Chapter 341
Chen Lei and Cao Cao were far apart, and their eyes met each other.

Thanks to the fact that both of them are high-grade warriors, their eyesight has been strengthened.

So they both can see each other's expression clearly.

Although Cao Cao was also wearing armor, he didn't tie his hair up, and let his hair sway in the wind, which seemed quite free and easy.

On the other hand, there were still drops of sweat on Chen Lei's head not long ago, and he felt a sense of embarrassment.

This time, there can only be one winner between them.

Two of Cao Cao's generals charged forward, Chen Lei patted Dian Wei beside him, "Cunzhi, you can help too."

Dian Wei said hesitantly, "Mr. Chen, General He asked me to protect you personally. I must never leave you!"

Chen Lei smiled and said, "But this is a special situation. The two generals under Cao Cao caused too much damage when they charged up. Uncle Huang could only stop one. The other one cannot be left alone, so I need to save him and help you. Again The reporter said that this is the hinterland of our army, and there are Fengxiao and Zhongjing beside me. If we are really rushed in, we will not be far from defeat!"

As soon as Chen Lei finished speaking, Guo Jia burst out with an aura, which was three points more powerful than ordinary martial arts masters.

Dian Wei felt it, nodded, and picked up two halberds, "Then I'm going, Mr. Chen, you must be careful!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Dian Wei casually rode on a spirit horse for transportation and rushed forward.

Dian Wei just doesn't know how to fight horses, not how to ride horses.

When he rushed to the formation, he stared straight at a big black-faced man, and ran towards him without saying a word.

The black-faced man felt Dian Wei's strong aura, raised the Fire Cloud Sword in his hand, turned his horse's head and rushed towards Dian Wei.

"My name is Xu Chu and Xu Zhongkang, and I have come to seek the thief at His Majesty's will. The thief will not hurry up and surrender?"

Dian Wei remained silent. He was a boring gourd, so of course he would not say meaningless words.

He rushed forward, dodged Xu Chu's murderous knife, and then hugged Xu Chu's mount.

"Ah!" Dian Wei roared, picked up Xu Chulian and his horse, and threw them out heavily!
He doesn't know how to ride a horse, so he is at a disadvantage. Of course, it is impossible for Xu Chu to have the advantage on horseback.

Xu Chu turned around in the air and stared at Dian Wei closely.

This is a formidable enemy!
This idea came to Xu Chu's mind.

In fact, it is no longer a mediocre skill to dodge the killing blow he just made!
Xu Chu took out the Fire Cloud Sword and rushed toward Dian Wei quickly.

Not to be outdone, Dian Wei raised his halberd and ran towards Xu Chu!

The two of them didn't keep their hands back, and they all raised their strength at the same time, and put all their strength on this knife!

A strong airflow appeared all around, and the soldiers fighting around the two men were swept dozens of meters away by the airflow.Staring at the two people in the middle of the smoke with horrified expressions.

Is this still normal?
At this time, in the middle of the battlefield, swords and halberds were still intertwined, each using their strength.Although there was no winner, it was obvious that Dian Wei was better, pushing Xu Chu to slide backwards.Although Xu Chu wanted to exert his strength, he was obviously inferior to Dian Wei.It’s not obvious, but it’s there!

The officers and soldiers of Cao's army were horrified when they saw it, "Who is this man with the halberd? Can he actually rival General Xu?"

If they saw the other side, they would probably be even more shocked.

At this time, Xiahou Dun, another general of Cao Cao, was completely suppressed and beaten.

One knife after another slashed at his head, making Xiahou Dun unable to breathe.

Cao Cao looked slightly cold and glanced at Chen Lei in surprise, "You don't have many talents under your command." He picked up the Qingzhi Sword and Yitian Sword in his hands and rushed towards Chen Lei, "But that's it!"

A faint aura emerged from him, continuously strengthening him, and it didn't take long for his aura to climb to the level of a half-step martial arts grand master, only the last step away from the orthodox martial arts grand master!
Guo Jia saw Cao Cao rushing towards him, felt the terrifying aura in his body, and said to Tang Ruodong with a solemn expression, "Give me the mantra of Jia Wen Dao, and I will guard him!"

If you keep it, you will live; if you can't, you will die!

Now the remaining four states have more or less sent their own troops to support Youzhou.

In other words, if this battle is won, there will be no one in the world who can stop Chen Lei!Chen Lei's great cause will surely succeed!

If this battle is defeated, Chen Lei may be able to retreat to Jizhou.But the great advantage will be ruined. Liu Fan, Ma Teng, Yuan Shao, and Gongsun Zan will copy the cat and copy the feasible plan.Until Chen Lei is completely beaten to the ground!

Five mantras were added to Guo Jia, but Tang Ruodong himself did not retain any of them.

Guo Jia also spoke six mantras to himself, and the surrounding elements gathered on Guo Jia. His momentum immediately climbed to the top, and he also had the strength of a half-step martial arts master!

In order to protect Chen Lei's safety.

Guo Jia rushed out quickly and chose the place to fight Cao Cao only ten miles away from Chen Lei's tent.

"Who are you, how dare you stop me!"

"Yingchuan Guo Fengxiao!"

One Wen and one Wu collided fiercely, and both of them reached this point because of strengthening.

But it is obvious that Cao Cao's strengthening is even better, and Guo Jia is defeated steadily, and his clothes are torn!
Guo Jiayang shouted, "Zhongde, come and help me!"

Cheng Yu, who was ruthlessly harvesting lives in the center of the battlefield, was taken aback for a moment, and ran back quickly.

It was Guo Jia’s voice just now!You can’t go wrong!

Although Cheng Yu didn't know what happened, he definitely wouldn't hesitate, this was his behavior and attitude.Act first, think later, and maximize your own efficiency.

Run to the edge of the battlefield and see Guo Jia who is fighting the enemy.

Cheng Yu added the two remaining mantras to Guo Jia without thinking, which also greatly reduced Guo Jia's pressure!

But despite this, Guo Jia still couldn't defeat Cao Cao.

Mi Heng looked flustered, but strangely, Chen Lei was now sitting on the chair expressionlessly.

When Gongsun Zan saw Chen Lei's demeanor, he couldn't help but cursed from the bottom of his heart, "You are still here pretending to be dead, and when Cao Mengde catches you and puts a hammer on you later, I hope you can still be as unresponsive as you are now!"

Looking at Cao Cao, who was getting more and more fierce in the Vietnam War, Chen Lei stood up calmly, walked to the cowhide drum on the side, and ordered, "Play the drum with me!"

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!"

There was indeed no rhythm, and even the people in Chen Lei's army were puzzled.

What kind of order is this?
Chen Lei remained silent. There were probably no more than ten people who knew about this drumming order, but those who knew it stared at their opponents with excited expressions.

It's time to end!

The drum order spread far away, and on a hill ten miles away from here, there was a man in white clothes standing here.

When the sound of the drum reached his ears, he disappeared on the top of the mountain in an instant.

His nearly [-] troops are also on the move!
Jia Xu is coming!

(End of this chapter)

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