I became a peerless master

Chapter 129 More serious than expected

Chapter 129 More serious than expected

Chapter 129: More serious than expected

Senior Song is definitely a true immortal!
Arriving at Dazezong and communicating with Chen Guanshan for a while, Emperor Ye Ren firmly believed in this judgment.

At the same time, the more he knew about the terror of the other party, the more he feared that the family traitor Ye Tian would do something terrible.

But at this juncture, Zhang Xuemo happened to be in a very dangerous situation.

Several people rushed to the village where Sun Shuang'er's hometown was, but it was still too late.

Ye Tian has already taken action, and his target is very clear. It is Zhang Xuemo, Chen Guanshan's beloved disciple, the scandalous fairy who has been circulated by many juniors in the Samsung sect within the Ye family's radiation range and has fascinated Ye Lang to death.

But the result was unexpected.

Ye Tian was severely injured by Zhang Xuemo, who was only in the Huayun Realm, and fled in a hurry.

Although that Ye family child is a scum, but the talent Ye Ren still agrees, the cliff is one of the best existences within a radius of millions of miles.

Zhang Xuemo leapfrogged to fight, and beat him so hard that he ran away with his head in his arms, which was a bit too shocking.

What was even more speechless was that the rigorous and conscientious young girl seemed to have done something insignificant.

They didn't even contact the sect, and continued to lead a group of Daze sect disciples to take care of the family's funeral for Sun Shuang'er.

In an instant, Chen Guanshan and Ye Ren's two Mahayana realms were both quite embarrassing.

It's like saying that the two rushed over in a hurry and felt lonely.

After trying Zhang Xuemo's strength, Ye Huangzun also knew that it was normal for Ye Tian's family traitor to be defeated by others.

The strength of this Chen Guanshan's disciple's spiritual power is enough to crush many strong people by leapfrogging.

And what made her have such a solid foundation and such terrifying strength was exactly what Senior Song mentioned.

It was nothing to worry about, and it was meaningless to say anything more. Ye Huangzun and others hurriedly searched for Ye Tian, ​​but it was still the same as before, and nothing was found.

The old man even discovered that Ye Tian's method of hiding his whereabouts seemed to be more advanced.

It lasted for a day and a night, and the search for Ye Tian was still going on. Early this morning, Ye Ren couldn't wait to come to see Senior Song.

Of course, Chen Guanshan and Ye Lang had already explained to him clearly many things that needed to be paid attention to before coming.

The most important point is that you must not try to reveal the identity of Senior Song, just treat him as a very elegant mortal.

Under the leadership of the two, pretending to be a mortal old man, although everyone knows this kind of behavior, it is no different from a clown to Senior Song, who knows everything, but it is impossible not to change clothes.

After all, Ye Huangzun only has one set of clothes, which are of the level of treasures containing countless mysteries.

Cold and heat are not invaded, dust is not stained, these are all light, and it is fully mobilized, with super defensive power.

He had been wearing the luxurious treasure clothes for many years, and he didn't prepare anything else, so he went to find a suit of clothes belonging to a mortal old man.

To pay respects to such a powerful person, to wear low-level treasures and costumes is a bit of an imitation, and it is better to change into ordinary clothes neatly.

"You are welcome, Mr. Ye."

Gently and politely helped the very polite and bowing old man up, Song Ye quickly led the three of them to the table and invited them to sit down.

Ye Ren's identity was introduced by Mr. Chen when he first entered the store. Ye Lang's grandfather was also an old man who liked elegance.

Well, the feelings are all their family.

Knowing Ye Ren's identity, Song Ye is not surprised. Although the old man's temperament is somewhat similar to the elder Kuzhu of the Daze Sect, it is very likely that he is also a stronger immortal cultivator than Zhang Xuemo and the others.

But the people who go around and get in touch with relatives are all from this family. It is not surprising that he, a high-ranking fairy, likes secular and elegant things like piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

The family tradition must have been influenced by these old people from generation to generation.

The handwriting maniac in Mocheng is Ye Lang's cousin, Liu Shi and the others are Ye Lang's grandparents, Mr. Chen and Elder Kuzhu are also Ye Lang's cousin grandfather, and Zhang Xuemo is his cousin.

Speaking of which, the ascetics who came to Xiaoye's shop, except for the previous Fairy Yingyue who liked the melody of the guqin, all of them knew each other through kinship.

If the Daze Sect had the kind of struggle for power in the previous life, they and the young master would all be on Elder Kuzhu's side.

It's so abrupt, ordinary people in the Xiaoye district, in a cultivating sect like Dazezong, stand in a woolen team.

"The three of you, please sit down for a while and tidy up here. I went to Binhe City to buy some books yesterday. It's just a secular hobby to kill time."

After guiding Chen Guanshan and others to sit down, Song Ye explained while picking up the scattered old books on the table.

These books are the harvest of what he and brother Li Jishan were busy doing yesterday afternoon.

After learning that cultivating immortals and practicing qi requires skills, and that the skills of immortals are likely to be lost among ordinary people, Song Ye and Li Jishan got on the Lingshi truck and rushed around the riverside.

The focus is on those places that collect rags and sell used books, and specifically select those ancient books that everyone thinks are obscure and incomprehensible.

Walking around, spent hundreds of dollars, and got [-] or [-] eligible books back.

No, he woke up in the morning and was studying a book in the grocery store, when he heard footsteps outside the door, Chen Guanshan and the others came.

Clear the table and make room to make tea for a few distinguished guests. If you want to study secular and elegant skills such as calligraphy and painting, you also need space.

With a gentle movement and a bit of elegance, Song Ye gathered the books on the table one by one, and then carried them to the empty shelf behind to put them away, then turned around to prepare teacups and tea leaves.

Sure enough, the old man is the one who understands Senior Song best among his peers.

Just seeing Song Ye's act of collecting books, Chen Guanshan was inexplicably happy, and felt that he had come to the forefront of everyone again.

The books that Senior Song read are all complicated things on the secular street.

Isn't this on the same level as what the old man has been studying hard for a while?

No wonder, with Senior Song's suggestion, I can always find inspiration immediately.

I said, my teachings are not wrong, and I must continue to study harder in the future!

Chen Guanshan was happy in his heart, but Ye Huangzun's scalp was numb, and even the blood flowing in his body felt a bone-piercing chill.

Ye Tian, ​​the family traitor, has still not been found.

What the old man and Ye Lang were most worried about was that that guy would do something to make Senior Song unhappy.

I thought that he would be the biggest moth when he attacked Zhang Xuemo, but we never thought that things were far more serious than we expected.

Because among the pile of secular miscellaneous books that Senior Song had just put away, there was one that both Ye Ren and Ye Lang were very familiar with.

Surprisingly, it is the four-star power Ye family, the lowest level of Qi training realm disciples, all must practice the required skills...

(End of this chapter)

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