The villain of Xianwu world

Chapter 1109 Inexplicably missing, on the verge of extinction

Chapter 1109 Inexplicably missing, on the verge of extinction

"Damn it!" In the main hall, after searching for a whole day and mobilizing almost all the aquariums within a thousand miles, but still unable to find the whereabouts of his daughter, Ao Ruiyi, who was originally an old god, finally couldn't bear it anymore. Stopped, completely broke out, and lost his temper.

Dragons are born with the power to control water, fire, thunder and lightning.

Now, His Royal Highness the Seventh Prince is furious, which can be described as a real smoke from seven orifices.

The whole hall was crumbling under his anger, trembling constantly.

Right in the East China Sea Crystal Palace, right under his nose, his favorite daughter disappeared inexplicably.For a moment, Ao Ruiyi felt as if he had been slapped heavily on the face, and it was burning hot.If this matter spreads out, wouldn't his East China Sea Dragon Clan become a joke? What is the majesty of the East China Sea?Where is the majesty of the dragon clan?

Suddenly, Ao Ruiyi almost died of anger!
But in the face of such an angry Ao Ruiyi, all the officials in the palace were trembling and fearful, and almost fell to their knees in fright.

"Husband, you must find our daughter back!" Beside Ao Ruiyi, his princess concubine was praying with tears in her eyes.

"Your Highness, the most important thing now is to find the little princess. You are going to be furious here, but it won't help!" Prime Minister Gui comforted.

Reassured by his wife and important ministers, Ao Ruiyi finally calmed down his anger, and asked the subordinate ministers, "It's been a day, have you found any clues?"

Niaoyujing stood up and reported: "His Royal Highness, I have searched all the places where the little princess may go within a radius of ten thousand li, but I have not been able to find any clues."

"Hmph!" Ao Ruiyi deliberately cursed a few words, but he also knew that his group of courtiers had tried their best.

Even if I get angry, I can't get angry on them.In that case, once the father leaves the customs, I am afraid that these people should sue him in front of the father.At that time, he may not be able to keep his position as the crown prince of the East China Sea.

"Then where could that girl go? Could it be possible that someone would dare to kidnap the princess of my East China Sea Dragon Clan?"

"It's not impossible." Prime Minister Turtle said.

Ao Ruiyi glanced at Prime Minister Gui and said, "Prime Minister, what do you mean by that?"

Prime Minister Gui said: "The old minister has already interrogated all the aquatic tribes who came into contact with the little princess yesterday, and found a clue from it."

"Prime Minister, what is the clue, tell me quickly." Ao Ruiyi said impatiently.

Prime Minister Gui stroked his beard and said: "Yesterday, many guards saw that the little princess took her confidant——Xia Lang, towards the place where the imperial guests stayed. After that, no one saw him again. The little princess. The old minister thinks that this may be a clue."

"Where is that shrimp now?"

"He's missing too."

"Then check it out quickly, and find out the whereabouts of this Xilang for me."

Clam Jing said in embarrassment: "His Royal Highness, we have checked yesterday, and no one has seen Xia Lang. He disappeared with the little princess."

By now, it's obvious.

The little dragon girl disappeared near the palace where the emperor stayed, and the entire Crystal Palace was almost completely searched yesterday.Except for the residences of Ao Ruiyi and the Crown Princess, and the retreat place of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, only the palace remained unsearched.

As for the residence of Ao Ruiyi and his wife, they had already found it by themselves yesterday.

In this way, the only clue left is the residence of those people in the dynasty.

But Xiaolongnu will soon be their imperial concubine.

These people have no reason or motive to kidnap the little dragon girl!
Swish!Qi Shushu's eyes all looked at Ao Ruiyi, and everyone was waiting for him to make a decision.

The decision to marry the imperial dynasty was made by him.

Similarly, the Dragon King of the East China Sea also handed over the power of the East China Sea to him before retreating.In this way, how to deal with this matter can only be decided by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!

check?Still don't check?

For a while, Ao Ruiyi was constantly fighting.

On the one hand, as a father, he must be responsible for the safety of his favorite daughter. As long as there is a little news about his daughter, he should be responsible to the end and hold on to it; on the other hand, as a ruler, he knows very well , What does it mean if you search the place where people from the dynasty live.

It means that this ally may not be useful even if this marriage is formed!
The dream of the dragon people who have longed to land on land for countless years will be shattered.

How to choose?Ao Ruiyi hesitated.Do you want family affection or dominance?

It's a very tough choice, and a hard choice to make.No matter who it is, based on Ao Ruiyi's current position, he may not be able to make the right choice!

"Husband." The Seventh Crown Princess standing beside Ao Ruiyi prayed with tears in her eyes.

This call became the last straw that broke the camel's back.

"General Huo obeys orders." Ao Ruiyi finally made a decision and began to issue orders.

"The minister is here." The fire crab came out in response.

"Bring some soldiers and horses, and search the people of the Dynasty, but don't go too far." Ao Ruiyi still didn't want to offend the ally of the Dynasty too much, and specially warned.

"Yes!" The fire crab agreed.


After almost a stick of incense, a group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals, led by the fire crab, rushed into the palace where the scholar Fengyun of the Dynasty stayed.Afterwards, regardless of the livid faces of the two academicians, Feng Yun, they began to conduct the most thorough search of the entire palace.

"I found it! I found it!" After a cup of tea, the fire crab made a discovery.

Behind a coral reef, they found the body of Xialang, the shrimp soldier who disappeared yesterday.

In this way, there was only one point of doubt in the people of the dynasty, but it rose to three points!

After the fire crab left with Xialang's body, the palace was surrounded.

As for the members of the dynasty who suffered such an inexplicable disaster, they naturally gritted their teeth with hatred in the face of such a shameful humiliation.

When Ao Ruiyi got the news, Ao Ruiyi knew that there was no other way to go. On the one hand, he dispatched soldiers and mobilized almost five masters who were equivalent to human gods to guard outside the imperial palace. On the other hand, through the corpse of Xia Lang, let Prime Minister Gui do divination to find the whereabouts of his daughter!

At this moment, if he suppresses this matter, he will definitely be disappointed, and even affect his dignity among the aquarium.Therefore, he could only choose to offend the Dynasty, an ally he had so hard to get!

(End of this chapter)

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