I have attribute points in Three Kingdoms

Chapter 17 Chen Lei's Good Friday

Chapter 17 Chen Lei's Good Friday
"This is too big..."

There is a coral taller than a human being placed in Chen Lei's room.

From the coral branches, you can feel the calming smell slightly.

He asked Xiao Jing, a maid beside him, "How many corals of this kind did Zhongjing bring back?"

Xiao Jing tilted her head and recalled.

"Master Chen, Lord Tang brought back two plants."

Chen Lei nodded slightly to express his understanding, "Is there another plant?"

Xiao Jing knew this very well and immediately answered, "In the old lady's room."

Chen Lei had black lines on his face.

Why give this kind of coral, which is obviously calming, to the two of them, it's useless to keep it, wouldn't it be better to give it to He Yu and Xu Xuan?

"Tang Ruodong is a nerd." Chen Lei couldn't help cursing, this kind of coral is worth nothing to other martial arts practitioners, and for him and his mother, it can only be used as an ornamental, at most it can improve the quality of sleep.

As a gift from Tang Ruodong, he couldn't pass it on to He Yu and Xu Xuan, so these two treasures were wasted.

The more Chen Lei thought about it, the more angry he became. This is not a gift, it is here to make things difficult for him.

The key point is not to scold directly, otherwise Tang Ruodong's bunch of nonsense will annoy him to death.

It's better to go and see the Chen family to relieve their qi in the future.

Chen Lei walked straight out.

He Yu and Xia Jing followed closely behind.

He Yu became more and more frightened as he walked.

Isn't this the direction to Li Qi's training ground?

When we arrived at Xujiazhuang outside Guangling City, there were more than a hundred people dressed as peasants standing guard.

Chen Lei walked in front of them, but was stopped by the people at the door.

Just as He Yu was about to step forward to brush his face, he heard Chen Lei's voice of approval.

"Good, really good."

The big leader can still stop him when he comes. It seems that the training is not ordinary!
Just as Chen Lei was about to open his mouth to praise, someone behind him tugged on the sleeve of the person blocking the way, and pointed to the person blocking the way quietly behind him.

The person blocking the road squinted and saw a gray cedar tree with a black face. Wasn't that Manager He?
Under his nervousness, he immediately moved out of the way, "Director He, please come in!"

Chen Lei's face also darkened, co-authoring this is a new recruit, I've never seen him before, only He Yu, right?
"What's your name?" Chen Lei said in a faint tone.

"Yu Yumanguo." The person blocking the way was sweating nervously.

"Very well, I remember you."

After finishing speaking, Chen Lei walked towards the pit expressionlessly.

Although he had never been to that deep pit, he chose the place, so he was familiar with the road when he walked there.

He Yu was still struggling with how to explain it, and ignored Yu Manguo.

When the three of them walked into Xujiazhuang, the 'old farmer' beside him looked at him gloatingly, "Xiao Yu, this is a disaster for you."

A few other 'old men' also echoed, "The kind that can't be more miserable."

Yu Manguo's face was gloomy, "Do I have no way to go?"

He actually stopped Manager He.

"It's not just that there is no way to go." At the beginning, the man who pulled his clothes said earnestly, "Xiao Yu, do you know who the person you stopped just now is?"

"who is it?"

"Master Chen!"

"Which Master Chen?" Yu Manguo's lips turned pale.

"Is there a second Lord Chen in Guangling County?" the 'old farmer' asked back.

"If I hadn't reminded you earlier, wouldn't you have heard Mr. Chen say angrily, 'That's right, really good'? It must be because you are short-sighted and you have offended Mr. Chen."

Yu Manguo fell to the ground.

It's really over now, regardless of other things, if Yu Manguo's parents find out, his parents can beat him to death.

You must know that this soldier's quota was obtained by his parents for their merits in storing water in the village.

There was only one spot in his family, and his parents still let him come because they thought he was the eldest in the family, and his two younger brothers were also vying to serve Master Chen fiercely.

Moreover, the Yujia Village where he lives has been rescued twice by the Chen Mansion, one locust disaster and one snow disaster.

His parents were reluctant to beat him, and the village chief wanted to beat him.

Every time, the Chen family opened a warehouse to store grain to survive.

He was still young during the locust disaster, so he didn't have much memory, but he could vividly remember the snow disaster.

At that time, the crops were all frozen to death, and the harvest was not good in the past few years, so there was no food in the family.

Even with such a catastrophe, the taxation of Dog Day has not been reduced at all, which makes the already difficult families even worse.

And you can't escape by running for your life. Running for your life in winter is basically a dead end.

Fortunately, the Chen Mansion helped them, as long as you sign a grain receipt, you can receive a lot of food, and then slowly replenish it to the Chen Mansion according to the harvest of your crops.

Not to mention that the Chen family also sent people to teach them how to grow grain and how to mix breeding, and at the beginning they gave each of their households chicken seedlings and duck seedlings.

Up to now, the Zhuangzi basically has meaty oil and water in every meal, and it depends on the Chen family.

They had heard that during the snowstorm, many people in other counties in Xuzhou starved to death.

Yu Manguo's mouth trembled, "Seventh Brother, do you think I still have a chance?"

Seventh Brother laughed strangely, "Yes, why not."

Yu Manguo cheered up, "Please Seventh Brother teach me."

Otherwise, if the news got out, he probably wouldn't be able to marry any girl who was waiting to be married in this county.

"You train harder in the future. If you can work harder for Master Chen, won't you be fine?"

Yu Manguo pondered for a while, and felt that what he said made sense, so she said with a firm face, "I've realized it, thank you Brother Seven."

Seventh Brother nodded in satisfaction.

Handsome outside.

"Ziming, Xiao Qi is progressing pretty well during this time, right?"

Chen Lei turned to ask a young man with a tall forehead, thick eyebrows and phoenix eyes. The young man looked about 4.5 years younger than He Yu.

"Reporting to Master Chen, Xiaoqi's progress is gratifying." The young man is Xu Xuan, the person in charge here.

When he heard his subordinates report that Chen Lei was coming, he immediately came out to greet him.

"As long as the progress is good."

He Yu followed behind with his head bowed, his face seemed to be slightly distorted.

The four people slowly came to Li Qizai's deep pit.

I saw Li Qi punching the horse's face from left to right.

The intelligence of a high-grade spirit horse is no less than that of an ordinary person. Although this little pony is still unfamiliar with the world, if someone hits it, it will definitely kick it back.

"Xiaobai, if you dare to kick back, I will take away your food at night and won't give it to you!!!"

The snow-white horse hesitated a bit when it raised its hooves, but finally snorted and put down its hooves.

"This is right, Xiaobai."

The child below imitated his 'idou' and raised his head to the sky with his hands behind his back.

"I've said it many times, right? Listen to me, you must have something to eat."

Then he saw Chen Lei who was at the side, and rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

Why is Master Chen here?

After confirming that it was Chen Lei who didn't know what expression to look for, he waved excitedly, "Master Chen, are you here to see me?"

Chen Lei waved his hands expressionlessly, "You come up first."

Then he turned around, walked aside, and sat down directly, ignoring the dust and soil below.

Today must be his Good Friday, right?
Must be, right? !
And is that posture so secondary?

He used to think he was very handsome!

(End of this chapter)

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