Chapter 163 Goodbye Lu Zhi
In the following days, Chen Lei recovered all the counties that could be recovered along the way in Xuzhou.

The number of Guangling soldiers who were injured and died became less and less.

If there is an experience bar, it can be clearly seen that their proficiency in combat is skyrocketing.

Within Xuzhou, Chen Lei will help anyone who can easily help.

If the Yellow Turbans were too crowded and dangerous, Chen Lei would give up fighting them and lead people around them.

Generally speaking, the Yellow Turbans would not stop them. Having experienced so many battles, the soldiers of Guangling had more or less a trace of iron and blood. For the Yellow Turbans, they were the kind of people that should never be provoked.

But outside of Xuzhou, it's not difficult to solve, Chen Lei will lend a helping hand, so it's a good fate.

If it was a little more difficult, Chen Lei would give up directly.

After all, it is impossible for him to recover most of the cities by himself.

On such days, Chen Lei led the soldiers all the way north.

When Chen Lei passed by Yingchuan, Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang had already been defeated, and led the remnants to join their elder brother, Zhang Jiao, a great virtuous teacher of the Yellow Turban.

In other words, according to the progress of history, Liu Bei will now meet Lu Zhi who was slandered by Xiaohuangmen and detained back to Luoyang on the way to Guangzong.

Chen Lei was curious about whether the progress of this life would be the same, so he took the soldiers and rushed to Anping Guangzong in Jizhou.

About a day passed.

Chen Lei finally saw two armies stationed on defense against each other.

One is the Yellow Turban led by Zhang Jiao.

One is the Han army that combines most of the troops.

Explain why you are here.

It is impossible for Chen Lei to see Lu Zhi in his previous life in Shuai Zhang!
"Qingyuan, I didn't expect you to come."

Seeing Chen Lei who brought someone to help, Lu Zhi forced a smile.

"Yes, knowing that Master Lu led troops to reject the yellow scarves in Guangzong, he brought my son from Guangling to help." Chen Lei did not exchange many greetings, saluted, and then asked straightforwardly, "Master Lu, how is the situation now?" ?”

Since Lu Zhi is still in Guangzong at this moment, it means that this life is very different from the one he knew!
Lu Zhi drooped his eyelids, "No, there is no way to take that Zhangjiao. Every time he is about to lose, a troop will suddenly appear, full of high-quality fighters, blocking the pace of continuing to attack."

"A high-grade warrior?"

"Well, you'll find out tomorrow."

They will organize another attack tomorrow.

Chen Lei nodded.

"By the way, I'll introduce you to Qingyuan."

Chen Lei brought 6000 people to help, which is not a small force!
He also received 1 soldiers and horses in Luoyang, and [-] was equivalent to one-sixteenth of his. Adding the [-] soldiers and horses brought by his students, it was another [-] soldiers!

Only then did Chen Lei notice the others.

Originally sitting under Lu Zhi was a man in armor with a calm face, and on the right was a Confucian scholar.

Below the Confucian scholar was a young man who was blinking at Chen Lei. It was Chen Lei's good friend Lu Lexui. Chen Lei smiled and nodded to him as a greeting.

And the person behind Lu Leshui was a young man with a wide open sky and big ears. Behind him stood two people, one with a heavy face and a serious expression, and the other with a full beard, looking at him curiously.

"Allow me to introduce you. This is Guangling Xiaolian, Chen Lei and Chen Qingyuan. They are also the current magistrate of Haidu County. I believe many people here know about what they did in Luoyang before."

Chen Lei nodded with a smile.

Lu Zhi introduced them one by one, "This is Zong Yuan, Zong Kaiguang, my deputy general."

"This is Zhang Huan, Zhang Pohai, my military advisor."


"This is my student, Liu Bei, Liu Xuande, Xuande, like Qingyuan, brought someone to help me."

Liu Bei looked at Chen Lei curiously, and Chen Lei smiled and nodded at him as a greeting.


"This is Sun Jian, Sun Wentai, Sima of the army under Gongwei's tent."


Soon, the introductions of the people in the commander-in-chief's tent were finished, and people like Zhu Jun, Huangfusong, and Lu Leshui, whom Chen Lei had known for a long time, did not introduce.

The others introduced him, and Chen Lei bowed to them one by one. Of course, they also had to return. This is the most basic issue of etiquette.

Then he picked a seat for Chen Lei that was very close to Lu Leshui, just above Liu Bei.

Guan Yu frowned, but said nothing.

Lu Zhi walked back to the main seat, without any shyness, and directly in front of Chen Lei, he talked about the future plan, and Chen Lei was also listening and studying carefully.

It can only be said that Lu Zhi is really powerful, and many things he said have benefited Chen Lei a lot.

The meeting lasted for more than an hour before it ended, and then Lu Zhi asked them to express their opinions.

The people in the handsome tent put forward their own opinions to fill in the final loophole for this plan.

It wasn't until more than 80.00% of the people believed that this plan was a mature body that Lu Zhi made a decision to implement this plan tomorrow.

Of course, because Chen Lei joined in the middle, there is no part about Chen Lei in tomorrow's plan.

Then Lu Zhi asked everyone to go back to rest and prepare for tomorrow's battle.

After it was over, Lu Lexui pulled Chen Lei to talk.

"Brother Chen, you didn't come at the right time. If it had been a day earlier, I would have let you cleanse the dust, but tomorrow is going to be a war. If I clean up the dust for you right now, there may be criticism in the army."

Lu Leshui had a bit of guilt on his face, but Chen Lei obviously didn't care, he waved his hand, "Brother Lu, I'm here to break the Yellow Turban rebels, it doesn't matter if there is a matter of accepting the wind and washing the dust."

"Then how can it be the same? You still have what you should have."

"it does not matter."

Liu Bei came up, obviously wanting to get acquainted with Chen Lei.

He bowed to Chen Lei, then raised his face, smiled like a Maitreya Buddha, and said, "In Liu Bei Liu Xuande, Zhuo County, Xiazhuo County."

Chen Lei was a little surprised, but quickly reacted, and smiled back, "Chen Lei, Chen Qingyuan, Guangling County, Xiaguangling County."

This incident is like exchanging business cards in later generations. After the two people greet each other for the first time, they are considered to know each other.

The two chatted for a while in the tent.

Among them, when Chen Lei also lost his father when he was young, Liu Bei couldn't help but wet his eyes, "I didn't expect Qingyuan to have the same experience with you, and my father did too."

Chen Lei was speechless, so he called him by his name directly, but you are really there, Liu Bei, Liu Xuande.

But he didn't show it on his face, he just said with a bit of sadness, "This thing depends on fate, and there is nothing to do if the fate is not good."

"Yeah, sometimes you can't help it if you have bad luck." Liu Bei sighed and said, "I was originally a child of the Liu family in Zhongshan, but later I ended up weaving straw sandals."

Chen Lei was 'surprised' and said, "Xuande was born in the Liu family of Zhongshan?"

Liu Bei smiled bitterly and said, "Exactly, I am the queen of King Jing of Zhongshan, I don't know you, Brother Chen?"

Chen Lei said indifferently, "Teacher Chen Fan is my grandfather."

(End of this chapter)

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