Chapter 277 Official Letter
Early the next morning, the sky was still dim.

Tang Ruodong was woken up by He Yu's door calling.

"Middle shot, middle shot, are you awake?"

Bang bang bang.

"Middle shot, middle shot, are you awake?"


Tang Ruodong sat up slowly, put on his inner clothes, stroked his forehead and said, "Wake up, come in."

He Yu pushed open the door and saw that Tang Ruodong had just put on his underwear.

Then he put the paper, ink, pen and inkstone on his desk, and said with a smile, "Master Chen is going to recruit troops in Danyang County, Zhongjing, you write an official letter to Ouyang Qing in Danyang County, asking for his opinion."

Tang Ruodong packed up his clothes and said in surprise, "Is it finally going to start?"

He Yu found a place to sit down, smiled and nodded, "After all, it's almost time, isn't it?"

The four of them, together with the hundreds of college graduates transferred from Guangling, have worked hard for a whole year, and they have almost eroded Yangzhou.

If it is a month later, it will definitely be more stable, but if it is done now, there will be no big problem.

In this time period where every second counts, the difference between one month more and one month less can be huge.

So Chen Lei thought for so long yesterday before deciding to start recruiting.

Although there are certain risks, the benefits far outweigh the risks.

Tang Ruodong nodded upon hearing the words, "Then just find a trustworthy Yangzhou shepherd to replace Lord Chen and control Yangzhou."

As long as soldiers are recruited and follow the procedures of Guangling County, and the soldiers are well controlled, Yangzhou and the others can be regarded as completely in their hands.

Tang Ruodong walked barefoot to the desk, pushed aside the sleeve of his right hand, and asked, "How many people are you recruiting this time?"

If there are no actual figures, it is not easy for him to write an official letter. Could it be that he writes the kind of 'We want to recruit people, come here quickly! 'Is this kind of empty talk?
He Yu laughed and said, "Master Chen said to recruit 2 people. The upper limit can be 5000 people, and the lower limit can be 15 people. It is enough if you are above the age of Dancing Elephant (20-40 years old) and under the age of no doubt (2 years old)." The [-] people was decided after a long discussion between the two last night.

Thanks to the blessing of Gaowu World, people's physique has improved a lot, and infants and children are not easy to die.

The disadvantage is that the martial spirit is more serious, and if there is a disagreement, there will be a big fight. If it is serious, the two villages will start a fight, and the casualties will be more serious than in the previous life. There has been a two villages fighting before, and hundreds of people died.

But even if this is the case, Danyang County has 27 food households and a population of about 130 million. Chen Lei thought for a long time before he felt that recruiting [-] soldiers was more appropriate.

One person from 13 households and one person from 1 households will neither affect the labor force nor cause opposition.

Furthermore, Chen Lei has been emphasizing this year that joining the army can make meritorious deeds, and if he can get credit, he will be rewarded with a Martial Arts Inheritance Stone, which has weakened the opposition a lot.

The Huang-level and Xuan-level Martial Arts Inheritance Stones that Chen Lei had drawn in the early years were still unused for many times, and it was more than enough to put them down as rewards.

As a fierce folk, Danyang attaches great importance to anything that can enhance their own force.

So this martial arts inheritance stone must be very attractive to Danyang people. If it is not enough, it is not impossible to get some more real martial arts resources as rewards, or to reward higher-level martial arts inheritance stones.

In this way, not to mention ordinary people in Danyang, even some wealthy households may be tempted to send people to join the army.

Tang Ruodong waved his hand across the paper, and soon finished writing an official letter.

The words inside are upright and upright, ensuring that after reading it, Ouyang Qing, the governor of Danyang County, will not have anything to say against it.

Protecting the villagers counts as one point, resisting foreign invasion is the second point, and governing Danyang counts as the third point
Of course, there are many reasons. Anyway, people who read it can understand why Chen Lei wants to recruit troops, support Chen Lei's recruitment, and at worst can not object.

He Yu took the letter and sighed with a smile, "Danyang's elite soldiers are famous all over the world, but we just don't know how much help these people they have recruited can bring us."

"Yes, in the second year of the Tianhan Dynasty, General Li Ling led 8 Danyang elite troops out of Yanguan and went to Junji Mountain to fight against the Xiongnu. The Xiongnu Shanyu summoned more than [-] elite cavalry to besiege the Han army. I mean, I don’t know what’s the difference between the soldiers recruited by Danyang and our Guangling.”

Tang Ruodong also felt emotional.

Of the six counties in Yangzhou, Danyang County was the tough one, and the other five counties were subdued. In Danyang County, Ouyang Qing had a stalemate with Chen Lei for a long time, relying on the strong fighting power of the county soldiers.

Of course, he also knew that there was a high probability that Chen Lei would not use force to suppress him, that's why he jumped like that before.

