Chapter 268 Changes
"I also agree that if you choose someone who stays in Luoyang, President Chen should be No. 1. Whether it's calling the princes to discuss Dong, or the actual role played in the process of seeking Dong, none of the 22 of us can surpass him , and leader Chen is unparalleled in character, and he will definitely be up to the task in Luoyang!"

"The second is Zixing. His uncle is the teacher of the late emperor. Yang Taiwei, who is well-known in the world, has unparalleled moral character. Moreover, Yang Biao and Yang Situ also hold the position of Sangong in the court. His moral character should also be credible."

"Furthermore, he is one of Gonglu and Benchu, who is also the fourth generation and third prince. He is well-known in Luoyang and can better control the emotions of Luoyang people."

"The last person I recommend is Wenju. The [-]th generation descendant of Confucius has almost assisted the emperor from generation to generation. He should be recognized by everyone in Luoyang!"

After saying these words, Zhang Yang, the prefect of Shangdang, sat down calmly, and nodded to the princes who were looking at him.

The people he recommended were all the most suitable in his heart, without any partiality, avoidance, or selfish desires, so he spoke out very frankly and confidently!
Chen Lei looked at Zhang Yang and couldn't help but smile wryly.

As Zhang Yang was the last person to express his opinion, it meant that the opinions of all the princes had been said. What Zhang Yang said was approved by most of the princes. The big debate was between Yuan Shu and Yuan Shao. Only one brother can stay in Luoyang.

They might fight for this position, but if possible, Chen Lei would rather leave his position to these two brothers.

Stay in Luoyang?

Chen Lei didn't want to stay in Luoyang. In his opinion, staying in Luoyang was a waste of time.

So he stood up, bowed his hands to Zhang Yang and said, "Uncle Zhi thinks too highly of me. In Luoyang, the four people lead the position of emperor on behalf of me. I proposed it, and then I will be..."

Chen Lei let out a burst of clear laughter, "If it spreads, it may mean that he is fighting for his own profit."

Zhang Yang shook his head, "Qingyuan doesn't have to think like this. A sensible person can know that Qingyuan never has such an idea, and brother Qingyuan has many elite soldiers and generals. Luoyang is safe and secure under brother Qingyuan's leadership, so brother Qingyuan is the most suitable candidates."

Not only Zhang Yang, at least half of the 22 princes agree with this view.

Looking at this scene, Chen Lei couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Did he shoot himself in the foot with a rock?

In fact, he was not surprised at all when Zhang Yang said these words.

Zhang Yang is a man, although he is very brave, too kind and kind, he found out that his subordinates in his previous life were planning to rebel.

What is kindness?
This is called kindness!
Liu Bei and everything back a little bit!
At least Liu Bei is certainly not stupid enough to forgive his subordinates who are about to rebel.

From this incident, it can also be seen that Zhang Yang is a bit brainless. He can do whatever he wants, only thinking about the present, and not worrying about the future at all.

At this time, Yang Song also encouraged Chen Lei, "Qingyuan, temporarily occupying the position of emperor in Luoyang, I think you are very suitable, and you can't be more suitable!"

Chen Lei smiled bitterly, and couldn't find a good reason to shirk for a while.

Could it be that his two children in Guangling County have already been born, and he wants to go back and have a look?
Now that there is a country first, and then a family, he cannot be a reason, and if it is spread, he will be ridiculed.

Cao Cao saw Chen Lei's reluctance, and smiled, "Brother Qingyuan, isn't it good to lead the country? Why are you so unwilling?"

Chen Lei sighed modestly, "I'm not talented enough, I'm afraid I won't be able to do it."

Cao Cao didn't say anything, but looked at Chen Lei with some emotion in his heart.

When I met Chen Lei for the first time, he was still Yilang, who killed Uncle Jian Shuo with a five-color stick and made a great reputation in Luoyang.

At that time, when he went to see Chen Lei, he was always in a state of superiority.

Whether it is fame, strength, family background, or connections, they are all superior to Chen Lei, but such a person, after six or seven years, has grown into a person who needs him to look up to, and is better than him in every aspect.

Cao Cao suddenly smiled, "Brother Qingyuan, it is not difficult to lead a few days in Luoyang. There are only a few talented Han clansmen in the world. As long as there is a result, just give him the position of emperor. Brother Qingyuan Have doubts about your concentration?"

Chen Lei glanced at Cao Cao inexplicably.

What's the situation, Boss Cao?How could you say such a thing?It doesn't fit his image of Boss Cao at all!
He shook his head and said with all his heart to the people sitting in his seat, "Meng De is worrying too much. The position of emperor of the Han Dynasty belongs to the surname Liu. I definitely don't dare to think too much. I don't want to stay in Luoyang now."

