Chapter 28

7 pm.

Fenglai Pavilion.

Chen Lei and He Yu stayed in the private room reserved by Yang Song upstairs.

According to Yang Song, this private room only cost him half the money that a rich kid would pay. When Chen Lei saw Yang Song's proud expression when he said this, he knew that the boss behind opening this brothel had got his wish.

Chen Lei smiled and said, "Uncle He, what's the matter? I'm right, isn't our brothel in Guangling comparable to that in Luoyang?"

He Yu looked at the furnishings downstairs.

Gilt blue and white porcelain vases, crystal clear jades, specially paved pavilions and waterside pavilions, and charming pavilion ladies walking past the waterside pavilion.

Slightly sighed, "It's indeed better than Guangling."

If Guangling sells ordinary beef, then Luoyang sells dishes carefully cooked with A5 Wagyu beef.

He Yu now feels that although Chen Lei has a cleanliness habit, it is not strange to stay here for one night. After all, there are still oirans like Zhuyou who have not left the pavilion.

So He Yu is a little worried now, if Mrs. Chen finds out, she will definitely break Mr. Chen's legs!

"Hey, it's out! It's out!"

Suddenly Zhou Bing exclaimed.

Chen Lei looked down.

Behind the pavilion and waterside pavilion came a woman with excellent temperament. She had a white hosta in her hair. Her clothes covered her up well, only revealing her slender and attractive neck.

He went to the crowd, made a blessing, then walked to the bed on the water pavilion, sat on the bed, and slowly closed the curtain.

It was the Zhuyou girl who left the pavilion today.

At the same time, the light beside the waterside pavilion was also extinguished, and only the graceful figure in the curtain could be faintly seen reflected by the candlelight inside the stage.

Yang Song couldn't help but praise, "This Fenglai Pavilion really has a way of seducing people."

Lu Leshui nodded, "It's heart-burning to be half-hidden."

Yang Song laughed and said, "That's right, otherwise why would I have been hooked here a few years ago. Brother Wei, let me tell you, although this girl from Fenglai Pavilion has never been treated, she is taught by that old bustard every day. The taste in it is really indescribable, when I was a brother, my heart was not settled, I really lost my soul here."

He didn't care about his image, or in other words, in this Eastern Han Dynasty, it was not an unspeakable thing.

Zhou Bing asked in confusion, "Brother Yang, your family wants you to stay here every day and night?"

Yang Song looked away mysteriously. If he stayed here every night, he would definitely be accused of ruining the family tradition.

Zhou Bing asked, "That is?"

Yang Song shook his head and said proudly, "The owner of Fenglai Pavilion is just a wealthy family. How can he survive for a long time in Luoyang without any foundation?"

Zhou Bing said enviously, "So he gave that woman to you, Brother Yang?"

Yang Song nodded slightly, "I sent the girl to my house the next day, along with the girl's deed of sale."

Zhou Bing sighed, "Sure enough, Brother Yang, you live a chic life."

Yang Song laughed. Hearing that his playmate envied him so much, his vanity could not help but be greatly satisfied.

Chen Lei questioned, "Brother Yang, is it because of the background behind this oiran's coming out of the court?"

Yang Song nodded and shook his head again, "This was indeed the case when Fenglai Pavilion was first opened decades ago.

Although the skill of training girls is very good, but the balance of payments will be maintained even after the sky is turned. Most of the girls will be sent to the powerful to curry favor with the powerful.

But in recent years, more and more dignitaries have been courted by Fenglai Pavilion, and a large net has been woven in this Luoyang.

A few years ago, I also spent money and won the favor of the oiran, so Fenglai Pavilion was sold well, and I sent that girl to my family to be my concubine. "

Zhou Bing was gearing up, since he had a chance to fight for it, he had never seen such a charming girl.

The ladies in Luoyang usually don't go out of the house, and occasionally go for an outing, and there are a group of guards watching around vigilantly, so generally they don't see such a beautiful person at all.

Zhou Bing said curiously, "Brother Yang, how can I please the oiran?"

Yang Song looked at Zhou Bing teasingly, "Brother Zhou, is your heart itchy? But it's not my fault, Brother Zhou. I've seen in Fenglai Pavilion all these years, and today this Zhuyou girl is one of the most beautiful."

