The villain of Xianwu world

Chapter 1111 Imprisonment in a secret room, anger of the dynasty

Chapter 1111 Imprisonment in a secret room, anger of the dynasty

Very comfortable!
Gu Xiao had a very comfortable life these days.

Grab the little dragon girl, and put it in his own domain world - the sword domain. As for the next situation, he only needs to manipulate the dragon whale puppet to move a little bit, and then he doesn't need to do anything else. It's over, because the situation will definitely develop in the direction you want.

As a result, this marriage will fall apart.

Hiding in his own sword domain, through the dragon whale body, almost everything from the outside world can't be hidden from him.

To be honest, this taste is really good.

Seeing the people outside being played around by me, while I, the culprit, is hiding, watching a large group of masters, even the strong ones I look up to, being played so miserably by my schemes, this feeling, It is beyond the comprehension of outsiders.Even with Gu Xiao's current disposition, he couldn't control his excitement!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!It's so cool!

There are only three days left to the wedding, but the bride is gone.

In particular, because of the bride's disappearance, both the bride and groom suspected that the other party did it, and then concealed it.

Gu Xiao has reason to believe that everything that happened in the Crystal Palace has already been known by the Emperor and the Empress.

Presumably, the emperor who was originally waiting to be the bridegroom must have been so angry now.

Inexplicably, when the wedding was approaching, his bride disappeared; maybe, someone had already put a green hat on him, and he was already popular enough; The scapegoat was thrown on me, and I made myself a big scapegoat!

If the situation continues like this, and the emperor's self-cultivation is not good enough, to put it bluntly, the Dynasty and the Dragon Clan will probably fight. ,

Black pot and green hat, wearing one of them is enough to piss people off, not to mention, under Gu Xiao's design, the emperor still wears both of these things, with a green hat on his head and a big mouthful on his back. Black pot.This is simply the 8-year-old tortoise of the thousand-year-old king. Even with Gu Xiao's natural opposing position and ruthless temperament, at this time, he can't help but sympathize with the emperor who has never met before. Although there was only one snap of the finger at that time!
Prime Minister Gui calculated the whereabouts of the little dragon girl, and wanted to trace the whereabouts of the little princess through the secret sense of heaven, and he also felt it.

But he blocked it back.

You know, not only is he extremely lucky, but he also has the meritorious luck that can almost be said to save the world, so that almost no matter what happens to him, he can turn disaster into auspiciousness and turn disaster into good luck; In the way of calculation, he also has a deep attainment. In the sixth reincarnation, he was a Taoist priest several times. As a Taoist priest, learning the Book of Changes and knowing divination and calculation are simply the most basic things. In that life, he had even read the Heavenly Crying Sutra and practiced Wuqiu Yijue; in the end, the flow of yin-yang and five-element qi in this sword field already possessed a small part of his own laws.

Even, some breath of life was produced.

His sword field can almost be regarded as half of the cave world, and it is also the kind of cave world that can spontaneously generate the vitality of heaven and earth!
The combination of the three, in this world, as long as he doesn't want to be exposed, no one can find out his whereabouts, let alone know what he is doing.Even though Prime Minister Gui was not the one who made the calculation, there was no trace of Xiaolongnv!

"Hey, Heaven-hating Little Devil, how long do you plan to keep this princess here?" Gu Xiao was secretly complacent, but suddenly there was an uncontrollable shout of anger from behind him.

Turning his head, he saw Xiaolongnv.

Today's little dragon girl is no longer the golden branch and jade leaf in the past, but looks extremely embarrassed.

The whole person was tied to the huge sword that covered the sky and the earth in the center of the sword field, and an iron chain transformed from countless dao rhymes was also tied to his body.I can't improve my skills at all, even if I want to move my head, it is not an easy task.

Although there was another person by her side, Xiao Longnv couldn't help but feel that her days were like years.

This kind of day almost drives her crazy!
Gu Xiao turned his head, looked at Xiaolongnv, and said, "Don't worry, I will let you go when the wedding is over."

"Huh!" The little dragon girl let out a cold snort, looking at Gu Xiao who was walking towards her step by step, her pair of dragon eyes were full of cold killing intent, "Hate the sky little devil, you will remember this princess , it’s best not to fall into the hands of this princess. Otherwise, today’s debt, this princess will let you double repay!”

Gu Xiao smiled and said, "Really? Then I'll wait!"

While speaking, he had already arrived in front of Xiao Longnu.

Stretched out a hand and wiped it off Yuying's face.

"Hmph!" Xiao Longnv turned her head away, refusing Gu Xiao's touch.

But her resistance was too insignificant in front of Gu Xiao.

After all, Gu Xiao's hand touched her face.

"Hahahaha." Gu Xiao couldn't help laughing out loud when he saw Xiaolongnv's stubborn and stubborn look.

The laughter was full of complacency and madness, echoing in the sword field where only he and Xiao Longnv were truly conscious beings, the entire sword field trembled.


Crystal Palace, the place where people from the imperial dynasty stayed.

"Damn it, these loaches are really deceiving people too much." In a side hall, two scholars of Fengyun and four generals were sitting together.After a while, among the four generals, the temper was the most violent, and the impulsive one sensed the solemn murderous aura coming from all around, and shouted angrily.

"That's right, they lost their princess, and they thought it was us who did it. We haven't asked them for a bride yet, it's just too much deception!"

"If it doesn't work, let's fight with these loaches, who is afraid of whom?"

"It's a big deal to fight to the death!"

In the past few days, this group of people has also been holding back their anger, and they can't bear it anymore. They ignited the powder keg with one sentence, and roared one by one.

"Shut up!" Scholar Feng shouted in a low voice.

He possessed great prestige among these people, and a single sentence made the others shut up indignantly.

"The emperor asked us to come here to welcome relatives, not to make enemies!" Bachelor Yun also said.

As soon as the two academicians Fengyun spoke, they immediately made all the people present suppress their tempers.

(End of this chapter)

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