Chapter 71

Chapter 71: The Demon God himself also has to shed his skin

Karma is the most obscure and difficult thing to cultivate among the three thousand ways.

Among them, the degree of danger and terror is enough to be ranked in the top ten of the Three Thousand Avenues.

Although he is not a major in cause and effect, but because he passed it down to the old man Tianji, Emperor Liu Shi is very proficient in divination and divination.

It just so happens that the path of divination is the derivative of the path of cause and effect.

If the way of cause and effect is the trunk of a tree, then divination and divination is a malnourished miscellaneous branch on the side of the trunk.

But even if it is a miscellaneous branch, it has a little relationship with the Dao of Karma.

The higher the level of cultivation, the more Liu Shi knew that karmic contamination was extremely dangerous.

Especially the divination and fortune-telling of Xiaodao, if you encounter something related to the real secret, the backlash of karma alone is beyond your ability to bear.

A cultivator keeps getting stronger, and every opportunity and every adventure is secretly arranged.The technique of divination is used by the strong, and the risk factor is extremely high.

Before, he was doing fortune-telling for Zhuge Wuming, No. 1 on the Dongzhou Qianlong List, but the other party was just a little monk in the Qi Sea Realm.

But because of the terrifying and mysterious word 'destiny', Liu Shi still paid a huge price.

But that price was within the range he could bear.

Unexpectedly, now in front of a girl whose ancestors did not pass through the Tribulation Realm, the backlash of karma has reached the point where Liu Shi can't bear it.

The fortune teller counted himself dead, and I, Liu Shi, have shamed the master.

He sighed suddenly in his heart, knowing that Xiao Xinxin's Dao Xin almost collapsed because the mysterious senior who lived here in seclusion didn't give him a good face, he became a hundred thousand times more careful.

That was a terrifying figure handed down from the immortal world by his master. If he was brought into the divination, he would definitely die.

Among all Liu Shi's divination objects, any shadow of that mysterious senior was directly erased.

Change your thinking and solve it differently.

Since I can't predict why that senior hates Xiao Sihai's descendant, then I can count what she has done in her short life, and I can always find some clues from it.

The Son of Destiny is Zhuge Wuming.

I, Liu Shi, don't believe that the cause and effect of her life can be greater than Zhuge Wuming after removing that mysterious senior?

The big deal is the same as the word "destiny" at that time, and the old man spent three more bowls of blood, which is equivalent to about a hundred years of life, and it's not something I can't afford to lose.

It's totally worth it if I can do something for Xiao Sihai who has fallen, to eliminate the little bit of guilt in my heart, and to make my Taoist heart more pure before ascension.

Carefully and exhaustively making a decision, Liu Shi activated the divination technique, and Xiao Xinshen's short life of more than 20 years flashed before his eyes like a shooting star.

Everything is ordinary, even if there are some adventures, or where she is talented in business, it is just a trivial matter.

Until a few months ago.

The Dajiang Dragon Palace was destroyed, and the Four Seas Trading Company effortlessly harvested countless three-star monsters.

Before the remnants of the Old Man's Formation Eye of Tianji were completely born, an unknown piece of material that looked like a low-end refining yin and evil treasure was sent out.Because of this, Xiao Xinshen obtained several bottles of priceless True Dragon Origin.

She also participated in the trial of the relic chess game, and with the No.3 result, she got more real dragon coins.

Make big!
The Demon Realm really made a lot of money!
"Girl, you are so capable of causing trouble. Even if you are reincarnated hundreds of millions of times and die without a burial place, you will never be able to pay off the sins you have suffered this time."

Shi Ran's voice had a lifeless hollowness, not because Liu Shi wanted this, but because he could only make such a voice when the oil was running out and the lamp was dying.

"You know, you made a deal with the devil."

"Do you know that the catastrophe of the mortal beings has been multiplied by thousands of times because of the few bottles of Polong Yuan you earned."

"You must not know that there is a 90.00% possibility of the future of the entire mortal world, because of your greed, it will turn into a dead place where all races are wiped out."

"No wonder Senior Song doesn't want to see you, you have committed a great crime..."



The earth-shattering sword light exploded like a comet impact. Just one sword seemed to be able to cut through countless ties and obstacles, and even the air molecules were broken into two pieces.

The strength of the sword light has reached an indescribable level.

On the edge of the remote town of Dian, the real Kuzhu, who has already stepped into the Mahayana realm, just glanced at the sword light from a distance, and felt the pain of being stabbed, and immediately a few traces of blood appeared on his mouth.

If I had been closer to this sword, I would probably have just made contact with the sword's intention and it would have turned into two cold pieces.

Even if it is a strong man who is above the Mahayana realm, it is difficult to compete with this sword light.

The No. 1 Sword Cultivator in Dongzhou, the No. [-] Sword Crazy Mo Cheng in the Mahayana Realm, is so powerful!

Two gasping voices sounded, and the two Long Xingyan monsters who were about to turn into their bodies stopped all their movements after gathering all their strength.

Especially Wu Zhan, a big monster with half blood of Xuanwu, an ancient divine beast, shrunk his bald head unconsciously.

In fact, Wu Zhan's body is a five-star black snapping turtle.

Awakening a bit of the basalt blood of the divine beast, the defense is the strongest means of martial arts, and it can be called the top of the five-star monsters.

Even those six-star emperor-level demons are hard to break through the tortoise shell that has been turned into the body by martial arts.

In many battles, the martial arts is to directly hit the enemy with the main body, smashing the opponent to death with the shocking defensive power.

But under Mo Cheng's sword, he even developed a tortoise shell of his own invincible defense, feeling as fragile and desperate as paper.

If I confronted Mo Cheng, my emperor's defense would be useless under his sword, and I would die tragically on the spot.

The human race is indeed the favorite of heaven.

Fortunately, such a monstrous swordsman is not our enemy.

Looking at each other with Long Xingyan, the two monsters saw something called tacit understanding in each other's eyes.

The moment he found the devil, the other party also found himself and others.

Immortals and demons are at odds.

The two demons immediately brewed their strength, determined to reveal the peak body of the five-star demon emperor, and used their natal bloodlines to slay demons and defend the way, but the speed of their actions was half a beat slower than that of Mo Cheng.

It was also during this half a beat that the world-shattering sword light flickered, and the two monsters gave up their plan to make a move at the same time.

Just kidding, the strength is not in the same order at all. Mo Cheng's sword is already countless times stronger than us, and it is easy to kill me in an instant.

In this case, we shot together with him, which is completely the difference between a slingshot and a bomb.

It's a trivial matter to be ashamed, and to be accidentally injured by the light of someone's sword, that is the real gain outweighs the loss.

Furthermore, if such a horrific and peerless sword light cannot defeat the devil, we are all food deliverers.

Of course, this sword, not to mention the devil, even if the devil himself came, I'm afraid he would have to lose his skin...

(End of this chapter)

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