I became a peerless master

Chapter 127 How Good To Buy Big Steamed Buns

Chapter 127 How Good To Buy Big Steamed Buns
Chapter 127: How good it is to buy big steamed buns
Summer insects cannot speak of ice, and well frogs cannot speak of sea.

Dongzhou is boundless, and the situation in each place is naturally different.

It is only because their level is not enough that the Fortune Trading Company can thrive in Yunzhou, and even basically monopolize the business in Yunzhou.

As for the owner of Fortune Trading Company, who just presented the fragments of the fairy artifact and was listed on the current Wanbao Fairy List, Xiao Xinshen is also very clear about the source of his flamboyant and even malicious eyes.

Four Seas Trading Company also has business in Yunzhou.

As a four-star force, and also an outsider, Yunzhou's local business giant, Fortune Firm, was naturally dissatisfied.

However, due to the business permits of various places in Dongzhou in the Yuanlao Hall, the eldest brother of Yunzhou, Chuyunzong, recognized it, and the Fortune Firm did not dare to say anything more.

Over the past decade or so, due to Xiao Xinshen's outstanding talent in business, the operating profit of Yunzhou Sihai Commercial Bank has surged.

The cake is only that big, and the cultivation resources obtained from business have flowed into the Universal Trading Company, so the boss of Fortune Trading Company naturally has a lot of opinions.

However, he does not have the ability to use force, and the force value of the Four Seas Trading Company is far above the threshold of his four-star power, so he can only use dirty tricks in the business field.

The result was a complete failure.

It is certain to bear grudges, and it is not a problem to show off if you have obtained a huge fairy fate and can stand out at the Wanbao Conference.

I can't let people be crazy, and I can't make them happy.

As for whether this Mahayana Realm, which has an enmity with the Four Seas Trading Company, will do something to him, Xiao Xinshen is not worried at all.

Xuankong Mountain strictly forbids ascetics to fight martial arts. Even if they are enemies of life and death, they have to shake hands and make peace when they come here. This is the rule.

If there is a cultivator who obtained the fairy fate that made countless people envious at the Ten Thousand Treasures Conference, and those who have evil intentions want to kill people to seize treasures, they have to wait until they leave the Hanging Mountain, thousands of miles away from this area, before they can start fighting.

What's more humane is that the Myriad Treasure Immortals of Hanging Mountain don't reject the ascetics who come to offer treasures to disturb their tranquility.

Ascetics who got a great chance at the Wanbao Conference, if they consciously walk out of the Hanging Mountain area, their lives will be lost, they can choose to live at the foot of the Hanging Mountain.

After all, only the peak and the fairy spring are opened once every 3000 years in the Hanging Mountain.

Living at the foot of the mountain, slowly refining the immortal gift before leaving, it will be fine even if it lasts for thousands of years.

Once upon a time, there was a casual cultivator who won No. 1 by accidentally offering treasures, and received gifts and rewards such as immortal crystals and elixir from the upper realm.

That guy lived at the foot of the mountain for 5000 years, and didn't leave until he broke through the Tribulation Realm.

The forces that originally planned to kill him to seize the treasure and occupy the supreme resources have been frustrated, and several weaker ones were even wiped out by him.

In short, these Myriad Treasure Immortals have eliminated all possible safety hazards of the ascetics who came to offer treasures. The purpose of everything is to reassure everyone and ensure the success of the Wanbao Conference.

As for the ten thousand treasure immortals who are already the most powerful in the mortal world, why don't they go out of the mountain in person and search for rare treasures all over the mortal world? The reason is even more simple.

The Dongzhou country alone is so vast, let alone the vast world outside Dongzhou.

Moreover, thousands of treasures all represent opportunities, and only when the time is ripe can they be discovered and excavated.

In layman's terms, those who are destined will get it.

They were too deeply involved with Xuankong Mountain, they were already disgusted by the mortal world, and the luck of finding the treasure was basically zero.

Even if they walk on the street, the treasure that is enough to reach the top of the Myriad Treasure Immortal List passes by them, because of all kinds of karma and chance, it is impossible for them to finally fall into their hands and bring them back.

Therefore, the treasure offerings can only be those ascetics who have never suffered from the bad luck of the Hanging Mountain.

Because of bad luck, it can even be said that there are many unlucky things, the half-immortal bodies who have become Wanbao Immortals here rarely move around in the mortal world on weekdays.

The key is that their strength is indeed at the peak of the mortal world, but the creation is miraculous, and there will always be strong men who can be called geniuses in the mortal world.

For example, the great elder in Dongzhou Yuanlao Hall today, although he is only in the late stage of Transcending Tribulation Realm, and cannot reach the height of these half-immortal bodies, if they really fight, five or six Wanbao Immortals will be finished.

Although it is extremely difficult to ascend into a feather, and very few have become true immortals since ancient times, there will always be ascetics who succeed after thousands of years.

Such an existence, even the Myriad Treasure Immortal, would not dare to provoke it.

Of course, those heavenly prodigies in the Transcendence Tribulation Realm are all rushing to the Transcendence Tribulation Realm, there is nothing important, and it is impossible for them to go to the Hanging Mountain to find trouble...


In the northern suburbs of Binhe City near the mountains, in a barn used by ordinary people to raise livestock, Ye Tian lay on the beams of the wooden pigsty, hiding his figure under the thatch of the house.

He was in the same room as the pigs raised by mortals. Although the black and filthy animals did not find him, the stench and the dirty environment still made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

Fortunately, the stench and environment of this pigsty were not much worse than the tattered beggar's clothes he picked up in the garbage dump and put on, so Ye Tian resisted.

The most dangerous place is also the safest.

This place is only a few dozen miles away from the small village where I fought against Zhang Xuemo, and only a few miles away from the place where I sold the low-level exercises of the Ye family. Even if the exercises are discovered now, it can only prove that I have been nearby .

He is also a cultivator. When he is hunted down and hunted down, he must want to escape thousands of miles away. The farther away from the place of right and wrong, the better. Few people would think that I am hiding nearby.

Even if someone thought of this, I have avoided all the houses, cellars, dry wells and other places that look hidden but are actually obvious targets.

If I don't take the initiative to expose, even if that old dog Ye Huangzun walks by, he will never find me.

Unless that old thing has no shame and ran into the enclosure, only a few meters away from me.

With a little peace of mind, and even a little complacent, Ye Tian struggled to move his body on the beam of the pen, put away the rest of the jerky he bought earlier, and closed his eyes to meditate on his situation.

The meridian is broken, although the completely shattered Dao Heart has been reshaped due to the shame and shame, and even the celestial root has undergone a qualitative change and sublimation, but the situation of my son becoming a useless person has not changed.

If you want to use the aura of heaven and earth to heal your wounds and then restore the broken meridians, at least you have to wait until the crisis is resolved.

During this period, I am an ordinary mortal, if I do not eat for too long, I will still starve to death.

Nima, if I knew it, I wouldn't buy jerky, it would be nice to buy big steamed buns!
Just when Ye Tian was secretly annoyed, a long voice sounded in his ear.

"Boy, congratulations, you are now qualified to accept the inheritance of this seat..."

(End of this chapter)

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