Chapter 2
"This is."

"Horse farm???"

Chen Lei lay on the recliner and opened his eyes, feeling agitated.

Even an ordinary horse farm is very impressive. Most of the more than a thousand horses in Chen's residence were saved one by one in shady places, and there are only three talented horses.

You must know that Xuzhou has a flat terrain, and it is difficult to make a difference without a strong cavalry.

If you go out of the city with infantry alone, your mobility is not enough, and you will be hung up and beaten by cavalry.

What's more, I can't say for sure what grade this horse farm is, just in case there are high-grade horses in it.

Chen Lei picked up the teacup.

"Uncle He."

He Yu appeared behind the recliner like a ghost.

"Master Chen, what are your orders?"

Chen Lei smiled, "I'll go to Zhongjing tomorrow."

All the venues drawn by the lottery were selected by themselves, and they appeared there out of thin air. It is definitely not suitable for land. The horse farm is such a large area, so the only place left to appear is the sea.

"Okay." He Yu agreed, waiting for Chen Lei to return to the yard to rest, and then go to inform Wang Tie, the commander-in-chief of Chenjiahai Road, that he and his men should be on standby at any time tomorrow.

I don't know how long it took, the fireworks in the sky finally died down, and the sky in Guangling County finally calmed down.

Chen Lei lowered his head with a hint of nostalgia.

When I was young in my previous life, fireworks was my favorite thing to watch in the orphanage. At that time, his small fourth-tier city did not have any regulations prohibiting fireworks. Every year during the Spring Festival, Lantern Festival, or when there are happy events in nearby neighbors, you can see them in the sky. Light up.

Other kids of a similar age at the orphanage would have enjoyed it after a while, but he could keep staring at it.

Because that was the only good thing he could see as a child.

It's funny to say, the only thing he could think about growing up at that time was that he could realize the freedom of fireworks when he grows up.

But after he graduated from university, got a job, and had an income, he couldn't find a place to set off fireworks in that huge city.

Chen Lei sighed quietly, drank the spirit tea in his hand, stood up slowly and walked out the door.

After three detours and five turns, they finally reached the gate.

Han Da at the concierge hurriedly got up.

"Master Chen, you have to go out so late."

Chen Lei smiled at him and nodded, "Uncle Han, I'm going out for a walk."

Han Da hurriedly opened the door made of black iron and wood, stood aside respectfully, waited for Chen Lei to walk away before raising his head, and asked the guards at the side to call Li San, another porter.

On New Year's Eve, the host's house goes out for a stroll, and the door cannot be closed until people come back.

There is a custom in Guangling, that is, on New Year's Eve, when the main house comes back, the two concierges have to be there, one on the left and one on the right behind the stone carvings in front of the door. Next year will be smooth sailing.

of course.

This thing has always been regarded as a feudal superstition by Chen Lei.

It was about 10 o'clock in the evening when Chen Lei went out, and the ancient people who had no means of entertainment had already closed their doors to rest.

The streets are no longer as lively as they were at noon, and there are even fewer people patrolling.

Except for two or three wild dogs, there were only some stalls with miscellaneous items that had not been put away.

But Chen Lei didn't feel much loneliness. In such a bustling city in his previous life, standing in the middle of the crowd would feel that life has no direction.

Maybe it's because he has a family here and a group of people who are familiar with him.

All in all, Chen Lei doesn't miss his past life at all.

Keep going.

Like a lion patrolling its territory.

When he passed a dark corner in Mipu ahead.

Chen Lei saw two wild dogs gathering together for exercise.

He couldn't help pointing at the two dogs and scolding with a smile, "On Chinese New Year's Eve, there's also Inuyasha.

Uncle He, if you put more thought into this, the child will be able to make soy sauce long ago. "

He Yu followed halfway behind Chen Lei, scratched his head embarrassedly and smiled, "I didn't find a suitable one."

My young master always said something he didn't understand, and now He Yu is no stranger to it.

Chen Lei frowned, "You are almost [-] years old, and you are not married yet, do you want my mother to worry about you every day?"

This is really not a lie. Mrs. Chen has already found more than one woman from a good family for He Yu, but He Yu declined them all.

Originally, the master's family could not deny the master's kindness, but the three generations of the He family were all housekeepers of the Chen family.