Now that his county soldiers are under Chen Lei's control, Ouyang Qing can't jump anymore.

"Okay, Zhongjing, without further ado, I'll let someone send this official letter to Ouyang Qing to see his reaction?"

Tang Ruodong stood up from the desk, washed his face with the water brought by the guard, and said, "Uncle He, you can go on your own. I still have things to deal with here."

He Yu smiled, "Restraint."

Tang Ruodong raised his head, and originally wanted to laugh and curse, but seeing that He Yu had already reached a very far distance in an instant, he couldn't help but shook his head with a smile, then looked at the distance and sighed with emotion, "After waiting for a year, I finally reached this step .”

And on the other side.

After He Yu went out, he was looking for Mo Hai.

Went to Mo Hai's mansion, went to the restaurant Mo Hai often went to, but couldn't find it.

Finally, in his courtyard, he met Mo Hai who was waiting for him.

"Ziqing, you came just in time, here is an official letter for you to deliver!"

This official letter was directly handed over by He Yu to Mo Hai, the part-time messenger leader.

When Mo just received it, he didn't care a little.


It's just an official letter, just find someone to send it to.

"For Ouyang Qing, for recruiting troops."

But after He Yu explained the importance of the matter to him, Mo Hai immediately assured He Yu that the letter would definitely arrive before noon.

"It's not too late, so I'm going?"

"it is good!"

Then Mo Qing trotted out of the house, pulled out his spirit horse, and rushed towards Danyang.

He wouldn't feel at ease entrusting this kind of important matter to anyone, and it would be safe only to deliver it himself.

"I am a meritorious officer of Chenzhou Mu's tent. I have something important to do with Ouyang Qing, the prefect of Danyang. Please open the door quickly!"

One kilometer away from the city gate, Mo Hai raised his head and shouted loudly.

The soldiers guarding the city gate looked at him with wide eyes, "Take out the token to check, and the law in the city prohibits galloping horses, please dismount Mo Gongcao, don't embarrass the brothers."

Mo Hai took out a token that could prove his identity from his pocket, nodded quickly, and said anxiously, "Of course I know this, please open the city gate quickly, if you delay things, you and I will not be able to apologize!"

"Mo Gongcao wait a moment, right now!"

"Open the door!"

The city gate was slowly opened.

Mo Hai dodges quickly into the city, and then throws the reins to the guarding soldiers beside him, "I have something important to do, go find a place to tie my horse for me, or find a place where you can see it Let it move freely on the ground for a while, and I will come as I go!"

The spirit horse has already understood human nature, so Mo Hai is not afraid of running around, the only thing he is afraid of is being captured by some warrior.

The guarding soldiers did not dare to neglect "Okay!"

Mo Hai nodded, and ran towards the Sheriff's Mansion.

Horses are not allowed to run in the city, so he can't run horses, but running in the city is still allowed, as long as you don't run on the eaves, it doesn't count as breaking the law.

"This man is crazy, he ran so fast, he almost hit me!"

"Run so fast, rushing to reincarnate?"


Mo Hai didn't care about the abuse, but rushed straight to the sheriff's mansion.

After about ten minutes, he rushed to the gate of Danyang County.

The concierge was a short and fat old man. Seeing Mo Hai's hasty expression, he wanted to rush in. His face was not happy, so he immediately blocked the door for Mo Hai, "Who are you? What are you doing in the Sheriff's Mansion?"

Mo Hai took out his token and explained, "I'm a meritorious service under Chen Zhoumu's command. I need to discuss important matters with your Master Ouyang!"

The chunky old man asked, "Is there something important to discuss?"

Mo Hai nodded, "Exactly."

The short and fat old man looked at Mo Hai for several years, and knew that although his master didn't like people like Chen Lei, there was still nothing he could do.

The young master was accidentally caught by them last year, and it took a lot of effort to rescue him.

Thinking of this, the short and fat old man looked ugly, but he was afraid that he would not wait to see Mo Hai and bring disaster to his master and himself, so he lowered his head and said, "Then you wait here for a while, and I will report to you!"

Mo Hai said, "It's troublesome, please hurry up."

The chunky old man squeezed out a hmm from the back of his throat, then closed the door and walked towards the garden with bloated steps.

Ouyang Qing had nothing to do recently, so he found a few potted plants, took care of them every day, and chatted to pass the time.

When Ouyang Qing saw the concierge coming panting, he put down the kettle in his hand and asked softly, "Uncle Fu, who is here?"

Uncle Fu took a few deep breaths and wiped some unnecessary sweat with his sleeves before he said, "A man claiming to be Chen Lei Gongcao came to the door. He said he had something important to discuss."

Contributors engaged in?

Ouyang Qing was a little confused.

Isn't Gongcao mainly in charge of personnel selection? Why did you send a message to him?

