The villain of Xianwu world

Chapter 1039 School examination progress, the power of the devil

Chapter 1039 School examination progress, the power of the devil

A month later, he was still in the Hall of Hentian.

Gu Xiao is a martial idiot, and has always been very interested in cultivation.

In his opinion, nothing is as important as his own practice.Therefore, during this month, he spent almost all his time on practicing. He didn't like alcohol, so he didn't drink at all during this month, and he didn't even touch women.

In the eyes of the Heaven-hating Mojun, he was naturally extremely satisfied.

For many years, while enjoying the prestige of the head of the demonic way, the Hateful Demon Palace has inevitably turned into a shackle.

Each generation of heirs must be the first among their peers.

No exception!

If it can't be done, it may be replaced by others at any time.It's because there are too many people who want to become the next generation of the Heaven-hating Demon Lord, and there are even many masters who are peering into the subtlety of the Heaven-hating Demon Art, wanting to see how powerful it is.Not to mention, the Heaven-Hateful Demon Palace is also the head of the Eight Demonic Paths, and becoming the Heaven-Hateful Demon Lord can have everything anyone wants.

Power, status, power, beauty....Everything is nothing to the Hateful Demon Palace.

As early as when Gu Xiao was involved in the Heavenly Demon Palace by the turbulent flow of space, he had already noticed this young man, and he even found out about his life.Naturally, he knew that the reason why Gu Xiao became like this was based on hatred, hatred for his family and fate.

That's why he chose to make this young man his successor.

But he was also a little worried that this disciple would be indulging in the splendor of the Heavenly Demon Palace and lose his true heart.

Fortunately, he did not disappoint him!

In just one month, Gu Xiao had once again refined Jade God and Holy God, allowing his Zijin Primordial Spirit to grow again, stabilizing his cultivation in the realm of refining gods.Seeing his disciple's progress, Lord Hateful Demon brought him over.

"Hmph, let me take a look at your progress!"

Lord Hateful Demon stood up from the throne, his face as stern as ever.The whole body is full of vitality, obviously waiting for Gu Xiao to come over.

"In that case, please enlighten me, Master!"

"Let me try to see if you can become a teacher now!"

In the martial arts, being a teacher is a necessary form.Only after leaving the teacher can we start accepting disciples.Although Gu Xiao was not very keen on accepting apprentices, Lord Hateful Demon thought it was time to carry out this ceremony.

The form of an alchemist is to refine a magic weapon that satisfies his master.

And for a demon monk like Lord Hateful Demon, the way to become a teacher is to survive his attack.

Gu Xiao could only feel that the master in front of him was constantly rising from his body, merging with the vitality of the outside world, turning into a sky-reaching sword, and the invisible swords covered his body layer by layer, making him His body gradually became heavy.

"Crack" sound!
The floor under his feet shattered suddenly, but Gu Xiao's expression remained unchanged, as if he didn't care at all about the majestic pressure of the almost limitless majestic sword that the Hateful Demon Lord continued to ascend.

"Hey, boy!"

In the end, it was the Heaven-hating Demon Lord who showed his face and smiled, and the boosted energy suddenly stagnated, and then rushed towards Gu Xiao from all directions like a mountain torrent.

This kind of method of overwhelming people can only be effective for people of high realm against monks of low realm.

"Master, you are so authentic. You have been cultivated for more than a hundred years, and you have only been a disciple for more than [-] years. How can you fight head-on with you?"

Gu Xiao smiled, his body abruptly turned into two identical people, and then two into four, four into eight... In the blink of an eye, the entire hall was filled with his figure, roughly counting, no less than a thousand indivual!

"Under the guidance of the master that day, the apprentice comprehended the Heaven-hate Demon Art, let's use this as the beginning of today!"

Hearing this sentence, the Hateful Demon Lord couldn't help but fell silent, and then his sleeves danced wildly, and the rain of swords scattered all over the sky, drowning more than a thousand illusory figures.Facing the attack of this kind of map cannon, Gu Xiao's real body was soon revealed.

A bright sword light suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, it was the sword energy condensed to the extreme.It's just that the sword energy is like silk, turning the emptiness into reality, and the sharp point cuts the vitality around it, and emits a violent sonic boom.

"What a move to refine a sword into silk!"

Facing the divine and clear sword skill of Lord Hateful Demon Lord, Gu Xiao was amazed, and then the acupoints all over his body shone with starlight, and a hazy and illusory pitch-black magic clothes had covered his whole body.

"Body protection devil energy, you have managed to cultivate this supernatural power!"

The bright sword thread slashed at Gu Xiao's chest, blocked by the thin and hazy devil energy, unable to penetrate an inch.Then another pure blue knife light flashed, and the sword thread had been cut off seven inches by Gu Xiao.

"Taiyi Heavenly Sword!"

With a flash of divine light in the eyes of the Hateful Demon Lord, he opened his mouth and spit out a burst of green energy, which turned into a giant sword that reached to the sky, and slashed towards Gu Xiaotianling.

"Body-protecting devil energy" is known as the first defensive supernatural power of the Heaven-hating Demon Palace, and it has no flaws, and it can only be cut through with a more powerful force.Therefore, after the Hateful Demon Lord recognized it, he did not hesitate to mobilize the more lethal Heavenly Saber Air Soldiers, and slashed straight ahead.

"Master, please be careful of your ears and eyes!"

Gu Xiao said with a light smile, and there were layers of water waves all over his body, as if a boundless sea was in his body, and thousands of currents in the world were almost under his control.

A faint and deep arc of light flashed, and then, like a chain reaction, Gu Xiao's whole body lit up with thunder like flowing water.

Thunder and lightning were like swords, criss-crossing Gu Xiao's head, forming a net of lightning, which happened to stop the giant sword that was coming straight to the sky.

Five thunders turned into death!

Cultivation has reached the point where it is now, and it is already a method that can master all methods.Gu Xiao's current cultivation base can be called invincible among the younger generation, so the ability of turning five thunders into death is also easy to use, and he can use it at will, showing great power, blocking the sky-hating demon king's grandson. Yi Tian Dao!

clang!The five thunders turned into a thunder net that caught the Taiyi Heavenly Saber of the Demon Lord Hateful, and made a crisp sound.

It's obviously gathering energy to form an army, but it seems like real weapons are fighting!

tread!tread!tread! ...Two moves, Lord Hateful Demon Lord only made two moves, both of which were caught by Gu Xiao, but he was still shocked and moved back more than a dozen steps.Although he was not injured, his strength was unstable for a while.

In terms of real skills, the master and apprentice are quite different after all.

If Lord Hateful Demon made a third move, then Gu Xiao couldn't guarantee whether he would be able to take it!

"My boy, is your kungfu improving so fast?" Fortunately, the Hateful Demon Lord did not make a third move, but praised him.

"Thank you for your compliment, Master." Gu Xiao said.

"Boy, I have something to tell you as a teacher!"

(End of this chapter)

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