Chapter 165 Weird Mist
"Not right!"

"There must be something wrong with this corner!" Chen Lei said with a frown.

You must know that this is not the world of cultivating immortals.

In the world of cultivating immortals, it's not surprising that Zhang Jiao can give people this kind of feeling, but this is the world of high martial arts, even the lower level of high martial arts, Zhang Jiao with this kind of temperament is definitely an outlier!
Chen Lei thought of a concept mentioned in some books in his previous life - the old fairy of Nanhua.

"Could it be that there are really immortals in the world of Gaowu?"

Otherwise, it would be difficult to explain why Zhang Jiao has such a temperament.

"But if there are immortals, why are there no legends in this world?"

The highest level is the grand master of both civil and martial arts. He has never heard of any legends of ascending in the daytime and transforming into immortals.

Even in the lower world of cultivating immortals, as long as this concept exists, there will be some in official history and unofficial history.


Chen Lei suddenly thought of a concept.

In this world, there is not even a trace of immortality left, and there is no such concept.

A terrible idea suddenly appeared in Chen Lei's mind.

"Could it be that Nanji Xianweng, Zuo Ci, and Yu Ji are not quack warlocks, but immortals?"

In this way, Cao Wei was able to establish the country later because of their choice?

Chen Lei's face became darker and darker.

Although the possibility of this is very low, it is not impossible.

At that time, it would be as ridiculous as hitting a stone with a pebble with a mortal body against a god who is equivalent to the sky.

"Taking a ten thousand step back, they are at least the masters who master excellent ancient objects! Otherwise, there is no way to leave such a reputation."

Chen Lei took a deep breath and expelled the mixed thoughts in his mind.

It is too early to think about these things now, and he has not faced these people. Even if things develop to the worst, they will not kill them all, which is not in line with their behavior style.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Chen Lei, who came back to his senses, heard a shock like moving a mountain. It was the sound brought by the march of hundreds of thousands of troops below.

At this time, the routine shouting of both sides has ended, and the next step is to do it with real swords and guns!
Just as Lu Zhi planned in advance, the Yellow Turbans killed by the army of the Eastern Han Dynasty retreated steadily, and quickly threw away their armor and armor, and moved the battlefield three kilometers back.


A thin mist hangs over the top of the mountain.

"here we go again."

Someone was moaning.

His name is Chao Tai, and he was specially sent by Lu Zhi to observe the situation of the battle.

Chen Lei was taken aback for a moment, then looked at him and asked, "What's wrong?"

Chao Tai took a look at Chen Lei and knew that he was Lu Zhi's valued junior, so he held his forehead and patiently explained, "Every time we watched the battle above, there was nothing at first, and when the Yellow Turbans began to collapse in the mid-term, there would be a lot of trouble on the mountain." A light mist is formed, and when our Han army starts to pursue the victory, the fog on the mountain will be completely thick, blocking the pace of our Han army's pursuit."

"Every time?"

"It's all like this!" Chao Tai nodded affirmatively.

Chen Lei found the key point that Chao Tai said, and continued to ask, "Just now you said that you can see a little in the fog, so what can you see?"

Chao Tai did not explain, "You will know later."

Chen Lei nodded, looking into the distance with a little curiosity.


When the Han army began to chase, the fog on the mountain became thicker little by little.

Chen Lei greeted Huang Zhong quietly, and asked him to concentrate on watching for the next time, and go back to check with him to see if everyone saw the same thing or different.

After all, Huang Zhong has the best eyes here. If he can't see clearly, don't expect others to be able to see clearly.

Soon, the big Han army had chased them ten miles away, and the fog was completely thick at this time.

Everyone on the mountain opened their eyes wide, trying to find something, but this time it was the same as before, and they frowned deeply.

"Did you see it?" Chao Tai asked at this time.

"Yeah." Chen Lei nodded.

Indistinctly, Chen Lei could see that the army of the big man was blocked by hundreds of high-grade warriors in a small valley. There were rushing rivers on both sides of the valley. Under such a thick fog, there was only one dead end.

Under such circumstances, the army of the big man really wanted to break through the defense line of the high-grade warriors, but when one of the opponents died, he quickly added another one, just like endless, until the sun was setting, the army of the big man still didn't break through. line of defense.

On the contrary, the Yellow Turban had a hint of counterattack.

As long as it gets completely dark and everyone can't see clearly who is on the other side of the fog, that's when they will counterattack!
As far as the Yellow Turbans are concerned, it is not a loss for them to exchange one for one, not to mention that they can easily assassinate the officers and soldiers of the big man when they come in in the dark, and the officers and soldiers of the big man don't dare to do it casually, you must know that they are killing colleagues!
If someone finds out, he will be punished by military law!

The Yellow Turbans have no such worries. To them, most people are strangers to them, and no one will care about anyone. In this case, no one in the Yellow Turbans will care about killing their colleagues!

So the Han army began to retreat in an orderly manner.

Strangely enough, the Han army had just withdrawn and the fog began to slowly dissipate.

Under the moonlight, the big man and the yellow turban each sent people out to collect the body. Even if the two groups met each other during this period, they would not take action.

This is a customary rule!
The moon is getting brighter.

In Lu Zhi's tent.

There are many people who are already sitting and thinking.

Lu Zhi sat in the main seat, feeling neither happy nor worried, because he had already experienced this situation countless times.

He looked at Chen Lei sitting below, "Qingyuan, how are you doing, do you understand now?"

Chen Lei nodded and said, "I did see it on the top of the mountain. After the fog shrouded, more than one martial arts master appeared."

He stared in the direction of the Yellow Turban camp, and said with a frown, "I don't know where the Yellow Turbans come from so many high-quality products."

The definition of high grade is above the seventh rank of martial arts, and Zhao Yu is only the pinnacle of the seventh rank of martial arts, but Zhao Yu is the sheriff of Guangling County!

That is to say, if those high grades are true, a few hundred people are enough to replace most of the official positions in Hanzhou County!
The big man did this by accumulating for a long time, but the Yellow Turban has only appeared for less than 30 years. If there are hundreds of high-quality products like this, it is really unreasonable!

Lu Zhi also shook his head, "I don't know, but things are so evil."

Chen Lei continued to ask, "Lord Lu, do you feel the same in the fog as we do on the mountain?"

Lu Zhi nodded, "I checked with Nest Probe, and what we can see is basically the same."

Chen Lei asked thoughtfully, "Can you see the people around you clearly inside?"


"how far?"

"Three meters."

Chen Lei nodded, "Then I'll go too next time!"

Bring He Yu and Huang Zhong with you and keep a low profile, nothing will happen.

If you don't go in and try it yourself, you won't be able to discover many things!
(End of this chapter)

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