Zhou Bing didn't feel the slightest bit embarrassed, but instead urged Yang Song to speak more anxiously.

Yang Song shook his head, "To please the oiran, of course it depends on what she likes. Brother Zhou, how famous is this Zhuyou girl?"

Zhou Bingyi slapped his head, "Ode to bamboo poetry!"

Yang Song laughed and said, "Exactly, but Brother Zhou, you don't have enough time now. Those who are willing have prepared for the full term."

Zhou Bing said despondently, "I'm good at calligraphy and painting, but I'm just writing this poem with a brush with a chicken's claw, and I'm at the level of humiliating myself."

Yang Song comforted, "Brother Zhou, you don't have to be disheartened. There are still many girls in Fenglai Pavilion. Brother Zhou is both excellent in calligraphy and painting. Are you afraid that no one will appreciate it?"

It's impossible to say that every girl has exactly the same preferences, otherwise it would be too fake.

Zhou Bing looked straight at the bamboo leaves in the waterside pavilion.

The crowd laughed loudly.

After a while, the bustard of Fenglai Pavilion came out to warm up the scene.

The old bustard shouted in a rough voice, "Thank you, gentlemen and masters, for coming to hold Miss Zhuyou today. I believe that you are all regular customers. I don't need to say anything more. If there is a benefactor who came for the first time, call me at will. A girl and a boy can find out if he wants to ask."

"Today is still the same as usual, there is half an hour for the gentlemen and lords to hand over their favorite works to the servants, and let the servants hand them over to the girl who has left the cabinet to judge."

"The Accords on the second floor are still the same as usual. No signature is required. There are marks of their respective Accords on the paper. The gentlemen and gentlemen on the first floor have to sign. No matter how bad it is, you must leave a code name that others will know in the lower right corner of the page, otherwise Not being able to tell the difference between masterpieces can be annoying for no reason."

The people sitting downstairs shouted, "Of course we know that if you have a masterpiece and don't leave your name for people to admire, wouldn't it make people laugh out loud if it spreads about it?"

The companion next to him said, "That's right, Brother Wu is right."

"It's good that the young master knows," the old bustard said with a smile, and then slowly disappeared.

Chen Lei asked curiously, "This madam is very familiar with the road. Is she the one who comes to the home court every time?"

Yang Song shook his head and denied, "That's not true. There are quite a few old bustards, all of whom are 'old men' from Fenglai Pavilion. They were girls twenty years ago. I don't know if they haven't saved enough money to redeem their lives these years, or they are old and worried that no one will be there. If you want to support her, she will simply be a bustard in Fenglai Pavilion."

Suddenly, Chen Lei sighed and said, "They are all hard-working people."

As the time passed, people in the nearby Accords all called for servants to send their masterpieces to the waterside pavilion.

Every time Zhou Bing saw a piece of paper being sent in, he would yell that it was a pity. Facing the atmosphere below, Chen Lei felt relieved for a while.

"Uncle He, pen, ink, paper and inkstone!" Chen Lei said to He Yu who was sitting beside him.

There are so many masterpieces from his past life in his hands, it is useless for him to keep them, so he might as well take out one or two as a favor.

He Yu sighed slightly, but still took the pen, ink, paper and inkstone from the table behind.

Chen Lei waved his hand.

A five-character quatrain appeared on the paper.

Chen Lei asked He Yu to deliver it to the boy.

Yang Song asked curiously, "Brother Chen has already made a masterpiece?"

Chen Lei didn't pause at all just now and finished it in the blink of an eye. None of them saw what was done on the paper and couldn't help but wonder.

Chen Lei said modestly, "I got it by chance."

He also copied the poems and essays from his previous life, so he is right.

There was an endless stream of people sending poems and essays to the water pavilion, and it arrived in half an hour.

After everyone waited for a quarter of an hour, the girl in the waterside pavilion finally picked out a poem and handed it to the boy waiting at the side.

The young man took the poem and went down the waterside pavilion, and handed it to the bustard who had spoken just now.

The madam spread it out and glanced at the place where the mark and signature were left in the lower right corner, and he understood clearly.

"Miss Zhuyou favors..."

(End of this chapter)

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