Chapter 321
Compared with these stinky fish and rotten shrimps under Gongsun Yue's men, there is a huge difference between the sharp archers.

Among the archers on Gongsun Yue's city wall, except for a few high-level warriors whose arrows could cause casualties, the others' arrows were as weak as a child playing house!

And Chen Lei's side.

As soon as the archer fired his bow, he posed a great threat to the archers in Baoding City.

In just one round, more than 20 people were killed by arrows, and more than a dozen people were shot in the face and were dying.

This kind of confrontation immediately made Gongsun Yue's soldiers panic.

When others hit you, it's simple and easy.

When you hit someone, it doesn't hurt or itch.

May I ask, is there anyone who can aim and shoot arrows without changing face under this kind of contrast?

So many people trembled and squatted down. This made Gongsun Yue very angry. He walked to the nearest soldier with a shield in his hand and shouted sternly, "Are you so useless? Just one round of archery makes you scared." ? If Chen Lei is allowed to climb the city wall, I will not only be unlucky, but you will also be unlucky."

The soldier wanted to cry and said helplessly, "General Gongsun, we also have a family to support, we can't die!"

Gongsun Yue angrily threw his shield on the soldier's stomach, causing the soldier to scream in pain.

"You have a family, but I don't have a family?"

The soldier clutched his stomach and cowered into a ball.

Gongsun Yue snatched the bow and arrow from his hand and bent down to pick up the bow.For a moment, Gongsun Xu felt that the sound of the wind had slowed down a lot.

This is not an illusion, this is his absolute concentration as a high-grade warrior!
"call out!"

As Gongsun Zan's most trusted disciple, Gongsun Yue's strength is undoubtedly beyond doubt.When he shot the arrow, someone among Chen Lei's guards under the city wall let out a muffled groan and fell to the ground and died.

If you don't see the Yellow River, your heart will never die, and if you don't hit the south wall, you won't look back.

Seeing Gongsun Yue's behavior like this, Chen Lei couldn't help being impatient, and shouted to the rear, "Shenjianying, shoot me hard!"

It was said that the Shenjian Battalion trained by Huang Zhong was like a war machine.

Draw, shoot, draw, shoot.

All of a sudden, the defenders on the city wall were so shot that they didn't dare to show their heads, including Gongsun Yue who was extremely arrogant just now.

Seeing that the situation was good, Xu Xuan waved his banner and said, "Go to the camp first, and the Divine Arrow Battalion will cover you!"

In the process of ascending the city, of course, ordinary archers can't play a big role.Because their attacks are indistinguishable from friend to foe to a great extent, because their accuracy is much worse, which is in stark contrast to the Shenjian Battalion.

But the Shenjian Camp is different. Every warrior in it is guaranteed to be above the middle grade.

Coupled with Huang Zhong's teaching and accumulated practice, they can guarantee that every arrow can fall on the city wall.Bring the most powerful threat to the enemy.

Therefore, if you get to the camp first, you will rush forward as if you are risking your life.

Of course, the equipment of the Pioneer Battalion is also the best.There is no objection to this at all. If you are in the most dangerous position and do the most dangerous thing, you should be equipped with the best equipment to offset the dangers they face!
Gongsun Yue, who was hiding on the city wall, raised his shield and glanced down secretly.Seeing that the first camper had already rushed up, he rolled his eyes and shouted, "The rebel army under Chen Lei's rebel army is climbing the city now. We must stop it and don't let it go up the city and harm the foundation of our Han Dynasty." !”

Many big men and die-hard party members responded one after another, but more remained silent.

What harms the foundation of Han Dynasty?
As long as your own life is the most important!In front of one's own life, there is no cornerstone that is not a cornerstone!Every time the world changes hands, don't the people live the same way?Could it be that their lives will definitely be gone if they change a monarch?

Stop bullshitting!

There is no such thing at all!

But in order to perfunctory Gongsun Yue, so as not to turn himself into the person who was beaten just now, he had no choice but to grit his teeth, shoot an arrow down quickly, and then gasped for breath!
Gongsun Yue also lowered his head at this time, so he didn't know anything about it.

He still shouted, "Don't let the rebel Chen Lei lead the army into the city. If he leads the army into the city, we will not survive; everyone will hold on for a while, and Gongsun Zhoumu will send troops to help us immediately; as long as we hold on During this period of time, His Majesty will satisfy you whether it is gold, silver, jewelry or official status; this is the time to make achievements, everyone must hold on!"

Except for a handful of young people who were bewitched by him, more middle-aged people still turned a blind eye and paddled calmly!
Painting cake?

Who will listen to your cake painting!Even my life is about to die, I still listen to you paddling, I believe you are a ghost!
The distance between the Xiandeng camp on the city wall and the Youzhou soldiers is getting closer and closer, and the resistance on the Baoding city wall is getting weaker and weaker.

Chen Lei's soldiers numbered 30, and the number of high-quality warriors under his command was unknown.If you resist too fiercely and cause Chen Lei's displeasure, it will not benefit the subsequent surrender plan at all!


Most of them had no intention of winning from the beginning, and all they could think about was surrender.

After all, who is Chen Lei?
That is a person who has occupied nine of the thirteen states in the world within a few years of development with just one county.They don't have Liu Xiu here, and they don't have 28 generals in Yuntai. To deal with Chen Lei, they are like a mantis' arms and a cart, and they are overconfident!
So it didn't take long for Baoding City to be captured by Chen Lei.

Baoding city.

Chen Lei asked blankly, "Where is Gongsun Yue?"

The county lieutenant of Baoding City stood aside in a daze like an abandoned cat.Hearing Chen Lei's question, he said in a daze, "I just pretended to be a dead body, grabbed a few clothes of Chen Zhoumu's soldiers and fled outside!"

Chen Lei raised his eyebrows, feeling a little surprised by this.

With Gongsun Yue's appearance just now, everyone felt that he wanted to swear to the death with Baoding City!
Unexpectedly, he turned his head and ran away, which made people laugh bitterly.

Chen Lei shook his head, put aside the thoughts in his heart, and ordered, "It's still the same as before, restrain the soldiers under his command and prevent them from intruding on the civilian households!"

"If anyone dares to harass the households, he will be executed without mercy!"

"At the same time, the city is also under control. You have to apply to us when you leave home during normal times. You are not allowed to gather in groups outside. Anyone who resists the order will also be killed!"

"In addition, according to the new laws and new policies of other states, control this city!"

"As long as the attack is over, this city will no longer be under Gongsun Zan's rule, but under my rule, Chen Lei!"

"Finally, leave a certain number of people in this city to defend the city, and the others will continue to go deep with me!"

Of course, these words were spoken to some non-commissioned officers, who then conveyed them to the soldiers under their command.

Because this set of commands is not the first time, and I am already familiar with it.In addition, Chen Lei was usually very good to them, so this set of orders was issued naturally.

of course
There are also many people who cannot do this and cannot bear their animal desires.He felt that it didn't matter if he raped and robbed someone, so he resolutely carried out his own atrocities!
However, the fate of such a person is just a result.

(End of this chapter)

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