The villain of Xianwu world

Chapter 1070 The sword is on the verge of breaking out, the 5-line stick demon

Chapter 1070 The sword is on the verge of breaking out, the five-element stick demon (one hundred monthly tickets added last month!)

At some point, people were already gathered around the two of them.

Those who should come, those who should not come, have come!

Qin Feixing from the Qin family, Yang Muxuan from the Yang family, Zhao Ming from Jietian Dao, Lu Yan from Cangsheng Dao, Qisha Langjun from Tianmo Dao, Gu Changchun from Wanbing Valley, Gongshan Yusha from the Great Brightness Sect, and Tang from Shenwu Dao. Min, Xuanyou from Lingyin Ghost Mansion, and Xuanfeng Fairy master and apprentice from Xuanbing Palace are all here!

For a while, all the people who stayed in Tongtian World to seize the last treasure and the inheritance of Tongtian Sword God basically arrived.

Those who come are not good, and those who are kind do not come!Gu Xiao and Jian Ling'er looked at each other, and these words appeared in their eyes.

"What happened here just now?" Gongshan Yusha was the first to speak.

Gongshan Yusha was born in the Great Light Sect, one of the Eight Great Demonic Ways. Although this sect has a bright name, it is actually not a good place.At least, among those people inside, there is absolutely no way to find even a good person, they basically belong to the kind of butchers and villains with blood on their hands!
Gu Xiao looked at Gongshan Yusha and said, "It's nothing!"

"Nothing?" A sneer sounded, this time it was Yang Muxuan who spoke.

Yang Muxuan looked at Gu Xiao and Jian Ling'er with burning eyes, and said: "The shock that happened here just now has affected the entire Tongtian World. How dare you say nothing happened? I think you must have obtained the Tongtian Sword God." Inheritance, but want to hide it, swallow it for yourself!"

Inheritance of the Heavenly Sword God?
Hearing Yang Muxuan's words, everyone put their eyes on Gu Xiao and Jian Ling'er, their eyes were so hot that they almost opened dozens of holes in their bodies.Rao Jian Ling'er was notoriously cold, but at this moment she couldn't help trembling her delicate body, feeling uncomfortable all over.

Gu Xiao looked at Yang Muxuan and said, "You said that I got the inheritance of the Sword God of Tongtian, is there any evidence?"


This has always been a ridiculous thing in the cultivation world.

Everyone is a character who kills people all day long with white knives in and red knives out. Isn't that a joke if there is no evidence?
In the eyes of the vast majority of people, it is ridiculous to expect people in the cultivation world to reason and give evidence.At least, in most cases, these people who appear here now prefer to speak with their weapons and fists.Gu Xiao now wants Yang Muxuan to present evidence, which makes these people look at each other in disbelief!

Yang Muxuan was speechless for a while, unable to say anything.

We are all on the same level. If you attack without any evidence, you are provoking it!
At this time, Gong Yangming took over the conversation and said, "Little devil, we really can't produce any evidence to prove that you and Miss Jian have received the inheritance of the Heavenly Sword God. But if you are brave enough, you can dare to send out a poisonous one." I swear, to prove that you have not received the inheritance of the Heavenly Sword God! How about it?"

Gong Yangming and Gu Xiao have a feud against their wives!

In the past, due to Gu Xiao's unfathomable cultivation, although he was full of hatred, he could only hold back.

Force yourself to forget who Chi Yanghua is!

But now, he finally caught Gu Xiao in trouble, if he didn't step on him, he would be kicked by a donkey!

How dare Gu Xiao swear.

He did get something, and if you swear, it's no joke.

At his level, Dao Xin has long been able to comprehend Dao Zetian's will, and once he swears, it will be engraved by Dao Ze.At that time, it will definitely come true.With his current strength, he still can't fight against God's will.

"That's right, we did get some things left by the Heavenly Sword God, but so what?" Jian Ling'er shouted.

Tang Min laughed loudly and said, "Just admit it!"

"The inheritance of Tongtian Sword God belongs to everyone, not only to you, but I hope you can hand it over." Xuanyou, who turned into a black shadow, said gloomyly.

"That depends on whether you have the ability!" Jian Ling'er scolded.

Swish!After finishing speaking, Gu Xiao and Jian Ling'er walked outside side by side.

If you want to pass it on, you have to beat them!That's what they're saying now.

"Wait, I have heard for a long time that the heirs of the Hentian Demon Palace are my No.1 in the way of magic. But I have never believed it. Since I met today by fate, I hope that the little devil can teach me a thing or two." Gu Xiao and Jian Ling'er just now After walking a few steps, a figure stood in front of them.

Tang Min!

The first one to stand up was Tang Min from Shenwu Dao!

Shenwu Dao is the most warlike sect among the Eight Demonic Dao, and the disciples in the sect are even more war-loving!

Tang Min is an outlier among the gods of martial arts!
He has a nickname called Five Elements Stick Demon!
It was an ordinary person who was killed by the enemy's family, and was used by the enemy's family to test the way when he encountered a secret realm. Unexpectedly, he fell into the secret path to find the inheritance of the five elements and five absolutes, and then found the enemy's family to destroy his family.Because of the deep involvement, there are many descendants of all kinds of sects, and they were hunted down because of the inheritance of the divine monk.

"Then come on!" Gu Xiao glanced at Tang Min and sneered.

Others would be afraid of Tang Min, but Gu Xiao was not.

Five elements?This is what Gu Xiao has been playing with for a long time!

Swish!Hearing the conversation between these two people, all the other people around consciously gave way to them.If these people wanted to fight, they would naturally do it one-on-one. If they swarmed up and dealt with one person, it would be embarrassing to spread the word, and the sect would lose face!
Everyone consciously chose to fight alone!
 Last month, one hundred monthly tickets plus more will be given away!Blood Moon keeps her word and will never break her word!

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(End of this chapter)

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