I became a peerless master

Chapter 135 Brother, Are You Learmus?

Chapter 135 Brother, Are You Learmus?

Chapter 135: Brother, are you Lear Moss?

"Swinging Clouds", "Sunset Raging Waves"...

Just from the name of the six second-hand books, it gives people a feeling of being too vigorous.

The content described in it is even more stuff like "Tao" and "Xuan" that Song Ye has only a half-knowledge of.

The point is, I can't even understand it myself, so how can I expect Erya's four or five-year-old child to understand?
Holding a few second-hand books to raise money for a long time, in the end Song Yexian directly eliminated three books.

It's not that he has a high realm, but that these three books are full of obscure and profound texts, and there is no way to start with them.

The other three books are slightly better, with some simple illustrations.

Especially in the book "The Raging Sunset", among the thin sheets of paper, half of them are illustrations, including stick figures of various human movements.

Even if it doesn't work, let Erya try it first, but these actions have no effect.

"Mr. Song, I know who she is."

Just when Song Ye made up his mind to let Erya learn one by one, a carefree voice sounded outside the door.

Who else could it be if it wasn't the old brother Li Jishan who was busy with himself all afternoon yesterday and visited several scrap shopping stores with books in Binhe City.

Ever since Li Erya moved to his place to escape the disaster, this burly man has become a regular visitor.

He would come to the door every now and then, bringing a lot of food and clothing.

If it wasn't for avoiding suspicion and not attracting too much attention, he would even wish to live here at night, which is of course unrealistic.

Li Jishan had a lot of business dealings with the grocery store, and when he came to Song Ye, it was normal in the eyes of the neighbors.

And Li Jishan, like most mortals, is at a young age. Apart from Erya, the girl, he also has a whole family to work on.

On weekdays, I have to work as a truck driver.

But what was strange to Song Ye was that after collecting second-hand books with himself yesterday, didn't this guy say that he would send a batch of goods to the town outside, at least he would be able to return to Binhe tonight.

Why did you come here not long after you just had breakfast?

"It's not that I came back early, it's because I didn't deliver this guy at all today." After entering the door, Li Jishan explained first, his face was full of gossip.

"I was going to drive out to load goods in the morning, but I saw an extremely handsome girl near our street."

"To be honest, that girl is about the same age as you, sir, and she has the same knowledgeable temperament as you."

Then you went to see the beautiful women?

Didn't even move the bricks to feed the family?

When he first heard that Li Jishan, a burly man, had delayed his business and delivery work today because of a beautiful girl, Song Ye was stunned and naturally complained in his heart.

"Don't worry, sir, listen to me slowly."

"My old Li has lived in this neighborhood for most of his life. It's not like I don't know what kind of daughter looks like. That extremely beautiful girl is by no means a local."

"And she's not a fairy either."

"Didn't I just think about that girl who secretly fell in love with Mr., who secretly sent you a red flower. It just so happened that the girl was also wearing red clothes."

"Some things, I'm afraid of curiosity."

"So I didn't get out of the car at all today. I asked about it carefully. Guess what?"

The beauty whose temperament surprised Li Jishan was indeed not a native of Binhe City, her family was far away, and because of a disaster at home, she came to Binhe to visit relatives.

As for the name, I only know the surname Xun.

The relative she voted for happened to be the old neighbor in this block, the widow Er Aunt Zhang.

I don't know if I don't ask, it turns out that Second Aunt Zhang has a younger brother who went out for a living in the early years.

Afterwards, his younger brother never came back, he just sent a letter to Second Aunt Zhang every three to five years, and asked someone to bring some money back secretly by the way.

"I, Li Jishan, said that before Uncle Zhang passed away, he drank well every day and was too lazy to cook. He spent three days fishing and two days drying nets. How could his family be able to set up a store to engage in such a large tofu skin business. "

"It turned out that Second Aunt Zhang and her younger brother were secretly supporting her. Although Second Uncle Zhang is dead, it is still possible to live a petty bourgeois life with his storefront and business."

Slightly clicking his tongue, Li Jishan showed a sudden realization expression, as if he found the answer to many incomprehensible things about that neighborhood in an instant.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of an elegant and refined young man sitting not far away. He seemed to be very interested in this kind of disagreement between neighbors, so Li Jishan simply said so.

"Now Second Aunt Zhang's younger brother's family has an accident, and only the niece and daughter are left."

"Brother, I surmise that it was Miss Xun who expressed her feelings when she gave you a red flower, sir."

"Although Second Aunt Zhang was very tight-lipped, she still revealed some things when chatting with the neighbors."

"Miss Xun is also a talented woman. She is proficient in all aspects of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and because of her family's wealth, she has read poetry and books since she was a child. She has a combination of beauty, temperament and talent."

"I'm afraid she is the only one who can cherish each other's feelings and have the same interests as my husband."

"And the way of expressing love with a branch of safflower is not popular in Binhe, so I want to come to the habit of Miss Xun brought by foreigners!"

With a few words, as if seeing it with his own eyes, Song Ye's face showed a dull look. He really didn't expect that Nima, who is as rough as Li Jishan, can have such a delicate mind.

Your bloody reasoning ability is really inferior to driving a truck.

Even if what you said is true, the girl Xun who went to visit her relatives is a talented woman, who shares the worldly elegance and taste of the young master, but it is simply nonsense to argue about sending flowers based on this.

The young master has never seen anyone, let alone contacted them.

Why do people just come to Binhe City, and they already know where their hearts belong, and express their love in such a hinting way?

It's like, an ordinary person is walking on the street, and suddenly an extremely beautiful lady from a great family runs over and says that she wants to be friends because she appreciates your talent.

You don't even know my existence, how can you appreciate me?
"Sir, brother, I absolutely did not tell lies."

Obviously, Song Ye didn't believe his words at all. Li Jishan's simple and honest face showed strong confidence, and he said straight to the point:
"What you must be thinking is, Miss Xun has just arrived, how could she have a secret love for you."

"If I remember correctly, brother, before Uncle Zhang passed away two years ago, although he liked to drink and was lazy, but when he got drunk, he often compared himself to men of letters and liked to pretend to be elegant."

"In the past two years, not long after Mr. Song's shop opened, Uncle Zhang came to your place for drinks at least four or five times a month~"

Fuck, bro, are you Learmus...

(End of this chapter)

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