Chapter 283
This morning, Chen Lei still got up early habitually.

After washing up a bit, I ate a porridge with longan and lotus seeds, and then went straight to the study.

To deal with the official letter just placed on his desk, and the secret letter about the previous plan.

But when he finally finished processing the official documents and picked up the secret letter at the top, he found something was wrong.

"Why is this date so new?"

The moment he noticed the date, he picked up the second secret letter and took a special look at the secret letter below.

Frowning, he muttered to himself, "That's right, why is this secret letter placed on the top?"

"Who is so vague?"

Chen Lei kept talking, pushed the beeswax away with his little finger, and pulled out the letter paper.

But when he saw the content of the letter paper, his face changed suddenly, he closed the letter paper abruptly, and walked out of the desk quickly.

"Come on!"

The guard at the door heard the sound and hurried in, "What's the matter, Mr. Chen?"

Chen Lei's eyes were filled with a trace of coldness, and he ordered, "Go and get Zhongjing back, and call Uncle He over by the way, remember to let them put down what they are doing and come here immediately!"

The guard's face turned serious, and he replied, "Young man, call someone to look for it now!"

He ran out quickly, feeling a little nervous in his heart.

Mr. Chen of his family rarely showed that expression, and rarely asked Mr. Tang to put down what he was doing and come over immediately.

Now that it is like this, it means that something very important must have happened.

He can't afford to delay this kind of thing!

But Chen Lei inside, still couldn't calm down when he saw the guards rushing out.

He simply moved out a stool by the door, sat in the yard and watched the sky, his mind spinning rapidly.

"When something like this happens, there are pros and cons."

"At a glance, it does do more harm than good."

"But when I think about it inside, it may be that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages."

Thinking of this, he found that things were not as terrible as he thought before.

Chen Lei's expression slowly eased down.

I was just shocked by the news just now, that's why I reacted that way.

"However, it depends on the operation. If the operation is not good, it may become a big problem, and even affect the overall calculation, but if the operation is good"

"It could be a great opportunity!"

"I don't need to take too much risk, and I can kill all the powerful families in Yangzhou who oppose me, and I don't have to bear too much confusion from the outer states and counties."

"So, now we have to find someone to discuss immediately to turn this variable into a definite number!"

"Just didn't expect"

"This guy is doing well on the surface, but secretly doing this trick!"

Chen Lei tapped his fingers on the chair and calculated, with a trace of sarcasm in the corner of his mouth.

He went back to the study, took out the letter paper that he had closed just now, sat on the chair and looked at the stamp in the lower right corner.

Blood red!

The meaning is obvious, that is, I will use my own life as a guarantee that the words above are true.

Every one sent by him now is trustworthy and will not tamper with the procedure of sending letters.

And the one who sent this letter was Chen Lei who went to find it personally, and the one who went to play with Yingzhi on the spot was the Xu family in Danyang County.

What he thought was also that the resistance in Danyang County was fierce before, so it was easier for the prominent families in Danyang County to gain Yingzhi's trust.

It never occurred to him that this was his move, and he found a way to win Zhibu by accident.

Chen Lei looked at the secret letter again, as if confirming repeatedly.

At the top of the secret letter were written the words "Chen Zhou Mu Qin Qi".

And Xu Lei's discoveries are written in turn below.

"Some time ago, I sent my cronies to Yingzhi's mansion to discuss the matter of 'counterattack'."

"My cronies made it clear to Ying Zhi according to what I told him, and they continued to discuss assistance matters with Ying Zhi in order to make way for Ying Zhi's misunderstanding. We are just a group of leeches, we will suck their blood, and we will be better able to Let Yingzhi let his guard down."

"Just when the discussion is over and my cronies are leaving."

"He unexpectedly saw Ouyang Qing's figure in Yingzhi's mansion!"

"My confidant remained calm, and after a brief confession with Yingzhi, he rushed back home and told me about it!"

"I thought that General Li was also in Danyang County, so I found General Li and asked General Li to go to Ouyang Qing's mansion to check."

"If Ouyang Qing himself is in the mansion, it proves that everything is fine. My confidant has made a mistake. But if Ouyang Qing is not in the governor's mansion, or even Ouyang's private mansion cannot find him, then There may be a big problem - Ouyang Qing, the governor of Danyang, may be in cahoots with Ying Zhi."

"And the matter that needs to be discussed by me in the past must be very serious!"

"After hearing my words, General Li immediately understood the importance of the matter!"

"Immediately make a decision. Put on your night clothes and go to visit the governor's house and Ouyang's residence at night."

"What is frightening is that Ouyang Qing is not in the county guard's mansion, nor is he in Ouyang's mansion."

"So General Li blocked Danyang County on the grounds that Danyang County was infiltrated with the remnants of the Yingzhi Remnant Party, and conducted routine inspections of passing vehicles."

