Chapter 107

Chapter 107: The old man must be right

The Palace of Seven Emotions has a profound background, and this time, in order to fight against the world-destroying demon, it even emptied its savings.

Before the final farewell, the simple and ordinary monk Yingyue Dizun, who had declared his will to die, handed over the remaining fairy crystals and fairy fruits to Zhuge Wuming.

Five super-grade spirit stones that can directly absorb a five-star spirit vein—Xianjing, and seven fairy fruits that contain huge soul power, which are enough to injure and restore the soul of a strong person in the tribulation realm in an instant.

Of these two extremely precious treasures in the mortal world, one can supplement the majestic spiritual power, and the other can greatly nourish the soul.

The combination of the two, the strength of the soul and the accumulation of spiritual power are intertwined, even if it is the garbage of the waste fairy root, it can reach the supreme realm.

In this wilderness, in the cave he created temporarily, Zhuge Wuming took two fairy fruits in a row and refined two fairy crystals.

He is an extremely powerful existence in the Concentration Realm, so it is normal to break through to the Mahayana Realm.

But Zhuge Wuming was not happy at all, and even felt that his knowledge was too shallow.

Because although the fairy fruit strengthened his soul, it couldn't improve his perception, and a large part of his power was used to heal his injuries.

The same is true for fairy crystals, there are not many parts that are really used to improve their strength.

He was seriously injured, to be precise, Zhuge Wuming almost died.

The source of the disaster was that he happened to encounter a rigorous female monk in the river who could easily leapfrog and kill two stronger monsters with only the Qi Sea realm.

The female monk already had the strength of the Cloud Transformation Realm, but forcibly suppressed her realm to the Qi Sea Realm, and finally leapfrogged to kill two stronger monsters.

Her Qi Sea Realm is different from all Qi Sea Realms.

I can't even see that she has reached the level of Qihai.

It's like her sea of ​​qi has already broken through the tradition of monasticism and reached another level.

This woman is a peerless genius.

Her explosive combat power in the Sea of ​​Qi Realm cannot be underestimated even in the Void Cave Realm.

Maybe you can learn from her to make the foundation more solid.

So Zhuge Wuming issued a request for a fight.

Under the soft and hard bubble, the female monk did not hide anything, and used the strength of Qi Sea Realm to attack with all her strength.

With just one move, the young man was defeated miserably, even his soul was riddled with holes.

It seemed that what I was enduring was not an ordinary spirit energy technique, but a real ocean of spirit energy, crushed from the top of my head.

The vastness of the ocean is beyond perception.

Ants kill elephants more often, although Qi Sea Realm itself is not strong, but the vast accumulation of small power that is as vast as the stars suddenly rushes in, it is simply an extremely terrifying offensive.

Blood was sprayed from the mouth, and he was seriously injured, as if he had been crushed by a mountain range. When Zhuge Wuming forcibly suppressed his injuries and got up from the river, his body was so weak that he could hardly walk.

His soul was crushed to pieces, all the meridians in his body were shattered, and his internal organs were bleeding profusely. At that time, he was already on the verge of death.

Fortunately, Xun Susu, who had been following him all this time, suddenly found his family.

Zhuge Wuming held on to his worsening fatal injuries, and after seeing off the charming red-clothed girl, he just randomly found a wilderness to open up a cave, his eyes darkened and he passed out.

Before passing out, he used his last strength to swallow a fairy fruit that could heal even the soul of the Transcendence Tribulation Realm, and only then did he avoid being completely exhausted.

Fortunately, the foundation was rich enough. If it weren't for the Immortal Fruit, even the best elixir in Dongzhou would not be able to save the situation at that time.

After waking up again with lingering fears, Zhuge Wuming regained a little strength, took the fairy fruit again, and took out the fairy crystal to heal his injuries.

Until today, the injury has not fully recovered.

And the majestic power swarmed into his body, and he couldn't control it, so he could only break through.

"However, dying this time is not without benefits."

"At least, the foundation of my Qi Sea Realm has been solidified a hundred times, and my soul is far stronger than the general Mahayana Realm."

"Although it's only the early stages of the Mahayana realm, the spiritual power in my Zhuge Wuming's body is no less than that of the peak Dzogchen in this realm, and it is even more true to fight against them."

With some self-deprecating comfort, Zhuge Wuming's negative emotions slowly dissipated, he got up and left this temporary cave, and let out a final sigh of unwillingness.

"However, even if the spiritual power is a hundred times stronger, how can it compare with the girl's real spiritual energy ocean as vast as the stars?"

"If the realm is the same, even if I am now, I won't be able to survive half a round under the hands of others."

"That's the real peerless monster."

"Damn it, am I the Son of Destiny?"

"The young master who loves to pretend to be in the Cloud Transformation Realm, the little old man in the Concentration Realm who hunted down the traitors of the sect, and the strict female monk who almost killed me when I encountered this Qi Sea Realm."

"Why do I have the feeling that all of them are terrifying monsters, and their talents are no longer on the same level as mine. I am at the highest level of the cultivator's immortal root talent, while others are directly in the atmosphere."

How the fuck hurt the self-esteem of my son of destiny.

With a serious self-doubt, Zhuge Wuming walked out of the cave. Before he could observe the day, he was seriously injured and was dying.

Not far from here.

Feeling something in his heart, Zhuge Wuming arrived at the source of the fluctuation within a few breaths.

This is a beautiful scenery, a small hill near the river.

Standing halfway up the mountain, you can vaguely see the smoke and fire in the world on the other side of the not-so-wide river.

This place should be close to a second- and third-tier secular city.

It was an old man dressed in plain Taoist robes with white hair and beard who was as thin as a bamboo pole.

At this moment, he was using a very ordinary mundane ax to chop down trees one by one, excluding all his spiritual power to help.

Because he didn't use spiritual power, although the old man's body was quite strong, such physical work still made sweat beads appear on his head.

Not far away, a half-finished thatched cottage took shape.

He's building his own dwelling?Still so time-consuming and exhausting to cut down trees?

They are all dignified Mahayana realm powerhouses, why are they here!
Zhuge Wuming's eyes lit up suddenly, because when the old man felled the tree, there seemed to be some invisible fluctuations.

Exactly what had attracted him before.

This person is definitely not in the general Mahayana realm.

maybe i can...


"What, are you going to Hanging Mountain?"

In the study room of Dazezong's back mountain villa, Chen Guanshan frowned, put down the simple and unadorned thread-bound book in his hand, and looked suspiciously at the Taoist who disguised himself as a man recommended by his lover Zhang Xuemo with his old eyes.

A few days ago, after parting ways with the strong men such as Emperor Yingyue and Liu Dadi, Chen Guanshan has been at ease.

Those two Dongzhou superpowers went to confirm their speculation about Senior Song's intentions.

The old man is definitely right, this is what Senior Song intended...

(End of this chapter)

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