I have attribute points in Three Kingdoms

Chapter 118 Zhongxing Han Dynasty

Chapter 118 Zhongxing Han Dynasty
Luoyang Chen Mansion.

Chen Lei was still thinking.

Xia Jing stared at Chen Lei's stubble with a little worry.

"Master Chen, he came back like this, nothing happened?"

He Yu twitched the corner of his mouth when he heard Xia Jing's whispered inquiry.

How could he know!
While eating, Mr. Chen suddenly became like this, and now he is also in a daze!

He Yu shook his head cryptically, looked worriedly at Chen Lei who was sitting on the stone bench with his head propped up, and said softly, "Maybe you thought of something?"

This is the only possibility, otherwise Chen Lei wouldn't be thinking like this.

Xia Jing anxiously brought a cup of hot tea and placed it in front of Chen Lei.

Chen Lei subconsciously picked up the drink and took a big sip, but he didn't feel it was hot. There was only one question on his mind.

"How can I make Liu Hong feel that I am useful to him?"

A long time has passed.

A light flashed in Chen Lei's mind.

What is the root cause of Liu Hong doing these things?Or why did Liu Hong spend so much time doing so many things?

There should be one and only one reason!That is----

Zhongxing Han Dynasty! ! !

Chen Lei laughed out loud, he was a fan of the authorities just now!

Now that he thought about it clearly, Chen Lei's heart suddenly became clear, including why Liu Hong helped him recognize the identity of Chen Fan's only grandson, and he also had some guesses in his heart.

You must know that He Yu's strength was not exposed in front of Liu Hong at that time, and a small Guangling Xiaolian was useless!

Liu Hong would do such a thing, but Chen Lei only thought there was one possibility!
That is, he helped many poor Xiaolians, and then expressed his loyalty to Liu Hong. He said something about his loyalty to the big man in front of the poor Xiaolians, and encouraged them to make these poor Xiaolians a good official who cared for the people.

Now that I think about it, these words should have reached Liu Hong's ears. He thought he was useful to the Zhongxing Han Dynasty, so he simply helped himself to confirm his identity.

In his opinion, as long as it is loyal, it can be cultivated.

Chen Lei drank the remaining tea in one gulp.

There is only one thing to do next, and that is to make Liu Hong feel that he is a useful 'loyal minister'! ,

Three days later.

Liu Tao came to Weiyang Palace with a pile of policy papers, a total of thirty copies.

Well known.

There are 30 people in the top [-], just like the four heavenly kings have five people, it is an eternal truth, an eternal law!

cough cough.

Just kidding, of course there were only twenty people in the top twenty of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

These thirty papers were all discussed by Liu Tao and other great scholars at Xiaolian Academy. They thought that these thirty papers were all very good answers, so they were presented to Liu Hong and asked Liu Hong to choose according to his preferences. Out of the top twenty.

After all, Liu Hong is the master of the world. They only need to eliminate the inferior ones. As for those that suit Liu Hong's wishes, that is not something they can control.

Of course, according to their judging criteria, the top [-] can also be picked out directly.

But such a big event must give the emperor a sense of participation, otherwise it will be as if the emperor has been emptied by them. From the beginning to the end, they will be the ones of their Shangshutai. Therefore, in the past, Xiaolian selected [-] winners and let Liu Hong choose , Liu Tao brought these policy papers to the front of the hall.

"Liu Aiqing did a good job!"

"Your Majesty appreciates it."

Liu Hong looked at the first base policy paper in Liu Tao's hand with a faint smile, and nuzzled at the old eunuch standing respectfully beside him, beckoning him to take it from Liu Tao's hand.

The old eunuch walked down the steps, nodded to Liu Tao with a smile, and snatched all the policy papers from Liu Tao's hand with an understatement.

Liu Tao was shocked.

He didn't even notice the movements of the old eunuch's hands just now!

When did such a terrifying old eunuch appear in the palace?

After all, he is also at the eighth grade of Wen Dao, and he is practicing the "Lin Jing"!
The old eunuch didn't even notice the movement of his hand, and the paper was so easily taken away from his hand.

Unless this old eunuch is at the ninth level of martial arts or above, there is no reason to explain.

But why did Your Majesty let me know this news?
Even though Liu Tao's heart was turbulent, his face did not change at all, and he stood there very respectfully.

For a moment, there was only the sound of Liu Hong concentrating on flipping the policy paper in the hall.

"Hahaha." Liu Hong suddenly laughed while flipping through an article. He pointed at the corner of the article and motioned to the old eunuch on the side to come and take a look.

The old eunuch also laughed when he saw it: "This idea is quite novel!"

"First we beat down the foreigners and then forced them to trade. People who don't know better think we are barbarians."

"However, there are still some merits in the trivial."

Hearing this, Liu Tao remembered an article that he supported, and immediately took up what the old eunuch said, and said proudly, "Barbarians who do this are naturally barbarians, and when I, a big man, do this, it is obviously as what the article said, It’s to enlighten the barbarians, I’m afraid the barbarians won’t be ecstatic and dancing with joy!”

It is not surprising that Liu Tao has such pride. In the eyes of the big Han people, the life of Hu people outside Saiwai is almost the same as that of primitive people.

It is also because Liu Tao has such pride that he overwhelmed the public opinion and brought this policy theory to Liu Hong abruptly.

"Your Majesty, can this strategy be top [-]?"

Liu Hong took the theory back in his hand, read it carefully, closed his eyes and meditated, and after a few minutes, he slowly opened his eyes, "Yes."

Now that it has been determined that this person is one of the top [-], Liu Hong lifts the seal on it.

"Lu Leshui?"

Liu Hong didn't know who Lu Leshui was.

But it is also a matter of course. Now that the officials are changing extremely fast, Liu Hong doesn't even recognize all the civil and military officials in his own court, so how could he remember a little Xiaolian.

But Liu Tao recalled a person in his mind. Lu Zhi had just brought him to his house a month ago. That young man was Lu Lexui, right?

He breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he wasn't from Shi Changshi's side!

If the person he supports is someone from Shi Changshi's side, that's really fucked up.

"My Majesty, this Lu Leshui is Lu Shizhong's nephew."

"Oh~ So it's Zigan's nephew, no wonder the article looks a bit like Zigan."

Liu Hong praised it, then put down this policy paper, and turned to look at other policy papers.

"This is all talk about nonsense, no!"

"This argument is good, but!"

"This is somewhat feasible, but!"



Liu Hong seemed to have seen another controversial article, read it again from beginning to end, and frowned, "How many copies are there?"

"Fifteen acceptable articles and seven unacceptable articles."

After thinking about it again, Liu Hong finally made a decision.

After uncovering the blurred name, Liu Hong smiled. It turned out to be him, so that would be fine.

Originally, he was still hesitating because his first half of the strategy was a little radical, but now that he saw the name, Liu Hong didn't hesitate any more.

Put this quick strategy theory down and look at other strategy theory instead.

Soon, the 20-man roster was knocked down.

"Liu Aiqing, show the list and let them come to see you in the future."


(End of this chapter)

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