"No accident, at the time of the day, the eunuch's car was stopped."

"In order to prevent Ouyang Qing from noticing, General Li did not forcibly search the prefect's car. He asked the convoy to give a token that could prove that it was the prefect, and then let it go."

"But this matter is also close to ten!"

"If Ouyang Qing and Ying Zhi collude, it will be a big problem."

"General Xiao Li and I both think so."

"I hope Chen Zhoumu will take this matter seriously and don't let Ouyang Qing succeed!"

Chen Lei sighed.

I gave others a way out, but I didn't expect others to feel that it wasn't enough, and they actually wanted to collude with foreign enemies to turn against him together.

"It's really you, Ouyang Qing!"

Chen Lei muttered to himself, "I really didn't want to kill you before."

At this moment, He Yu walked over quickly, looked at the letter in Chen Lei's hand and asked, "What's the matter, Mr. Chen, what's the rush?"

Chen Lei threw the letter to He Yu with little interest.

He Yu took it, and his powerful memory allowed him to know the cause, process, and result of the incident with just a few glances.

He Yu looked cold.

"The guy who doesn't know how to praise!"

"Master Chen rarely gave you a chance to survive, it seems that you are useless!"

Chen Lei didn't say anything, just shook his head.

He Yu understood Chen Lei's thoughts - needless to say, just do it when the time comes.

Ouyang Qing will definitely pay the price for his own stupidity for cheating on foreign enemies.

His family Master Chen has held grudges since he was a child.

When he was young, his second uncle played the little brother, and when he was a little older, Chen Lei directly played the little brother of his second uncle's only grandson a hundred times!

It was red, swollen and swollen, and it became famous from then on!

However, the only grandson of the second uncle is now in the Chen family's private courtyard, so he is not ashamed, but proud!

After all, whose little brother is so honorable?
It can make today's Yangzhou Mu Chen Lei "favorite" a full hundred times!

Chen Lei was speechless.

If he hadn't thought that this was the only grandson of his second eldest son, he would have been dragged into the palace long ago, making everything he said after that become nonsense!
Chen Lei said, "Don't worry, let's wait until Zhong Jing comes over to talk about it."

"Well, one more person can always find some loopholes that haven't been discovered!"

Time flies by.

In the blink of an eye it was lunch time.

Because he had no appetite today, Chen Lei only asked the kitchen to make two simple dishes, one meat and one vegetarian, which he and He Yu enjoyed together.

After lunch, when the guards brought the tea, Tang Ruodong also hurried over.

When he entered the house and saw Chen Lei, the first thing he said was, "What's the matter, Mr. Chen?"

Chen Lei knew that Tang Ruodong must have not had lunch, so he called the guards and ordered two more dishes to be served, and then asked Tang Ruodong to sit down and drink some spiritual tea, and then gave the letter covered in front of him to him. He sees.

Tang Ruodong took the letter doubtfully while grilling the rice.


Tang Ruodong smashed his chopsticks on the table angrily, "Such a villain can be the sheriff of a county!"

Chen Lei said warmly, "The thing has happened, so don't be impatient."

Then he cleared the table and handed a pair of clean chopsticks to Tang Ruodong, "Eat first. It won't be too late to discuss it after you finish."

Tang Ruodong nodded, finished the meal in a few mouthfuls, and asked, "Master Chen, what should we do?"

Chen Lei has calmed down now and can look at the problem rationally, "Ouyang Qing's rebellion is both an opportunity and a crisis."

"He must have leaked all our information to Yingzhi."

"For example, the number of soldiers recruited by each state and county, such as the city defense map. If these can be leaked, he will definitely leave no one behind to win Yingzhi's trust."

"But there are things he doesn't know, such as the specific distribution of our Guangling soldiers, such as our newly transferred group of people from Xuzhou, and the data of our high-end combat power."

"What Ying Zhi knows is trivial."

"This just gives us an opportunity. Since Ouyang Qing gave the city defense map, we can ask Xu Lei to submit a rough version, but it is almost the same, to gain trust, and at the same time give some half-truth and half-false data. You lied to Yingzhi, and let him get wrong information."

"If Yingzhi allows Xu Lei to meet Ouyang Qing in an open and honest manner, we can completely let Ouyang Qing condense these rebellious families into one rope, and then find a good time to let Xu Lei falsely spread the meaning of Yingzhi."

Tang Ruodong's eyes flashed, "Master Chen, what do you mean?"

Chen Lei smiled, very wildly, "Yes, as long as Xu Lei gains enough trust and has Ouyang Qing's 'endorsement', we can definitely let Xu Lei raise an army together at a time that looks very much like an opportunity to raise an army!" "

Tang Ruodong also laughed, and said what Chen Lei hadn't said, "At this time, Yingzhi didn't actually raise an army. He would most likely raise an army hastily to cooperate because of the opportunity!"

