I became a peerless master

Chapter 287 The matter is clear at a glance

Chapter 287

Chapter 287: It's clear at a glance

Generally speaking, ordinary people scolding the sky is nothing at all.

But the realm of the saint who proves the Tao is not the same.

Such an existence already fits the essence of Dao to a certain extent, and every word and deed can make the proven Dao react.

Because of the sudden appearance of the world-destroying true demon, the Holy King of Styx made a speechless complaint, which suddenly attracted Da Dao's attention, and his whole person instantly became sluggish.

I am so~
Blood oozed from the corner of his mouth like a clear spring, and the old drunkard complained even more, but he no longer dared to have any disrespectful thoughts towards Tiandao.

Of course, this kind of injury caused by the way of heaven has happened more than once to the drunkard who likes to talk about it.

Although the battle made by the magic dragon was terrifying, he was full of expectations in his heart.

"It just so happens that this old man has been looking for you for so many days, but he hasn't found a trace."

"Now that the devil has jumped on your head, I don't believe you can still hide."

"However, there is a gap in the way, and the devil occupies the will of heaven, even if it is a saint, it is quite difficult."

"Anyway, the old man can't solve him. I can slip away in such a crisis at best..."


The demonic energy was raging in the sky, and the grocery store on Qingshiban Street was also full of awe and sadness.

However, this desolate atmosphere has nothing to do with what happened outside, it is completely a young man's remembrance of his relatives.

Fairy Yingyue has fallen.

When Song Ye first heard the news, he was extremely shocked and even slightly sad.

That was the only one Song Ye had ever seen, the only immortal cultivator who loved the melody of the guqin so much, that she even gave out her entire net worth, including two celestial crystals, in order to buy a Yaoqin with extremely accurate melodies.

Immortal crystals, as mortals call them, are the hard currency spiritual stones among immortal cultivators.

Even the disciple of Negen Zhengmiaohong, the first Daze sect of the behemoth fairy family, regards that thing as a treasure, and it is a priceless treasure in the secular world.

Having seen the "false spirit stone" given by Sanxiu Guangchengzi, Song Ye understood that the true spirit stone, which is as pure as snow and contains auspicious clouds, is so precious that ordinary people can feel the breath of fairy spirits.

He was even sure that the thousands of "false spirit stones" given by Sanxiu Guangchengzi were not worth a real spirit stone fairy crystal.

But by chance, that simple and extremely ordinary female fairy used two spirit stones in the grocery store to buy my young master the most common handmade Yaoqin in the world.

At the time of parting, I would like to thank you a thousand times, as if I had obtained the most precious treasure in the world.

Fairy Yingyue, who looks ordinary, is Song Ye's first immortal cultivator to earn spiritual stones. Her love for the melody of the guqin makes Song Ye appreciate it very much.

Hearing the news of her demise suddenly at this moment, how could it not make people sigh.

Mixed with emotional sadness and remembrance, Song Ye knew that this news must not be fake.

Because Mr. Chen went out to ward off demons and guard the way, the young man who was sent back by Guang Chengzi, a casual cultivator, woke up and saw the bone Yaoqin left by Fairy Yingyue by chance, and he almost died of grief.

Speaking of which, this matter was really accidental. The day before yesterday, Guang Chengzi specially asked this old Chen to "send back". After the young man named Zhuge Wuming moved into the small courtyard, Song Ye thought he would wake up soon, but he never thought about it for a long time. There was no movement.

This guy has been in a deep sleep, as if he had taken a hundred catties of elixir to soothe the nerves and invigorate the brain.

Song Ye, who was worried that he would starve to death, had to boil some sugar water for him and let him sleep until today.

It happened that there was nothing to do at noon today. After breakfast, Song Ye naturally thought of Zhuge Wuming who was still sleeping in his home.

Worried that the poor ventilation in the room he lived in would slow down the guy's waking up, Song Ye simply called Erya for help, moved the guy to the wheelchair, and was going to push the guy to the door of the shop to have some fresh air.

Of course, Song Ye would definitely find it difficult to move Zhuge Wuming's body, which was as strong as an ox. At this time, the magic of Erya's immortal cultivator was revealed.

Maybe it was really because of the lack of ventilation in the room he lived in, or maybe it was because the constant movement woke him up. Song Ye pushed this guy and walked in the grocery store. Before he got close to the door, the boy woke up unexpectedly.

Coincidentally, on the shelf there, there is a bone Yaoqin left by Fairy Yingyue.

The Yaoqin was damaged, the problem was serious, and the timbre was extremely inaccurate.

After Fairy Yingyue left it that day, Song Ye repaired it in a few days with amazing skill.

It was also because of the guilt caused by the profiteering act of exchanging two spirit stones from Fairy Yingyue for an ordinary guqin.

Song Ye had been looking forward to that simple and ordinary female fairy being able to visit her grocery store again.

At that time, I will return this repaired bone Yaoqin to others.

Wan never thought that some people would never come back after saying goodbye.

Only then did he realize that Fairy Yingyue was actually the master of this young man, Zhuge Wuming.

And seeing him crying with grief from the bottom of his heart, Song Ye even had a weird illusion of his dead parents.

It turned out that it was no coincidence.

At that time, the young master was still wondering why a high-ranking cultivator like Fairy Yingyue knew that the young master was proficient in all aspects of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and even came to visit him in admiration.

Her explanation was vague, and the men always thought that she was the only immortal cultivator who was not related to Zhang Xuemo and other cultivators.

After all, the ascetics who came to the grocery store were all members of Zhang Xuemo's family, either a distant cousin or his grandfather or something.

Only Fairy Yingyue has no connection with this family of ascetics.

The crux of the relationship is here.

Needless to say, how Fairy Yingyue knew that Xiao Ye was proficient in everything from piano, chess, calligraphy and painting must be the news from Mr. Chen and his family.

The mystery that once plagued his heart was revealed, and Song Ye already had a rough guess about the situation of this family.

The ascetics of the Daze sect who get along with me and have different secular hobbies are all people of the elder Kuzhu of the Daze sect.

Because Elder Kuzhu likes the family style of literati and refined scholars, each of them has an obsessive hobby of self-cultivation.

Old Chen must be one of the best, which can be seen from his love-hate entanglement with the head of another Xianjia sect adjacent to Daze Sect.

It was also because of being too good that the old man incurred romantic debts when he was young, which caused a estrangement between the tough female head of his childhood sweetheart, and it was not until the other party was in distress some time ago that he reconciled.

Among them, Zhuge Wuming, who appeared in the world due to unexplainable reasons, was secretly protected by Chen Lao.

Fairy Yingyue is not necessarily Zhuge Wuming's biological mother, but judging from Zhuge Wuming's feelings for her and her relationship with Mr. Chen, it is clear at a glance...

(End of this chapter)

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