The villain of Xianwu world

Chapter 1068 Golden Shrine, Heavenly Sword God

Chapter 1068 Golden Shrine, Heavenly Sword God
On the barren land, the huge open space burst into a deep atmosphere in an instant, as if some mysterious world had been opened.Soaring up from the ground, he came under Gu Xiao and Jian Ling'er in an instant, and took their bodies away out of thin air.

The boundless golden light swept across the nine heavens, shattering the restrictive formations imposed here by people with ulterior motives.

Then, after touching the barrier of the Tongtian World, through the transformation of the Tongtian Restriction, it turned into a sky-reaching brilliance and descended from the sky again, falling into the open space above the earth.

Gu Xiao didn't know how he woke up, he only knew that an uncontrollable pain forced him to wake up.

Opening his eyes, he saw only a piece of golden light, as if he was in an ocean of boundless light.The exhalation and exhalation are full of brilliance, and an unimaginably powerful force penetrates from their pores and acupoints, refining their bodies that are already strong to the limit.

Could this be the good fortune left by the Tongtian Sword God?Gu Xiao met Jian Ling'er's sword eyes, and this thought flashed across his eyes.

Amidst the powerful pain, Gu Xiao felt an indescribable transformation in his Wugou Demon Body.Just like Jian Ling'er's innate sword body, it breaks away from the restriction of acquired nature and resonates with the ubiquitous innate nature in the void.

The moment Gu Xiao and Jian Ling'er woke up, the influx of golden light increased tenfold, and then a sharp pain beyond their tolerance spread to their primordial spirits.

With a bang, their real bodies exploded directly under this powerful force, like a mass of vitality collapsing.

The mask on Gu Xiao's face floated in the sea of ​​golden brilliance, gradually undergoing an inexplicable mysterious change.It's like shedding impurities and becoming a real magic weapon.

Without the physical body, Gu Xiao and Jian Ling'er's primordial spirits were undisguisedly exposed to the brilliance of the sky, and they were submerged in the blink of an eye, crushed to pieces just like their physical bodies.

A simple and unpretentious avenue gate emerged in the golden ocean of brilliance, and a mysterious force emerged, which was clearly separated from the brilliance of the sky, standing on it.

Just when Gu Xiao and Jian Linger's primordial spirits were crushed, the door of the great way seemed to sense something, and a door opened slightly, and two vast and mysterious forces gushed out from it, entangled like a Tai Chi pattern, and forced it open. Endless brilliance.

The two forces issued a powerful suction force at the same time, attracting the fragments of the primordial spirits of Gu Xiao and Jian Linger, recasting and strengthening their primordial spirits with mysterious power.

As if turning back time, Gu Xiao and Jian Ling'er's primordial spirits recovered inch by inch, and then thrived under the two forces gushing out from the gate of the avenue, and grew more than three times in the blink of an eye!
You must know that there is no shortcut to the growth of the soul, you can only rely on yourself to slowly polish it when you meditate on weekdays to understand the secrets of heaven, and finally condense it into a real holy fetus that can come out of the body and attract the essence of heaven and earth to achieve the sky. territory.

And Gu Xiao and Jian Ling'er's Yuanshen reunited under the two vast forces has at least saved them 20 years of hard work.

Just when the primordial spirit re-condensed and formed, Gu Xiao and Jian Linger woke up again. They clearly felt that the brilliance of the sky was constantly penetrating towards them, as if they wanted to transform their primordial spirits in the same way. Same.

Fortunately, the mask had once again appeared on Gu Xiao's face, blocking his real face.Otherwise, Gu Xiao should consider the matter of killing and silence!
With a thought, the primordial spirits of Gu Xiao and Jian Ling'er have already discovered the environment they are in now. They are now located in a huge golden palace, and each piece of gold carries an indescribable strangeness. Magic power, and in front of them, there is an unpretentious gate of the avenue. They instinctively walked towards the gate of the avenue, wanting to rely on the gate of the avenue to resist the almost endless brilliance of the sky.

And under such circumstances, two extremely familiar vast forces in the primordial spirit once again raised their primordial spirits, and seemed to want to help them gather their primordial spirits in one step.

At this time, Gu Xiao and Jian Ling'er had time to imagine what was going on.

On the open ground, their arrival triggered a change in the Tongtian World, which eventually caused the open space to shine brightly, summoning the Tongtian radiance that swept across the nine heavens and ten places, and led them to this place.

And when their primordial spirit returned to the sea of ​​consciousness, the last thing they saw was a god wearing a strange golden armor and a golden mask on his face.

With a wave of his hand, the gods attracted the endless brilliance of the world, submerged their consciousness, and opened a mysterious inheritance.

In the sea of ​​golden brilliance, the gate of the avenue in front of them gradually began to shake like a candle in the wind.

The mysterious and vast atmosphere began to disappear layer by layer.A portal opened, and bursts of Sanskrit sounds, as well as tiny golden lotus seeds, were revealed from inside as if it was about to lift the seal.

Following that, several golden "Breaching Scriptures" suddenly appeared in their reunited bodies.

The "Tongtian scriptures" in the innate divine body awakened Gu Xiao and Jian Ling'er from contemplation, and in an instant, their consciousness had returned to the golden sea of ​​the outside world.

The endless sky-reaching radiance shrouded them, making their vision hazy and unable to see everything in front of them clearly, but the "Breaching Heaven Scripture" in the divine body guided them to move to the left.

Somewhere, there seems to be a heavenly arrangement for them to go to this place of inheritance that is about to change their destiny.

I don't know how long they have been advancing in the sea of ​​gold. If it weren't for their almost endless energy, I'm afraid they would not be able to persist.

But no matter how powerful the energy is, there will always be a day when it is exhausted. The more Gu Xiao and Jian Ling'er advance, the slower their steps feel.The road that can be covered in one step needs two or three steps.

I don't know how long they rested and how long they advanced, but Gu Xiao and Jian Ling'er finally saw a huge stone platform.The brilliance of the sky within a radius of one hundred feet cannot be invaded, and it seems to be captured by the mysterious power inside.

On the stone platform is engraved the open space they saw before they came in, and a golden brilliance bloomed from the hexagram image, shining in all directions.

With great effort, Gu Xiao and Jian Ling'er finally climbed up the stone platform, and an idea drove them to this place.

That's it!
This is where the inheritance left by the Tongtian Sword God is located.

Right in front of them, a figure appeared at some point.

The long sword in white clothes exudes a very chic aura.

Before today, both Jian Ling'er and Gu Xiao thought they were swordsmen, but when they saw this person, they both felt ashamed.Because they could all feel that compared with the person in front of them, they were not real swordsmen at all!
If someone wants to know what a real swordsman looks like.

Then this person is the best explanation.

Tongtian Sword God, of course this person is Tongtian Sword God!

An outstanding person who once swept the world and created myths unimaginable by the world. After his death, he can still make all the holy places of cultivation change for him.At the same time, he is also the owner of this place, leaving his legacy here!

The inheritance of the Tongtian Sword God is already beckoning to them!

(End of this chapter)

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