Chapter 269
Chapter 269: Too deep into the drama
That's right, I got the news two days ago that the ascetics of Dongzhou moved in reinforcements from the fairy world.

The magic dragon had an epiphany immediately.

This matter is related to the life and death of the mortal world, and it is related to the most core under-the-box method of the Dongzhou human race. How could someone pass this shocking information to him.

The reinforcement of the Immortal Realm is of great importance, and only a very small number of high-level officials in Juxu Pass know about it.

His identity has been fully exposed by the higher-ups of the human race. Even if there is a huge conflict among them, the hatred of killing his father and taking his wife, he will not betray such news to himself.

The real devil is going to destroy the world.

Trading with a real devil is no different from seeking skin with a tiger, no, it's even crazier than seeking skin with a tiger, it's an act that completely destroys the mortal world.

If the world is destroyed successfully, there will be no more creatures in the world. As long as the brain is not flooded, no mortal creature will do this.

Regardless of his huge reputation among the monsters in the Ten Thousand Monster Kingdom, once his identity is exposed, those respectful monsters will fight to the death against the real demon.

The battle between immortals and demons is no joke.

What's more, no one who can become a high-ranking strongman in Juxuguan will be an existence with a brain.

Once the world-destroying true demon comes into the world, he is destined to be the enemy of the entire world.

But the impossible "inside rape" incident really happened.

The magic dragon had an instant epiphany, and he also understood who did this.

Wang Laomo.

Apart from him, there is absolutely no second existence who would risk the complete destruction of the mortal world to pass on the key information that determines the outcome to himself.

It became clear that the magic dragon suddenly felt admiration for that guy.

I thought that this seat was already unparalleled in resourcefulness, but I never thought that Wang Laomo was the existence of an even older coin.

Since then, the true demon who destroyed the world has become "the most good and the most beautiful", and the mystery of the three views subverting the life and death of all people for the peace of the mortal world has also been fully unfolded.

It is false to be transformed by others, but it is true to become a higher-level actor.

I thought that in the Ten Thousand Monster Kingdom, playing a great figure who is determined to fight for the rise of the Ten Thousand Races would be enough to win a lot of applause.

I never thought that Wang Laomo's acting skills are countless times better than mine.

In the Qijue Valley of the Forbidden Land, a bloody battle was fought to the death against the ancient evil god, just so that the mortal beings would not be slaughtered.

In the Wan Yao Kingdom, they tried every means to dismantle this seat, and even did not hesitate to injure Su Ling in order to protect it, just to prevent the catastrophe of the true demon from destroying the world.

He closed Juxu Pass, stood together with the high-level mortals, resisted the attack of the beast tide, and tried every means to help them kill to the base camp of this seat, and fought a hard battle, just to eliminate demons and defend the way.

So fucking real.

This kind of perfect performance that used his life to kick off the scene without any flaws, even me, regarded him as one of the difficult enemies.

The real devil loves the common people...a hammer...

The subverted three views were instantly corrected, the mystery lingering in his heart was completely solved, and the magic dragon instantly had the idea of ​​throwing himself on the ground.

Even though it has been two days since this incident, Molong still feels that Wang Laomo is better than him every time he thinks about it.

At this time, the outcome has been decided, and seeing that young and stubborn figure mixed among many strong men, with sincere compassion on his face, Demon Dragon finally couldn't bear it anymore.

The perfect drama, it's time for the curtain call.

"Wang Laomo, I originally looked down on you, but now I want to apologize to you."

The sincere voice was uttered, and spread instantly in the silent air.

Among the crowd, Wang Aotian was stunned for a moment, and a circle suddenly appeared on his well-meaning face.

Why are you apologizing to me?

Could it be that with the unprecedented accumulation of power and entering a new level, he also had an epiphany?

Let me just say, what the senior said is the most reasonable.

The core purpose of the demon world's destruction is to return the entire world to chaos.

There are only three thousand demon gods in that future, and we are not demon gods, but a small demon clan, and we have a tragic fate of no tomorrow.

Instead of destroying this wonderful world for the selfish desires of the demon gods and their sole purpose of survival.

It's better to protect it and feel the meaning of life seriously.

"I am very happy that you can realize this level."

Blinded for half a second, Wang Aotian's young face showed a deep sense of relief, full of sincerity and pure kindness.

"This seat should have thought of it earlier."

The other party's eyes are full of relief, what else can I say, the fact is like this.

Guessing confirmed, a friendly smile appeared on the face of the magic dragon, and he said with full admiration:
"But it's not too late to realize it now, or in other words, it's just the right time."

Wang Aotian: "Of course..."

The two people on and off the stage talked to each other without any sense of disobedience, and instantly stunned countless strong men who were eager to fight.

Are the two of you playing charades?
What the hell is that.

Could it be that there is something despicable about them that can't make a deal?

A certain scene called a misfire appeared unnaturally, and the strong people only felt that the atmosphere suddenly changed.

"Come on, Old Demon Wang, welcome the arrival of Chaos with me."

"The power I have here is no longer afraid of any existence. Even if the law of heaven comes, it will be difficult to stop the huge trend of destroying the world."

"The vitality and power of these powerful ants in the immortal and mortal realms, I can share half of them with you, so that you can also experience the joyful feeling of abundant power."

The sudden change in the atmosphere didn't last long, and as the eerily handsome middle-aged voice on the high platform fell like a cannonball, Wang Laomo's pleased face froze.

How wrong I was!
He didn't really have an epiphany!

"Demon Dragon, why don't you understand that the true meaning of the chaotic world is that there are only demon gods left, and we and other low-level demon creatures cannot exist in the eyes of demon gods."

"Why do you insist on risking your own life for the selfish thoughts of those so-called gods?"

"The destruction of the world is accompanied by it, and it is also our self-destruction."

The atmosphere got back on track, feeling that the magic dragon's epiphany was different from what he thought, Wang Aotian shouted loudly, and still planned to make a final effort.

After all, if this guy can really wake up from this point, he can avoid a final fight and reduce the loss of many unnecessary souls.

As soon as the voice of supreme kindness came out, the friendly smile on the face of the middle-aged man on the high platform suddenly stopped.

Is this guy too deep into the drama?
Things seem to be completely different from what I guessed.

But besides him, who would be willing to destroy the world and return to chaos?
Who is it!

Doubts rose in his heart, Molong waved his hand lightly, and Wang Aotian, who was originally speaking generously, spurted blood and fell to the ground in an instant.

The black demonic energy all over the sky turned into a giant black arm in an instant as if it was conscious, and rushed towards him.

This seat wants to see if you are really too deep into the drama, or if your mind is flooded...

(End of this chapter)

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