Chen Lei smiled wryly for a while, and then said, "I'm not afraid of ridicule by you, it's actually some private matter in the Guangling Mansion, and at the same time, I'm afraid that I don't have enough virtue, so I have doubts."

Tao Qian stroked his white beard and said with a smile, "Don't worry about Qingyuan. This matter can be done in half a month as early as two months as late as possible. I won't worry about your private affairs in Qingyuan!"

Kong Rong also admitted, "That's exactly the case. If Luoyang is guarded by Qingyuan, then it is really safe. Qingyuan should stay in Luoyang for a while for the sake of the people of the big man."

Among the 22 princes in the courtyard, at least [-] princes have expressed their attitudes, saying that it is better for Chen Lei to stay in Luoyang.

Chen Lei had no way to refute everyone's opinions, so he had to accept this position with a wry smile.

The remaining three positions, as everyone expected, are exactly what Zhang Yang said, one was given to Yang Song, and the other was given to Kong Rong. Yuan Shao is the backbone.

This also made Yuan Shu extremely resentful, staring at Yuan Shao with fiery eyes.

People are so strange, instead of resenting the person who voted for him, he resents his competition, even if this person is his sibling or friend.

Now that the matter has been settled, all the princes asked the generals to pack their bags silently.

But in the dead of night.

Teams of men in black appeared in the streets and alleys of Luoyang.

Specifically looking for that kind of corner, took out the shovel behind the shoulder, and dug hard into the ground.
Potholes appeared on the surface one after another, and the noise caused caused one Luoyang citizen to open the windows curiously and look down, wanting to understand what they were doing.

The next morning.

22 The princes gathered together again.

Liu Bei grieved and pointed at the princes in the audience, "How long has Your Majesty been dead, are you so impatient, or are there already people who can't wait and want to usurp the Han?"

The princes did not speak.

I didn’t know who it was yesterday, or everyone was suspected.

Chen Lei sighed, "Although the Chuanguo Yuxi is a symbol of status, the most important thing is to be recognized by the world. Otherwise, no matter how much you do, it is impossible to become the new emperor. Now some of us have made Isn't this kind of thing a joke for others to see?"

"22 The princes talk and laugh to decide the affairs of the country. What a beautiful talk it is."

"But now that someone has done this, if it gets out, it will add a joke to the world that we are just loitering soldiers with no rules!"

"Now I don't want to get to the bottom of who is doing such a stupid thing, but today we have to lead our troops out of Luoyang, otherwise people will dig 'holes' in Luoyang every day, and Luoyang will be finished sooner or later!"

Yang Song also admitted, "As far as today's application is concerned, the worst is to withdraw to Hulao Pass!"

"That should be the case!" Kong Rong's face was also dull.

This kind of thing happened on the first day of the four people's generation of the country, and it really ruined the reputation of his Kong family when it spread.

Yuan Shao also nodded slightly.

In this way, the four made their first charter after Dai Guo, and the eighteen princes withdrew from Luoyang City!

But what none of the four of them thought of was.

Not only did the incident not get under control, it intensified.

Human beings are creatures of the herd, and when one person starts digging, a second one will dig.

So in the middle of the night the next day, even though there were soldiers patrolling the night, there were still many people hiding from the soldiers and digging quietly to find treasures.

And the person who dug the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom in Luoyang yesterday deliberately left a depth bomb in Luoyang before leaving, and the four of Chen Lei were 'bruised and bruised'!
That person sent someone to quietly spread the news in Luoyang that the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom was buried in a corner of Luoyang by Dong Zhuo. If the person who got the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom was powerful and famous, he could establish himself as the new emperor. Without power, one can live a life of wealth and splendor by virtue of this!
This strategy can be said to be extremely vicious.

Originally, the four of Chen Lei stayed in Luoyang out of good intentions. They wanted Luoyang to be stable until the new emperor ushered in, so that no one would deal with the decree.

But as soon as this rumor came out.

Some people will definitely imagine.

These four powerful guys forced other princes to leave Luoyang.

The four people made an appointment to quietly find the Jade Seal of the Kingdom together. Whoever finds the Jade Seal of the Kingdom will be the new emperor. The other three people will assist that person to ascend the throne, become the new emperor, and change the dynasty.

Although this rumor is very, very outrageous, there are still many people who believe it.

Kong Rong, who had a good temper, was furious.

"I am the twentieth generation descendant of Confucius, how could I do such a rebellious thing?"

Yang Song looked serious, and asked Chen Lei, "Can't you control it?"

