Chapter 278
Chapter 278: Da Ting Lei Temple is also very domineering
"This generation of true demons has indeed become a reality."

With a feeling of rejoicing in his tone, Ye Tian slowly floated up from the pond. In the eerie green pond, the water gradually boiled, slowly rising into the sky like a dragon absorbing water, and merged into his body.

In a few minutes, the pond that had gathered for a long time turned into nothingness, and the youth's phantom figure instantly condensed into substance and became a real existence.

On this battlefield where the two races of the mortal world clash, the ups and downs of a month's experience, for Ye Tian, ​​it is comparable to the end of ancient times, killing the blood of the mortal and mortal worlds into rivers and the collapse of order.

From the joy of being reborn after taking home, to the ecstasy of victory in sight, to the emergence of the "dog sage" conspiracy, I have only a little bit of crumbling soul fire left.

If it wasn't for the fact that the Great War hadn't ended yet, the path of rebirth that he had waited for since ancient times might have come to an end.

Fortunately, when the reborn body collapsed and was completely reduced to ashes, with only a trace of soul flame remaining, Ye Tian seized the opportunity.

It was he who revealed that reinforcements had arrived in the Immortal Realm, and it was he who gave the top-secret information to the magic dragon that the thunder means to end the war.

Of course, whether this information is true or not, Ye Tian himself does not know.

After all, the target of the immortal world is him. Under the plan of the insidious saint in Binhe, he has been destroyed to the point where it is almost impossible to stand up. There will be an army coming down, all because of Ye Tian's nonsense.

In any case, just be able to bluff the dragon.

Contrary to Ye Tian's expectations, he did not expect that the fairy world would actually send a powerful army down to earth, among them there are many fish that slipped through the net like the Giant Spirit Immortal Emperor, who did not die under his sword in ancient times.

I wanted to let the catastrophe of annihilation break out completely, but the false information that I made up turned out to be true.

The magic dragon launched a long-prepared big move, and the army of the fairy world, together with those strong men who ambushed him in Juxuguan, were collected by that guy.

It wasn't until this time that Ye Tian knew how terrifying this world-destroying demon that stirred up the wind and rain in the world was.

Hundreds of millions of monsters in the Ten Thousand Monster Kingdom have long been powered by him, and under the explosion of magic seeds, all of them have been turned into nourishment for their promotion.

Just this wave of miraculous operations, the tragic deaths of tougher creatures reached a terrifying number.

"The devil's killing of sentient beings is no less than this seat's past."

"There are hundreds of millions of monsters, so many strong men who fell in the war, and the strong men from the immortal and mortal realms who were refined by him unexpectedly. I, the one who used my sword to kill the Taoist priests, were not as ruthless and crazy as he was. "

"What's more important is that with such a wave of demonic energy accumulated, he is truly invincible in the mortal world."

"The mountain-like pressure on this seat has been reduced by more than half in an instant."

Feeling a little complacent in his heart, this trick of diverting water to the east was originally Ye Tian's last and hopeless strategy, but he didn't expect the effect to be so good.

The power accumulated by the magic dragon is enough to destroy the entire mortal world.

And the resentment of the living beings who died suddenly became Ye Tian's best nutrient, allowing him to be freed from the crisis where there was only a ray of real fire left in his soul, not only recovering from his injuries, but also improving his strength to a higher level.

Resentment is a kind of power of spiritual belief. It is different from the energy, blood and soul power directly possessed by living beings. This kind of thing cannot be refined by the demons. The only person in the world who can feed on this evil spiritual power is the unique Ye Tian. one person.

Of course, although the power is accumulated and outlined, and the crumbling soul fire is more vigorous, the destruction of the reborn body has shaken his foundation to a great extent.

The road to rebirth has gone through this difficulty, which has already disrupted all his previous plans.

"But it doesn't matter. The power of resentment condensed here has been completely swallowed by this seat. Although my strength is far from the level of the magic dragon at this moment, I can still touch the ceiling of Xiaoxian Peak, the upper limit of the mortal world."

"Without that nasty mother-in-law, I can at least increase my strength several times!"

Unwilling, what Ye Tian is actually looking forward to most is the army of the immortal and mortal realms, who will be completely wiped out by the magic dragon here, so that the evil power he can absorb will be more abundant.

It's just that the method used by Immortal Emperor Wu Dao to transform into a spirit is a bit unexpected.

Now the vast majority of the army of the immortal and mortal realms has been packed and taken away by the magic dragon, and the resentment and other evil forces that Ye Tian can absorb have lost a large part out of thin air.

"The best news is that the magic dragon has gone to trouble the dog saint."

"The depth of the old coin can be found out soon after thinking about it."

"The magic dragon occupying the power of heaven and earth has already far surpassed the highest level in the mortal world. If it doesn't work out, the old coin of Binhe will really suffer."

"It's best for both sides to suffer, and let me pick a leak."

"Now that the magic dragon has been gone for three days, I have to rush to Binhe as soon as possible."

Full of anticipation to leave, Ye Tian couldn't help laughing when he thought of the mysterious saint who plotted against him and the magic dragon.

"The most important thing is that the unprecedented catastrophe of annihilating the world has begun, and where the magic dragon passes, people will inevitably be devastated."

"I followed him, refining the resentment of countless living beings along the way. This is also a very profitable business."

"We'll see how that old coin will deal with it this time..."


"Master Immortal, these are all gadgets made by me, ready to be sold~"

In the small courtyard behind the Binhe grocery store, Song Ye helped Guang Chengzi put the young man he had "specially confessed" on his shoulders on the reclining chair in the courtyard, and seeing the old man staring at the works in his small courtyard, his eyes widened. Straightforward, immediately explain aloud.

That comatose young man named Zhuge Wuming must have been tampered with by Mr. Chen and his cultivators. As for when he woke up, even Guang Chengzi, a casual cultivator, didn't know.

The means of cultivating immortals is naturally beyond Song Ye's ability to speculate.

And Guang Chengzi, a casual cultivator, seemed to have a special liking for these Buddhist objects in the courtyard, and Song Ye could tell from the moment he stepped into the small courtyard.

Isn't this obvious? From the moment the old man entered the courtyard, his eyeballs were almost glued to the clay statue of the angry King Kong.

After Song Ye finished his works some time ago, several clay sculptures were moved into the small courtyard to dry in the shade.

In the past two days, it has reached the point where it is completely dry and can be sold, but because of the particularity and specificity of the goods, they are not placed in the grocery store.

During this period of time, across the Daze River across the river, there was an uproar in the Buddhist sect, and Song Ye naturally knew about it.

He really didn't expect that the crazy monk Tianlong, with his half-level level that was looked down upon by real Buddhist cultivators, would really make such a big battle.

Although the name is not "Tianlong Temple" that I gave it, the name of Da Ting Lei Temple is also very domineering.

As long as you don't use the title of "True Buddha Temple", which will touch the sensitive nerves of real Buddhist cultivation, it is acceptable...

(End of this chapter)

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