But now that he has come, he can't neglect it, so Ouyang Qing handed the water bottle to the waiter at the side, and then said, "Fu Bo, please lead him to the reception hall, I'll come over after changing clothes. "

Now he is wearing ordinary clothes, which does not conform to the rules of hospitality.

As a scribe, Ouyang Qing undoubtedly cared a lot about the word "rules", which was related to the promotion of his literary skills.

It's the same concept as inner demons in the fantasy world. Having inner demons almost means you can't break through.

Uncle Fu expressed his understanding, then turned around and left. He walked back to the porter's room, asked the guards on both sides to open the gate, then let Mo Hai in, led him to the reception hall, let Mo Hai sit down, and said, "My master changed the door." The clothes are gone, please wait for a while."

Mo Hai looked at the hall from the corner of his eye, and said, "Okay, I'll wait here."

"Yeah." Forbe turned around and walked back to the concierge.

Then Mo Hai looked at the reception hall and couldn't help but click his tongue when he saw the calligraphy and paintings on it.

"How is it, do you like it?"

At this moment, Ouyang Qing suddenly appeared.

If Mo Hai expresses his love, Ouyang Qing will definitely give this calligraphy and painting to him.

It's a pity that Mo Hai's face turned into the previous solemn look in an instant, "Ouyang County Sheriff, Chen Zhoumu asked me to send an official letter, saying that I will let Ouyang County Sheriff you read it and give my family Zhou Mu an answer."

Ouyang Qing hummed, didn't say anything, and wasn't disappointed, took the official letter from Mo Hai, opened it and read it carefully.

A lot has been written above, but it can be summed up in one sentence.

I want to recruit soldiers in your Danyang, you have to agree with me to recruit soldiers!

Ouyang Qing sighed deeply.

This Chen Lei still couldn't hold back, he wanted to take Yangzhou into his arms.

In his opinion, although a stupid bear like Dong Zhuo has high strength, he is not terrible. What is terrible is a cheetah with high strength and patience like Chen Lei.

Unfortunately, he has become the prey of the cheetah.

But what else can he do, he is not a big man, and he is just a small character who can fight against the leader of the princes and alliance who has led the 22 princes and attacked Dong Zhuo together.

After thinking about it, Ouyang Qing looked at Mo Hai and suddenly laughed.

Mo Hai was so frightened that he was shocked.

Could it be that Ouyang Qing wanted to kill the fish and break the net?

Mo Hai warned with a cold face, "Governor Ouyang, don't do stupid things, my state shepherd holds grudges very much!"

Ouyang Qing shook her head with a smile, "Don't worry too much. If Chen Zhoumu is willing to recruit troops to defend Xuzhou, I will definitely be willing in every possible way. At least it won't happen that so many rebels surrounded Yangzhou before."

Mo Hai's expression softened a little, "This is the best, then please trouble Ouyang County Magistrate to write an official letter, and I will take it back to Chen Zhoumu to see."

He does know the inside story of the rebels besieging Yangzhou.

It is nothing more than Yingzhi wants Yizhou, Jiaozhou, and Yangzhou to be attacked at the same time as his basic base.

But it was impossible for him to tell Ouyang Qing that although Ouyang Qing might have guessed it, it was a matter of principle.

Ouyang Qing smiled, and asked the servants to fetch a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and wrote an official letter neatly, and handed it to Mo Hai.

After Mo Hai left, Ouyang Qing's old servant asked in a low voice, "Master, aren't we holding them back?"

Ouyang Qing glanced at the old servant, and asked with a smile, "Now that Chen Lei is stuck, is there any benefit for us?"

The old servant hesitated for a while, then shook his head, "Now that Yingzhi knows that Yangzhou is about to be completely controlled by Chen Lei, he will not benefit us any more!"

Ouyang Qing said with emotion, "Yes, there is a high probability that it will not benefit us anymore."

Speaking of this, he suddenly laughed again, "Since he doesn't do us any favors, why should we help him to target Chen Lei? Isn't this looking for death?"

The old servant also nodded, "Then ignore what Chen Lei did next?"

"Don't care?" Ouyang Qing still shook his head, "If you don't care, Chen Lei will clean us up sooner or later!"

"Then what to do?"

Ouyang Qing smiled, "Of course what Chen Lei wants to do, we will help him do it!"

"Oh? Why?"

"At the beginning, we agreed to win Zhizhi only because Chen Lei suddenly seized Yangzhou. I can't understand him. Now that all the states in the world are occupied by princes, it is almost equivalent to the Spring and Autumn Period. We are still stubborn. This is the way of self-destruction. .”

Speaking of this, Ouyang Qing sighed, "At least in my opinion, it is better to put the treasure on Chen Lei than on Yingzhi."

The old servant nodded and said nothing.

If Mo Hai were here, he would be shocked.

This Nima still has such a person?
One end has no grass to eat, how about the other end?
(End of this chapter)

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