Chapter 19 Beard
"Melon three!!!"

Guasan, who was lying in the room patting his stomach, heard an angry shout from someone outside.

Guasan couldn't help but tremble all over.

This voice is. . .

He pushed off the cute clothes on his body, put on his clothes and tremblingly walked out the door.

Seeing the angry big man, he couldn't help lowering his head in admiration, "General Kuzhi?"

Guasan saw that Kuli's complexion was getting worse and worse.

After thinking about it in his mind, he immediately understood that Ku Qi was tricked by someone outside and did not find Chen Lei, otherwise he would not be angry with him.

The good thing is that he indirectly caused Kuli to go out of the house. If he continues to stay here without making a sound, he will definitely die. Although they are all colleagues of the Yellow Turban, it is impossible to slap him to death, but the pain of flesh and blood is definitely inevitable. .

In desperation, Guasan decided to turn passive into active.

He walked quickly to the maid at the side and roared, "Are you blind? Didn't you see General Kushen returning to the mansion? Hurry up and bring the prepared wine and food to General Kushen to wash away the dust!"

Whether there is food or wine is none of his business. This is the prefect's mansion anyway, and if he doesn't entertain the good people, it's Zhao Yu's business.

He walked up to the boy at the side again, "Don't call your prefect over here, our general went out for several days because of his affairs, and it's too unreasonable to come back without even a shadow of him?"

Seeing the servant and maid hurriedly going out, Gua San's uneasy heart finally recovered a little.

As long as he lasted until Zhao Yu came over, Kuli should not do anything to him.

He took a sneak peek and saw that Kushu's expression had indeed softened a lot.

Guasan felt relieved a lot.

Kuji snorted coldly, "Now go and keep an eye on the Chen Mansion. If there is any trouble, report it to me immediately."

Guasan responded quickly and ran out of the prefect's mansion like a thief.

He didn't dare to stay here any longer, Kuli's temperament was more fickle than a woman's, so if he stayed here, he might not be beaten severely.

Staring at Chen Fulei all the time is a bit tiring, but at least there is no danger.

It's just a pity for those two beautiful girls. . .

Only a short while later.

Zhao Yu came to the gate of this other courtyard and asked softly, "Why is General Kushen so angry?"

Ku Li was embarrassed to say that he was deceived by a frail scholar, but looked at him with a slightly cold face, "When will we deal with the Chen family?"

"There is no rush for this matter."

"Are you trying to amuse us?" Kusha's expression was unkind, and there was already a hint of wanting to do something.

They didn't want to deal with the Chen family, so why did they travel thousands of miles to Guangling?

Zhao Yu sighed slightly in his heart, before the thief said that he would deal with Chen Lei himself, but now when he asked him when to deal with the Chen family, the faces of these people became faster than dogs.

"Ten days later will be Chen Lei's birth mother's birthday. At that time, the Chen family is the most lax. How about setting it on that day?" Zhao Yu suggested.

Kumo thought for a while.

He is now on the verge of breaking the mirror, and ten days is almost enough for him to break the mirror. At that time, he will be able to deal with the Chen family with an 8th rank and a 7th rank under him. After all, the Chen family only has a 7th rank.

As for Zhao Yu, he never put it in the plan from the beginning to the end.

As the prefect of a local area, Zhao Yu would definitely not dare to do it himself. If someone finds out, he will be an official. At most, he will protect them in Guangling County and do a convenient way for them.

"Yes, remember to prepare your things." Kuyu nodded in agreement with Zhao Yu's idea. When the time comes for Chen's mother's birthday banquet, most of the people who are close to the Chen family will definitely come. He will catch them all and return to Julu. There are definitely more rewards.

Zhao Yu reassured Kuloi that there were only a few things that rogues often carry.

When the time comes, let the Yellow Turbans call out to each other when they do it. I am the enemy of the Chen family. This time I am here to seek revenge with the Chen family. As long as they carry more gold, silver and jewels on their bodies after the mission, and are deliberately seen by the people on the road, most people will not Think of Taishoufu and Huangjin.

The two also discussed the details 'rationally', and they both felt that the Chen mother's banquet 10 days later was foolproof.

Chen Lei lay on the table.

The whole face was expressionless, and he kept touching his chin, looking frustrated.

He Yu stood aside and comforted, "Mr. Chen, don't worry, you are only 16 years old, and you still have room to grow. No one in Luoyang will laugh at you for not being old enough."

"You are so indifferent because you have enough." Chen Lei sighed, "Mine is too short, that's why I have such troubles."

He Yu hesitated for a while, "Then Master Chen, do you want to cut it off?"

He Yu heard someone mention that the more you cut it, the longer it will grow.

Chen Lei shook his head and refused.

Cut off the beard now, what if the growth of the next stubble is not as good as it is now, he doesn't want to be mistaken by the blind people as living in the palace.

From ancient times to the present, having a beard has always been hailed as a symbol of a mature man.

There was a man named Li Baojia in the Qing Dynasty who famously said, "If you have a hairless mouth, you will not be able to do things well."

Although there is no such slang in the late Han Dynasty, if you have enough beard, it will always give people the illusion that you have experienced a lot.

Chen Lei didn't pay attention to his image in Guangling in the past, but when he went to Luoyang, he wanted to give people a mature and steady image.

It's not that when others see him at first glance, they sigh, "Wow, this little brother has such a tender face." '

"Then why don't you stick some fake beard on it?" He Yu suggested.

"No, this can only solve a temporary problem." Chen Lei refused.

And if someone discovers that he is wearing a fake beard, he will be ridiculed, or worse, he will fall into a crisis of trust.

"Let's not think about it for now." Chen Lei took a bite of the peeled green silk fruit, which was sour and astringent. . .

Then he ate the green silk fruit with an expressionless face.

He Yu, who was watching, had sour teeth.

"It will be my mother's birthday in two days. Are all the things that should be prepared in the house ready?" Chen Lei threw the green silk fruit core into the trash can beside him.

He Yu recalled it for a while before saying, "It's all ready. My father has gone through every detail of the things to buy in the mansion the day before yesterday, and he can't go wrong."

Even Rhubarb's new rice bowl has been seen more than once.

"I can rest assured that."

After all, He Yu's father, He Ru, has done this thing more than once or twice. Over the years, he has never made a mistake once, and Chen Lei is very relieved that he does things.

In fact, to be correct, Chen Lei called He Yu "Uncle He" and He Rushi "He Bo" already messed up the seniority of the two of them, but unfortunately Chen Lei has been used to it for so many years.

Without reminders from outsiders, they themselves would not be able to react for a while.

And no one in Guangling would say it, anyway, it was just a trivial problem.

Chen Lei poked his head out and looked outside the door.

This Chen Mansion is really more festive than the Chinese New Year.

Chen Lei nodded in satisfaction.

 Give some recommendation tickets, ball ball!

(End of this chapter)

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