Chapter 153 Night Attack

"The first one to climb will be rewarded with a hundred gold coins and promoted to Xiaofangqu Commandery. Go ahead!"

Late that night.

More than a thousand people wearing torn clothes charged towards the Guangling city gate.

And at this time on the city wall of Xiapi.

A soldier yawned lazily and shot an arrow into the crowd.

"These guys are here again, are you letting people sleep?"

"Who says it's not?" The person next to him shot an arrow and complained, "You can come here four or five times a night, it really doesn't matter how many people there are."

Taking advantage of the crescent moon, the soldiers poked their heads out and looked at the charging civilians below, shaking their heads and cursing, "Those who climb up first without a ladder are not good enough to fool a three-year-old child."

"Sincerely don't let us rest."

"NM disgusting!"

"Come on, don't complain, don't take it lightly."

Even so, it can be seen from the expressions of the soldiers that they didn't take it to heart at all.


Two more days passed.

It's not just the soldiers on the city wall of Xiapi who are getting more and more irritable.

Yuancheng in the yellow turban camp became more and more impatient.

Every day, I stare straight at Xiapi City.

Many other colleagues have already attacked the county.

But he hasn't.

This is undoubtedly very unfavorable to his future development!

Only those who are useful will get the elixir of a great virtuous teacher, and those who are useless will just give something away.

Yuancheng has been besieged for [-] days and has not been attacked. Every day in the middle of the night, people are organized to feint a few times, and during the day they are pretended to charge, to drain the energy of the people on the city wall, and also to make them let down their vigilance.

Although this time is normal for siege warfare, it can no longer be normal.

But people have to compare with people, and they have to throw away goods when comparing goods.

Normal returns to normal, but it is still inferior to its peers.

Finally, at noon that day, Yuancheng issued an order!
Late at night today, he will take the elite yellow scarves and the old, weak, and sick to attack the city. The elite yellow scarves will hide among the old, weak, and sick, and drive the old, weak, and sick to charge, and be their first wave of human shields.

Starting tonight, they will no longer feint!

An hour after Yuancheng issued the order.

Chen Lei discovered an anomaly in the Yellow Turban camp.

"They are mobilizing more and more frequently!"

Chen Lei saw the yellow turban wrestlers moving things back and forth, and driving the old, weak, sick and disabled to gather together, so he had some guesses in his heart.

"They are about to attack the city!"

He Yu questioned, "Master Chen, do we need these people to attack the city?"

He pointed to the old, weak, sick and disabled who were struggling to walk.

"You don't need to attack the city, but you can use them when you are retreating and when you are advancing towards the city wall."

"And it's the end of the month, there's no moon in the sky, it's hard to see what they're doing, so it's a good time."

"If I were Huangjin Qushuai, I would choose to do it today."

He Yu nodded thoughtfully, and glanced at the yellow scarf with a murderous look, "Then shall we do it today?"

Chen Lei shook his head, "No."

"Even if they have a good chance, the people in Xiapi City are not all idiots. There is a high probability that they will not be able to break through Xiapi City today!"

"Then what do you mean, Mr. Chen, that we won't do anything today?"

Chen Lei still shook his head and said, "We have to do it."

"Yuancheng hasn't let go of all his vigilance yet, so he can't suppress all his cards now. There are definitely still many elites left in the camp."

"And what we have to do is to let Yuancheng relax his vigilance and make him think that he is safe. When the time comes, we will all rush up, and then it will be the real decisive victory!"

Tang Ruodong said, "Show weakness to the enemy?"


late at night.

The snoring on Xiapi City gradually started.

Only dozens of people were left on each city wall to watch, and most of the rest were sleeping with their eyes closed.


The people watching seemed to see a dark shadow moving in the extreme distance.

He kicked his colleague next to him, "Get up, get up, the Yellow Turban is here!"

"CTMD, here again, this is the third time today, is it bothering you?"

"No way, cheer up, it's so dark today, we have to be more careful."


"Why does it feel a little fast?"

"It seems to be a little fast."

The two looked at each other.

"Raise the fire!"

Then he took out the bow and arrow, put it on the fire and lit it, pulled up the bowstring, and shot not far away.

It was a pile of dry firewood and dead leaves, which were quietly left by their people in the Yellow Turbans, just to prevent them from being unable to see clearly in the dark and being attacked by the Yellow Turbans.

The rocket hit the firewood pile precisely, and because of the dead leaves, the fire suddenly became fierce.

By the light from the fire, the soldiers on the wall saw what the Yellow Turbans were holding.

There is no wind.

But they shuddered.

"Hurry up and beat the drums!!!" The soldier turned around and roared angrily.

"What's the matter?" A soldier was woken up by him, and he gave him a blank look as if complaining, then glanced at the fire outside the city wall, and saw many things held by yellow scarves.

Ten people stood on both sides, lined up one by one, holding something up.

That's a ladder!


And when the fire ignited for a moment, the Yellow Turbans no longer concealed it.


"Qu Shuai said, break down Xiapi, take anything at will, and don't hold it accountable afterwards!"

"The first climber will be rewarded with a hundred gold."

In addition to the old, the weak, the sick, the disabled and the elite, there are also many middle-aged people wearing coarse clothes.

They came here voluntarily.

Entering the city earlier means getting more things. They are afraid of poverty, and they want to fight!
"Boom boom boom!"

When the drums sounded, the Yellow Turbans had already started to sprint, only a few thousand meters away from the city wall.

Yang Bi woke up from the nightmare.

After hearing the drumming outside, he was obviously stunned for a while, then changed his clothes immediately, and ran to the city wall with a knife.

Since the Yellow Turban siege began, he no longer lived in the prefect's mansion, but requisitioned a private house very close to the city wall.

So it only takes a few minutes for him to run from here.

"Defend the city!"

"Call everyone to defend the city!"

Yang Bi shouted as he ran.

This was the first time the Yellow Turban attacked the city, and it was also the first time Yang Bi fought a war in his life. His heart was full of unreality and nervousness.

"Damn Yellow Turban!"

When Yang Bi ran up the city wall, the Yellow Turban's ladder had already reached the city wall.

Among the middle-aged yellow scarves who want to take advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune, only a very small number of them are the first to climb the ladder with bright eyes, and most of the rest are in a safe place.

Only when they occupy the top of the city, they will rush forward "without fear of death".

They have done this in several counties before.

But today it is estimated that they will not be able to do what they want.

Yuancheng stood in front of them with a yellow scarf warrior.

Smiling and speaking to them in an orderly tone, "Go climb the ladder."

Someone laughed a few times, "I'm just here to take a look, and I'll go back."

Yuancheng pierced his heart with a knife, showing a devilish smile, "Go climb the ladder!"

Some people want to escape, but the Yellow Turban fighters are not vegetarians.

None of those who escaped were spared.

"Go climb the ladder!"

The middle-aged people had no choice but to grit their teeth and forcefully climbed up the ladder under the swordsmen of the yellow scarf warriors.

"The guy who gave birth without an asshole."

No matter how they scolded, Yuancheng always smiled.

Watching the middle-aged people fall down from the ladder one by one, he murmured to himself, "I have specially raised you so many times, you should be content."

(End of this chapter)

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