to look directly at him, but He is the most feared God of Destruction!
It can only bring destruction, to completely destroy the world.

The eighth sword of the Demon Sword Dao - the sword of destroying the world!
Contrary to Gu Xiao, if the current Gu Xiao is the god of destroying the world, then today's Yi Xuezhen is the god of creating the world.Endless purple energy continuously emanated from his body, and Dao Ze Dao Yun completely submerged his figure. Where he stood, within a radius of a hundred miles, there was the last small stable area.

And the surge of purple energy on his body calmed down the rioting earth, water, fire and wind, and restored the four spirits to calm again.

Afterwards, time and space began to stabilize again, and the world seemed to be reorganizing.

This is, the power of creation!

(End of this chapter)

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