The villain of Xianwu world

Chapter 1007 Fengqing City Falls, Gu Xiao Moves Out

Chapter 1007 Fengqing City Falls, Gu Xiao Moves Out

An hour later, Gu Xiao returned to his territory with his own people.

After the battle between Qisha Langjun and Zhao Ming, even the most cheeky person could no longer stay with Qin Feixing with the cheekiness.

However, after three rounds of fighting, almost one-third of Qin Feixing's barracks was demolished, and if he fought a few more times, would Qin Feixing prepare urns for all his subordinates?

Therefore, after helping Mr. Qisha and Zhao Ming to deal with the wounds briefly, everyone was very smart to forget about the competition. After helping Qin Feixing clean up, everyone was very wise to tell Qin Feixing Farewell, no one has the face to stay there anymore.

Gu Xiao naturally brought his own people back to his territory.

After returning to his big tent, Gu Xiao kicked out all the maids, wanting to be alone!
Fairy Yufeng, Ouyang Xuanda, Long Xingyu...Unexpectedly, we met again.

Moreover, when we met again, you didn't recognize me!
For a while, Gu Xiao really had a feeling that things are right and people are wrong.

To be honest, he himself feels that he has changed a lot during this period.

In the past, although he was cold and feminine, he was always able to maintain a restrained stage.

At least, he would definitely not be able to find a woman to warm his bed frequently.

But now he doesn't have any psychological burden to do this kind of thing.

Vaguely, Gu Xiao could even feel that the evil thoughts in his primordial spirit were constantly condensing.

After creating the Immortal Changchun Kungfu and the Demonic Sword Way, he himself has entered the Demonic Way. Now that he has practiced the Heaven-Hateful Demonic Kungfu, the demonic nature in his primordial spirit is also constantly increasing.Even, Gu Xiao could feel that he was almost unable to control the demonic nature in his body!

Every moment in my heart, it seems that someone is saying to me, let go and kill, and use blood to pay homage to my demon nature!
The magic power and his own magic nature continued to interact, making it even more difficult for him to control himself.Gu Xiao was a little unfamiliar with this taste, and it was even more difficult to accept.Weep for the kindness I once had!
It seems that in the next reincarnation, my demon nature should completely explode!Gu Xiao said silently in his heart.

After fading his identity as Yun Tianxiao with the method of fading the gods, his primordial spirit was unprecedentedly weak. After returning to his real body, he used the two identities of Yun Tianxiao and Dugu Qiubai to accumulate a huge amount of merit. Luck has already restored Yuanshen, but the lost things are not so simple to completely repair.

As a result, he has fallen deeper and deeper into the magic path.

However, Gu Xiao did not resist this change.

With the emergence of the dynasty, the entire Star Continent has fallen into chaos.

But in troubled times, the so-called benevolence, righteousness and morality are of no use at all, and can only be described as worthless.Since ancient times, in troubled times, those who can have the last laugh have always been those characters who are arrogant and treacherous!

Unparalleled heroes like Xiang Yu, their fate has always been very miserable!

What's more, as the young master of the Heaven-hating Demon Palace, if he is not ruthless enough, he will not be able to suppress the people under him at all.

Thinking of this, traces of murderous aura and killing intent began to gather in Gu Xiao's eyes.

The devilish energy on his body has already condensed by three points.The way of magic is the way of humanity, and only those who are more ruthless and ruthless can gain a foothold in this way of magic and achieve a vigorous career!

"Come here." Gu Xiao ordered.

"Young master, what are your orders?" A low-ranking general in armor walked in.

"Go, check for me the recent developments of the royal army!"

"Yes, my lord."

"My young master, the imperial army had already captured Fengqing City an hour ago, but after capturing Fengqing City, the imperial army was also seriously injured, and it is currently being repaired. It seems that it is impossible to launch an attack against the public for a while. For the next attack of the Yang family, it is estimated that the Gongyang family can persist for a while." Not long after, the latest news was sent to Gu Xiao.

"Okay!" Gu Xiao stood up from his chair, began to issue orders, and shouted, "If the order is passed, the army will immediately break out of camp and head towards Fengqing City at full speed. After staying here for so long, it's time for us to do some activities. It's time."

"Yes, young master." The answer to Gu Xiao was an unusually loud answer.

Military orders are like mountains and cannot be doubted.

Although Gu Xiao is no longer a soldier, he still retains his old military style in his actions.With one order, the elite among the elite gathered from the affiliated forces of the Heaven-hating Demon Palace immediately began to act, developing in a uniform manner.

The endless bloody aura condensed above the army into a huge blood wolf!
It seems to indicate that the dispatch of this army will bring countless killings and blood to this northern state.

"Young master, aren't we going to sit on the sidelines? Why are we suddenly going to trouble those people like Lord Shenjian?" Not long after the army started, an elder from the Heaven-hating Demon Palace came to Gu Xiao's side, puzzled asked.

This is not in line with their plans!
Gu Xiao said concisely: "Everyone is not a fool."

Almost everyone is waiting for someone else to strike first, to join forces with the Gongyang family and the imperial army to kill both sides.Naturally, if this continues, the result will be that no one will take action until the Gongyang family is wiped out by the army of the Lord of Swords.

So, someone has to stand up and be the first.

What's more, Gu Xiao really wanted to kill someone!

This time, I just happened to kill a few more people to vent the evil accumulated in my body!

Fengqing City.

In the past, it was green and green all the year round, as if Fengqing City, which was in midsummer all year round, has now turned into a sea of ​​corpses and blood.After the army of the Gongyang family was defeated by the army of the imperial dynasty, what awaited the remnants of the Gongyang family would be annihilation!
Countless soldiers and horses of the imperial dynasty rushed into various important places in the city, looting almost everything inside.

Even many rich and powerful families living in this city were looted.

Regarding this, the princes, bachelors, and generals of the dynasty turned a blind eye.

The army has been fighting for a long time, and the soldiers are almost unable to hold on. If they are not allowed to vent, there will be a big mess.Therefore, as long as the soldiers below don't openly massacre, massacre the city or something, they don't care.

(End of this chapter)

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