I became a peerless master

Chapter 211 How Broad the Future Is

Chapter 211 How Broad the Future Is
Chapter 211: How Broad the Future Is
The majestic and magnificent Buddhist sound resounds in the Buddhist kingdom of Xizhu.

On the bank of the ancient Ji Ming River bordering Dongzhou, thousands of monks surrounded by Buddha's light gathered here.

The Mulan Buddhist Association is a grand event once every ten thousand years in the Buddhist kingdom of Xizhu.

In this land that is almost completely separated from the mortal world, Buddhism has become a unique existence in the long-term development.

In ancient times, in order to reshape the six realms of reincarnation, all the powerful Buddhist sects in the mortal world moved here to work with the ghosts and monsters in the largest fragment of the underworld.

Those are the evil spirits of all races who have not had time to be reincarnated after the destruction of the ancient hell, and there are also a small number of surviving Hades, which are called the "Sura Ghost Clan" by the world.

Here, led by Buddhism, a force named Underworld under the command of the ancient heaven was established, hoping to rebuild the order of reincarnation in ancient times.

However, the disaster in ancient times came very suddenly, and the underworld was still in the preliminary exploration, and it could only simply start the reincarnation work for mortals, and the ancient order suddenly collapsed.

The underworld disappeared in an instant, the rules of the Great Thousand World changed drastically, and the glorious mortal Kunlun Mountains were turned into a dead place, and a gully formed between this land and the mortal world.

For the Buddhists gathered here, the monstrous opportunity to reshape reincarnation suddenly turned into a huge crisis.

The underworld is collapsing, evil spirits are rampant, Shura is demanding his life, and the inheritance of Buddhism in the mortal world is suddenly on the verge of being ruined.

Fortunately, because of the changes in the avenue, this almost isolated land still retains some of the rules from the ancient times.

Because of this, the strong Buddhist sects in the fairy world can also come to some power for a short time to give support.

After tens of millions of years, Buddhist cultivators finally gained a firm foothold here, and this place was officially renamed Xizhu Buddhist Kingdom.

Afterwards, Tianlongzun Bodhisattva, who has made a lot of achievements in Buddhism in the fairy world, made painstaking research and opened up a channel to connect with Dongzhou in the mortal world.

Once every ten thousand years, Buddhism can introduce a large amount of fresh blood from Dongzhou, and the Mulan Buddhist Association is born from this.

These eminent monks gathered on the bank of the ancient Jiji Styx are all strong men from the major temples in Xizhu Buddhism.

In this sermon, the exchange of experiences was just a pretense. It was more about welcoming the mortal Buddhist practitioners from Dongzhou.

There is a huge difference between Buddhism and other places in the mortal world. Among the dotted temples in Xizhu Buddhism, it is almost impossible to fight if there is a disagreement.

Of course, there are disputes where there are people, and Buddhist practitioners also need resources.

The stronger the temple, the more resources it has for activities, and the easier it is to cultivate a strong Buddhist cultivator and inherit the glory of the temple.

In some weak temples, the gods and Buddhas enshrined in them may not even feel the incense in the end.

This is exactly what the Buddha said about fighting for a stick of incense.

And the fresh blood introduced from Dongzhou is also the key to the competition among various gods and Buddhist temples.

In case one day, an existence that is capable of ascending to achieve fruit status is cultivated, it will be much more able to obtain the resources of the Buddhist kingdom of Xizhu and the Buddhist sects of the fairy world.

The land of Xizhu Buddhist Kingdom was originally the territory of the underworld, and humans rarely set foot on it.

Although some demons, monsters and Shura ghosts also have Buddha nature, how can they compare with the spirits of all races?

The most important point is that Buddhist practice pays attention to resignation. Every time a newcomer arrives, it is up to the Buddhist cultivator to decide which temple to worship and which true Buddha or Arhat Bodhisattva to accept.

The Mulan Buddhist Association is just an opportunity for eminent monks to show off.

If there really exists a supreme Buddhist principle, it only takes one sermon to make countless buddhist newcomers look forward to worship.

For such eminent monks, it is not the disciples who choose them, but they are the ones who choose the disciples.

In the entire Xizhu Buddhist Kingdom, there are only seven monks who have reached this level, and they are all giant ninth-level Zen masters.

Buddha cultivating the Ninth Grade is comparable to the ascetics crossing the realm of tribulation. At this moment, seven Ninth Grade Zen masters are sitting cross-legged on the Dharma platform just now. Open your mouth.

In other words, several people have fallen into a state of fully exerting their magical powers.

In front of them, a Buddha statue the size of a belly is exuding infinite wisdom, as if the real Buddha came to the world.

In the sky above the Buddha statue, under the full cooperation of the seven great Zen masters, the golden Buddha power is gathering into a thick cloud.

A lotus-shaped void in the golden light is slowly condensing out.

The Buddhist sects in the Buddhist Kingdom of Xizhu are different from other places in the mortal world. They have the ability to communicate with the upper world.

Similarly, the dharma parables of the true Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the upper realms can also be conveyed.

Gathering seven great Zen masters to work together, just to use the magical powers inherited from Buddhism to transmit this Buddha statue to the fairy world.

It is said that this is related to the future of Buddhism. This time, the apostles of Buddhism appeared in Dongzhou and gathered in an ordinary place for the first time, just to find it.

The golden light is bright, and the Zen principles and Buddha-nature contained in it alone make many Buddhist countries in the surrounding Xizhu deeply fall into the enlightenment.

After a long time, the old monk who was at the forefront among the seven suddenly opened his eyes and yelled in a tone almost Zen.


The lingering sound lingered, and the huge power slanted down from the lotus flower in the sky, just like the real Buddha in the upper realm stretched out his hand, the charm of the avenue and the truth on the Buddha statue became more and more abundant, and the mysterious and mysterious artistic conception suddenly emerged.

The artistic conception is mysterious and full of joy, just like the burst of laughter from the Buddha statue, filling the whole world.

The other six great Zen masters opened their eyes almost at the same time, showing the same shock and astonishment as the previous old monks.

Transmission failed!

How is it possible, gathering the power of the seven most powerful people in the Buddhist kingdom of Xizhu, not to mention a Buddha statue without any spiritual power fluctuations, even a fairy weapon can be easily transmitted.

What's more, this Buddha statue contains supreme Buddhist principles.

It is a Buddhist artifact, and it has a natural fit with the supernatural powers passed down by Buddhism. It stands to reason that it should be better transmitted.

"Sure enough, as broad as the future is, this Buddha will be as heavy."

"It is nonsense to use Buddhist supernatural powers to carry it, because it is the end of Buddhism."

The seven eminent monks looked at each other, and there was a sound of emotion from the magnificent lotus in the sky.

It should be the great power of Buddhism, and there are several of them.

Under the limitation of Buddhist supernatural powers, only the true Buddhas and Bodhisattvas from the upper realm can transmit the sound through the lotus to the lower realm.

There are big bosses in the Buddhist sect in the fairy world, and there are several in a row. This is not unusual at all.

However, when they heard their conversation again, the seven eminent monks all showed astonished expressions.

Because since the ancient catastrophe, when the Buddhist kingdom of Xizhu was in contact with the fairy world, the familiar atmosphere disappeared.

Originally, when the voice of the true Buddha and Bodhisattva from the upper realm came to the lower realm, the first one to hear should be the Buddha's name of Tianlong...

(End of this chapter)

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