Chen Lei shook his head, "I can't control it, Luoyang is prosperous, and I don't know how many people come and go. Many people suddenly found a place to bury their treasures. Some people forgot, some people died, and some It's a sudden fortune, and I don't care about the rest of these things."

"That is to say."

"Well, it's not that they didn't find nothing when they dug down. I even heard that someone has dug up an earth-level exercise inheritance stone, ancient objects, and a box of gold, silver and jewelry. These are the things that drive them crazy. With these precedents, it cannot be stopped!"

"What if we forcefully control it?" Yang Song continued to ask.

Chen Lei immediately denied, "If we don't let them dig up, then the rumors will definitely be true. Even if the four of us want to change the dynasty, it will be false. If more people spread the rumor, it will be regarded as true outside Sili. At that time, we will only He will turn into a street rat, and everyone will shout to beat him!"

"Is there no way to break the situation now?"

Chen Lei shook his head, "Yes, of course there is. Now we can only find a suitable Han family clan relative as soon as possible, welcome him to Luoyang immediately, and establish a new emperor. The rumors will naturally be self-defeating!"

Kong Rong nodded and agreed, "Now we can only do this, sooner rather than later, otherwise it will be spread too widely, and the reputation of the four of us will be stink."

Yuan Shao asked, "Which of the existing clansmen of the Han Dynasty can come to Luoyang to become emperor?"

"After Liu Qiang, King Gong of the East China Sea, the son of Liu Shu, the prefect of Danyang, Zongzheng Liu Yuke who once served as Zongzheng's mansion."

"After Liu Yu, king of Lu Gong in the Western Han Dynasty, he was gentle and majestic in appearance, and Liu Biao, who was named one of the Eight Horses, was also worthy."

"Liu Yan, who is also the successor of Liu Yu, King Lugong of the Western Han Dynasty, has been fine since his infancy."

Chen Lei nodded. These three people are all well-known figures in the later Romance of the Three Kingdoms. The first two are relatively normal, and they are loyal officials of the Han Dynasty.

"Then send envoys to them today to ask their opinions?"

"It's better to do it sooner rather than later!"

After they decided, Yuan Shao immediately sent someone to deliver the message to the place where the three were officials.

At the same time, Luoyang was also closed and the curfew was strengthened. Although they did not directly disagree with the 'digging', they were faintly controlled by many soldiers.

And five days later, two riders entered the city and rushed in front of the four of them.

The four of them were seated together with one of them who had a fierce temperament.

"I thought Jun Lang could be the master of the world, but I never thought Jun Lang was so eager." Kong Rong shook his head with a smile.

"The world has been suffering for a long time, of course I can't bear it." Liu Yan also said with a smile.

Kong Rong asked many more questions, and Liu Yanjie answered them very well.

At the end, Kong Rong thought that Liu Biao and Liu Yu hadn't replied, so he planned to drag Liu Yan and said, "There are still two riders who haven't returned. How about waiting for my other two riders to return before making a decision?"

Liu Yan's eyes flashed brightly, but he soon regained his composure, and said cheerfully, "Of course."

The five of them drank, chatted and laughed, and before dark, Liu Yan got up and went back.

On the second day no envoys returned, and on the third day two envoys returned together, saying that Liu Biao and Liu Yu were worried about their lack of talent and virtue, and they were unwilling to proclaim themselves emperors.

The four of them didn't want to wait any longer.

I asked Zongzheng and the ministers in the court for their opinions, and they all agreed with Liu Yan's proclaiming emperor.

The four agreed that a country cannot live without a king, so Liu Yan soon began his enthronement process.

After two or three days of preparation, Liu Yan methodically completed welcoming the sky, laying jade and silk, entering the zu, presenting gifts at the beginning of the trip, presenting gifts at the end of the trip, presenting gifts at the end of the trip, removing food, giving gifts, and watching fire.

At the same time, the news reached Liu Biao and Liu Yu.

They all said that their answers were not the case at all. At the same time, after Liu Yan became emperor, the first thing he did was to remove the soldiers who had sent the order from Kong Rong.

Said to be the official of Xiling, and rewarded him with great prosperity, without any concealment.

At this time, Kong Rong also learned that Liu Yan had bribed his two envoys, Xu Yizhongli, and asked his two envoys to say something beneficial to his enthronement.

This also made Kong Rong furious.

But Liu Yan has already ascended the throne and is the king of a country, no matter how angry he is, there is nothing he can do about Liu Yan.

What's more, Chen Lei and others have already returned to several states and counties, even if there is a way, it is not practical.

In this way, in the world where Liu Yan proclaimed himself emperor in Luoyang, time slowly turned.

(End of this chapter)

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