"The time he transferred troops from Jiaozhou is enough time for us to get rid of these rebellious gentry in Yangzhou."

He Yu smiled sinisterly, crushed the letter into a pile of powder and "cut it into pieces!"

Chen Lei quickly smoothed He Yu's smile with his hand, "Uncle He, your smile looks too much like a villain. We don't want to smile like that!"

He Yu touched his face blankly, "Is there any?"

Tang Ruodong smiled, and changed the subject, "Master Chen is becoming more and more comfortable thinking about these things now."

Most of the ordinary details were picked out bit by bit by Chen Lei.

In addition, he also has to deal with the trivial affairs of the state and county, manage the progress of the academies and military training, the development of the county, and the comfort of the people.

That's why Chen Lei became more and more proficient.

"Hahaha, it's over if we deal with it too much." Speaking of this, Chen Lei's expression became a little complicated.

Doing so many things usually has made him so tired that he has no time to practice martial arts anymore.

Originally, even if Chen Lei wasn't talented enough, with so many resources piled up, he would have piled up to rank nine!

But after returning from Luoyang, becoming a county magistrate and state shepherd required more and more things that he had to do personally, which led to his seventh-rank cultivation. It has been more than six years before he naturally reached the seventh rank. The pinnacle of the rank is still far away from the eighth rank.

The most important thing is that there is still no time to realize it.

If there is time to comprehend, that is not the case.

A talented person like Li Qi, after a few weeks of experience, is "not difficult" like the seventh-rank level, and he can easily break through it with one kick.

But Chen Lei's talent, breaking through the seventh-level level is like a chicken pecking at the shell. It needs to be understood bit by bit, and the eggshell is broken bit by bit, in order to break through the martial arts level.

Nowadays, if you don't have talent and don't spend time, you will naturally get stuck here.

Chen Lei shook his head, and said seriously, "Stop talking about this, let's arrange someone to do it, this should be our hope to break the game."

"By the way, remember that you don't need to give too detailed a map of the city defense, just a rough one, probably a little worse than Ouyang Qing."

"Otherwise, you will be suspected by Ying."

After all, Xu Lei is just an ordinary famous family, and the information and intelligence are definitely not as good as Ouyang Qing.

If a map better than Ouyang Qing's was given, Ying would immediately be suspicious of it.

It's like a poor student who suddenly gets a better result than the top student in the exam, and there are correct answers next to it. It's hard for people to suspect that you are 'cheating'.

But if this poor student only gives a pass, it will be close to an excellent answer.

Even if there are some childish mistakes in the teacher's opinion, they will still be praised by the teacher.

I think you are a good boy, you have made progress, and you have spent your best. The teacher may even tutor you in person, hoping that you can also become a top student. '

It was based on this consideration that Chen Lei asked Xu Lei to submit an answer sheet that was not considered excellent.

But on this answer sheet, there are even some ideas for solving the problems, which Ouyang Qing, who is a top student, didn't even mention, this is the most critical point.


Xu Lei took this answer sheet and rushed to Yizhou. On the surface, he brought a caravan to trade, but secretly brought a few soldiers to the state pastoral mansion in disguise.

And this day was also specially chosen by Chen Lei.

The day Ouyang Qing quietly left the city!
"I want to see Yingzhou Mu!"

The concierge knew this person, so he nodded quickly, "The master of the villain is in the study, let the villain go and report, my lord, wait a moment!"

"Well, don't worry!"

After waiting for about a quarter of an hour, the concierge walked out quickly and said, "My master is already waiting. Sir, please come in!"

Xu Lei nodded, carefully carrying a package wrapped in cowhide, and walked straight to the study.

It seems that I have been here many times.

The first moment Xu Lei saw Ying Zhi, he immediately bowed his head and said, "Master Ying, I brought something very important this time!"

Yingzhi asked lazily, "Oh? What is it?"

"The city defense map of Yangzhou, the training places for recruits in each county, and the distribution map of some elite soldiers in Guangling!"

Ying Zhi suddenly sat upright, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, "Is this true?"

"Yingzhou Mu knows it at a glance!"

Win directly wrapped in cowhide, take out the things inside and look carefully.

After finishing reading, he glanced at Xu Lei with some deep meaning in his eyes, then closed his eyes and meditated.

1 minutes.

2 minutes.

Ying Zhi didn't speak, no one in the study dared to breathe.

After about a quarter of an hour, Ying Zhi opened his eyes and looked at Xu Lei with a smile, "Wait a minute."

Then he clapped his hands "bring him here."

The guard nodded, walked to the back of the study, and called someone over.

Seeing this person, Xu Lei couldn't help but widen his eyes, "Lord Ouyang?!"

(End of this chapter)

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