Chapter 139

Chapter 139: Let me die

"Evil heretics, even if you die today, I will make you pay the price!"

Rocks collapsed, trees broke, and the mountainous area was in chaos.

Zhuge Wuming spat out bloody foam, he didn't care at all that his body was wounded by sword qi, and he was a bit of a horrible injury full of holes and crumbling. The spiritual power in his body was circulating rapidly, and the rules of the surrounding space trembled slightly.

The terrifying power was brewing, and he had the bloody spirit to fight to the death. He glanced at the sword cultivator not far away who was also young but had a sinister and arrogant look, and a hint of powerful scorn appeared in his eyes.

The opponent's cultivation level was not at the late stage of Dongxu Realm, but his explosive combat power was even difficult for him, who was in the Mahayana Realm, to withstand.

If it was before, Zhuge Wuming would definitely feel depressed and respect the other party as a real genius and evildoer.

But today's genius is different from the ascetics who hit his self-esteem deeply before.

Yes, he is an evil cultivator, and his swordsmanship is completely slanted.

Although it is not as capable of destroying the world as the real demon that destroys the world, it is still a demonic cultivator that is enough to poison the common people.

This person is following a completely weird and evil path of cultivation. If he becomes popular, his life will be ruined.

Of course, there is no right or wrong way of cultivation, this is the way of swordsmanship of this evil sect, and it is also a ghost-like character with a distorted personality.

The origin of the matter has to start from the recent state of Zhuge's ignorance.

Across the river a hundred or two hundred miles away, the genius who topped the list of hidden dragons in Dongzhou, after experiencing a discussion with the skinny old man with a bamboo pole, believed that his Taoist heart level was higher than his own. He considered himself a failure and was depressed for a long time. a period of time.

Fortunately, he did not give up. After adjusting his mentality and self-encouragement, especially when he recalled the appearance of the girl Susu in red in his mind, the pressure of thousands of decadence turned into a driving force on the way forward.

Zhuge Wuming's Taoist heart has improved, his will has become stronger, and even the performance of his strength has the shadow of the skinny bamboo pole old man who is close to nature in every move.

life is long so add oil.

Zhuge Wuming, who got out of his depressed mood, walked to this mountain forest aimlessly, feeling the natural flavor contained in the hand of the old man on the other side of the river.

While walking to enlightenment, I suddenly heard a sound similar to a woman's scream.

As a good boy who has a sense of justice and regards saving the common people in the world as his lifelong pursuit, Zhuge Wuming immediately rushed towards the source of the sound.

Because the distance was so close that even ordinary screams could be heard, it arrived almost instantly.

Entering the scene, Zhuge Wuming's stunned emotion called anger suddenly rose.

The scream came from an ordinary female monk. She was dead at this moment, and there was no good flesh and blood in her body.

It was cut off by the young man whose face was distorted by the gloom with his sword energy.

The point is that while he was doing this kind of torture that was almost cut to pieces, Nima was still defiled others.

On the other side, there were four female cultivators left, all of their cultivation and mobility were being sealed, and they looked at him with fear on their faces. It was conceivable that their fate would be the same.

Too many to read.

What an evil pervert.

Although it is said that strength in the world of Taoism is respected, this evil practice has already touched the bottom line of Zhuge's ignorance.

With a strong sense of justice, how can he tolerate such crimes.

Immediately, he shot violently, swiping with all his strength, and the trembling hand-to-hand fluctuations scattered around the world.

The result was also unexpected by Zhuge Wuming.

I can be regarded as a super strong existence in the early stage of the Mahayana state. Facing a villain in the late stage of the Hollow state, I have already crossed two major levels.

It was supposed to be a crushing situation, but I never thought that this evil cultivator was so powerful, that kind of sword energy with the supreme evil way, even I couldn't parry it.

And the power to support the other party even has an aura that makes me awe.

In short, after only two rounds of fighting, Zhuge Wuming even launched a sneak attack with all his strength, and he was defeated again. The defeat was quite complete, which was already life-threatening.

But this time, he was not as depressed as when he was completely defeated before. Instead, he burst out with soaring pride.

Eliminate demons and defend the Tao, even if you die, you will have no regrets!
With a firm belief in his heart, he dragged his seriously injured and dying body, and the vigorous life-saving divine channel technique was brewing rapidly.

Those ants who ruined my good deeds should be damned~

Not far from Zhuge Wuming, Ye Tian's haughty face was covered with gloom, and the murderous aura all over his body had condensed into substance.

Ling Chi, the so-called ascetic who is facing him with a sense of justice, can't relieve the hatred in his heart.

After obtaining the fortuitous encounter with 'Old Sword', this guy not only recovered his strength quickly, but even improved by leaps and bounds.

However, the terrifying swordsmanship inheritance acquired can easily produce evil fire.

In the words of the teacher, it is the karma and inner demons that dominate only the sword.

Fortunately, with the guidance and help of Jian Lao, he attracted several female monks from Baihua Valley for him with his mysterious and mysterious supernatural powers.

Capturing a few people to quell the evil fire was Ye Tian's original plan.

As for why he tortured and killed the opponent, it was only because he felt that the ordinary-looking disciple of Baihua Valley was an insult to him.

I can use you to vent my anger, but how can such a mediocre person continue to live?

Among them, except for Huang Yu's half-concentrated old lady, who is qualified, the rest will die.

When he was in the Ye family, the dozens of mortal women he murdered had already provided him with experience.

Now that the female cultivator is captured, Ye Tian's hidden evil thoughts come up again.

Coincidentally, Jian Lao didn't dislike his behavior at all, on the contrary, he was extremely supportive.

Even the old man said convincingly that this is actually a process of honing the supreme sword heart, the more enjoyable and follow the heart, the faster the sword heart will improve.

Without any scruples, Ye Tian instantly brought out the violent side of his heart to the extreme.

The perverted thoughts became more intense, and before Ye Tian could put them into practice, he was discovered by someone.

Especially the young man who was about the same age as him, with a sense of justice all over him, made him feel extremely disgusted.

It's as if when eating a luxurious meal, a lump of black lacquered rice suddenly appeared on the plate.

Justice, huh?

Let me die!
With his face distorted and his heart screaming, Ye Tian communicated with the small stone sword. Before the more powerful sword energy could be released, the old and deep voice of the sword master came to his ears.

"Boy, leave quickly while you still have the strength. After I help you this time, you will need to train for a while before you can do it again..."

(End of this chapter)

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