I became a peerless master

Chapter 178 Die for Buddha

Chapter 178 Die for Buddha
Chapter 178: Die for Buddha
In ancient times, the Lord of Heaven and Buddha joined forces to reshape reincarnation and failed.

Leave a mess behind.

The mortal Buddhist practitioners trapped in the Buddhist kingdom of Xizhu, thanks to the dedication of the only remaining disciple of the Buddha, Tianlong Bodhisattva, were able to preserve their incense.

The brief teleportation of the low-level Buddhist monks was due to the integration of the many heritages of the immortals and Buddhas of the ancient times by the Buddhist tycoon.

In order to make better use of the short time, absorb more mortals with Buddha roots, and sustain the Buddhist inheritance of the Buddhist kingdom of Xizhu, he also personally refined the mortal Buddhist magic weapon in batches-the eight dragon pestles.

In short, Tianlong Bodhisattva has devoted a lot of effort to supporting mortal Buddhism.

It is precisely because of these things he has done that now that Mount Sumeru is back, Buddhism can strive for more secrets in the new round of evolution of the Great Thousand World.

Yes, the world is about to undergo drastic changes.

It is precisely because of this that Sumeru Mountain returned to the fairyland.

However, after returning to the Buddhist Holy Mountain, except for these five Dharma Protector Arhats, there are no other strong ones.

All the Buddhas on Foshan and the vast majority of the Buddha's [-] disciples fell into a deep sleep due to the backlash of luck and the suppression of the Dao.

The mountain behind Xiaotinglei Temple looks majestic and imposing, and the Buddha's light is infinite, but it is actually a dead place where no living beings are allowed.

The five Guardian Arhats, half-step Immortal Emperor Realm, are already the best that the Buddha can do before he passed away.

That's right, the most powerful Buddha who pioneered the way of cultivating Buddha in one fell swoop and founded Buddhism in ancient times has passed away.

However, his passing away is different from death in the general sense.

He fell because of the backlash that all the luck of Buddhism bet on the avenue of reincarnation, and died of the power of the avenue.

It is precisely because of this that the Buddha had the possibility of Nirvana.

"Buddha is the only existence that has stepped into reincarnation since ancient times."

"If Nirvana succeeds this time, it will definitely lead to a true saint-level path."

"Mount Sumeru's return to the Great Thousand World just means that the body of the Buddha turned around and reincarnated has appeared in the Great Thousand World."

"And when Mount Xumizi returns, the place where we feel the fluctuations of the Great Way of Reincarnation in the void is exactly the place in the mortal world."

"If there is someone reincarnated, it must be the Buddha. Isn't that the area where we are concentrating our efforts to search for new recruits from the mortal Buddhist sect this time?"

In the main hall of Xiaotinglei Temple, as the Tianlong Bodhisattva finished speaking, the five Dharma Protector Arhats gathered around him and the Buddha's light gathered on their heads, and someone immediately took up the conversation.

"Finding the reincarnation of the Buddha is the key to the return of Mount Sumeru and the core of my Buddhist future."

"The Buddha returned to the throne, and thousands of true buddhas and arhats who fell into a deep sleep and sealed in Mount Sumeru have the possibility of waking up again. Junior brother Tianlong, you have really done a great thing."

"If you hadn't left a mass-produced magic weapon in the mortal world, if you hadn't created a new Buddhist recruitment once in ten thousand years for the sake of the survival of the Buddha in the mortal world, we would never have found the Buddha so easily and without attracting the slightest attention. Reincarnation."

Praise and joy are full of meaning.

In the mortal world, Buddhism is trapped in the land of Xizhu Buddhism, and it has become a certainty to move around once every ten thousand years.The cultivators in the lower world have long been accustomed to this.

At the same time, because the strength of the monks who went out was too low, they were kept out of the limelight.

This time, the sixth-rank Zen masters who brought the mortal Buddhism to Dongzhou gathered in the area of ​​millions of miles, and they were searching for the reincarnation of the Buddha.

The scene that emerges in the halo at this moment is seen through the eyes of the mortal Buddha Xiu Jingchen monk.

After the eight-part Tianlong Pestle was broken, the remaining power of Tianlong Bodhisattva entered the body of Monk Jingchen, and they were able to quietly attract the attention of the heavenly court in the immortal world and see the scene in the mortal world without making any drastic actions.

Of course, the reincarnated body of Buddha is not that of Xiao Xinxin, a Taoist.

It was the Buddha statue she brought.

The exact location is the master behind the Buddha statue.

As early as the peak of Buddhism and Taoism in ancient times, the Buddha prophesied that there are three versions of the origin of the Buddha: the past, the present and the future.

The past Buddha is the previous life of the Buddha, the present Buddha is the him before his death, and the future Buddha is the him after sanctification.

The Buddha principle and Buddha nature of this statue are full of essential avenues, and it has an artistic conception that can crush Tianlong Bodhisattva and others.

Even though they were far away in the mortal world and could only see it through the eyes of monk Jingchen, they still felt the cheerful and festive atmosphere from the Buddha statue, which was the hope of the future of Buddhism.

"A big belly can tolerate things that are hard to tolerate in the world."

"Smile as soon as you open your mouth, and laugh at the ridiculous people in the world."

"Although this Buddha statue has no specific direction, it must be the future Buddha."

"The teacher put the future of Buddhism in this statue, just to remind us that he has already succeeded in reincarnation and is currently in the mortal world."

My heart is mixed with joy and sorrow, Tianlong Bodhisattva and other immortal Buddhist masters are happy, but also feel extremely troublesome.

Because the low-level mortal female monk who sent the statue was tainted with the cause and effect of heaven in the mortal world.

It can be said that she broke the rules of the world today and was cursed and resented by heaven.

Even the smiling Buddha statue with a big belly got into bad luck.

"The teacher is an existence in ancient times, reincarnated, and has already touched the rules of today's vast world."

"Perhaps it's not the little girl who caused this hidden karma, but the Buddha himself."

"He has just been reincarnated and just awakened the Buddha nature. The Buddha must still be subject to many restrictions. He used the hand of that female monk to send the Buddha statue to our field of vision. His intention is already very clear."

"It is very likely that he needs me to wait for him to deceive the way of heaven and block the karma of this reincarnation!"

With a sigh of regret, Tianlong Bodhisattva spoke first.

"However, the wrath of the Dao, the curse of the Dao is not so easy to resolve. The first step after the Buddha's reincarnation is to ask me to wait for six people, one of whom will sacrifice for the Buddha's Dao."

"Five senior brothers, since you can't think of a way to resist the curse of the heavens, then you have to take that step. After all, the power left by me in the mortal world is limited, and I may not last long."

The Buddha's reincarnation was successful, and under the great joy there was a bad thing cursed by heaven.

Any of them who have reached the half-step Immortal Emperor Realm can solve the cause and effect of the Dao hidden in Xiao Xinxin.

The method is very simple, use powerful means to transfer hatred, and transfer Tiandao's resentment to himself.

Similarly, Xiao Xinshen is just an extremely weak ascetic in the mortal world, and cannot even touch the lowest level of Heavenly Tribulation.

As for those who are half-step Immortal Emperors, no matter who they are, once the karma transfer is successful, they will face a catastrophe of destruction.

Although it is said that he died for the Buddha, dedicated himself to the supreme Buddha way, and destroyed for the future glory of Buddhism in the world.

But after living for such a long time, from ancient times to the present, just seeing the dawn of the world's drastic changes, it is still quite unwilling to completely fall...

(End of this chapter)

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