Chen Lei's father was watched by He Yu's father, and Chen Lei was watched by He Yu's father. He followed behind him all the time, so his status was naturally different from that of ordinary servants.

He Yu didn't have the nerve to say that the girls introduced by the mistress were not strong, and he was afraid that the cubs would not be able to protect the future young master like him, so he had to lower his head and not answer.

Anyway, this matter has been approved by his father, and his second brother has also married a wife and had children, so there is no need to worry about having no successors in the family.

Chen Lei glanced at He Yu helplessly, "Tell me what you want, and I'll find it for you. You're a grown-up man, so it's really not reassuring."

Then he said with some confidence, "Except for a few well-known and wealthy families in this huge Guangling, who can take over my Chen family."

"Master Chen said so."

He Yu responded with a sharp look in his eyes.

I thought who would dare to deny my family's Master Chen's wishes, so he went to that person's house that night to give him some 'good things'.

You must know that the half-step grand master wants to give some 'good things', let alone Guangling, and no one in Xuzhou can stop him.

"Okay, okay, go back and rest early, it looks like you didn't take it to heart."

He Yu was out of breath, "I don't."

Chen Lei ignored him.

Like ordinary people, the two walked slowly back to Chen's mansion. After being greeted by the gatekeeper, they heard the heavy and reassuring sound of the door closing, and slowly walked into the room.

A generation away from the dynasty fell apart.

Another year is approaching.

Chen Lei walked back to his yard.

The maid hurried forward and took off the jacket on him.

Although the fourth grade is already able to not be afraid of cold and heat, but Chen Lei feels that there will be something missing if he doesn't wear a jacket in winter, and he feels weird.

Because Chen Lei didn't have a reason to urge the marriage to succeed just now.

So he cast his malicious eyes on the maid.

"How about it, Xiao Jing, when do you plan to leave the mansion to find a lover to marry?"

The deeds of prostitution of the maids around him and most of the servants in the mansion have already been burned by him, so no one will stop them when they go out of the mansion.

But after so many years, there were only two or three people who left, and all of them left the mansion only after the maids found a good match outside. Even if the others didn't have a contract, they all stayed in the Chen mansion by coincidence.

"Are you 19 years old?" Chen Lei then asked.

"Yes, Master Chen."

In this era where you can get married and have children at the age of 14, 19 years old is already equivalent to more than 30 years old in later generations, so Xia Jing is already considered an older girl.

Chen Lei rubbed his chin, "It is indeed possible to find someone to marry at this age."

Xia Jing turned pale, and said in a trembling voice, "Master Chen, I don't want to..."

Chen Lei picked up the kettle and poured half a glass of water. After drinking it slowly, he asked, "Aren't you in a hurry?"

Xia Jing wept mournfully, "I just want to serve Mr. Chen, not marry."

Chen Lei waved his hands helplessly and said, "Okay, you go out."

He couldn't control it anymore, let his worried mother have a headache.

It stands to reason that Xia Jing has such a good appearance, and most families have already given her attention.

How come one by one, the family is so in no hurry.

And on the other side.

He Yu, who had already entered the gate with his master, went out from the side door again.

He also wanted to inform Wang Tie, the commander-in-chief of the sea route.

With the strength of He Yu's half-step master, one can easily reach 40 meters.

About a stick of incense passed.

He Yu finally arrived at a remote sea rock 80 miles away, and jumped without hesitation.

When he was halfway up, He Yu was floating in the air, walking forward step by step, as if stepping on flat ground.

There is a man-made karst cave in the wall that ordinary people can't see!

He Yu walked into the cave.

A muscular muscular man came out from the opposite side, looked at He Yu and said with a smile, "Director He, why do you come to me if you don't stay at home with your family in your [-]s?"

He Yu replied indifferently, "Master Chen is going to Puruo Island tomorrow, so prepare yourself well."

Wang Tie rubbed his hands excitedly, "I haven't seen Mr. Chen for a long time."

He Yu didn't say much, turned and left, "Remember to prepare your things, I'll go first." The voice came to He Tie's ear in a neutral tone.

He Tie nodded, "I'll save it."

He Tie entered the depths of the cave, talked to his subordinates, and each of them got busy.

(End of this chapter)

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