Create myths from pirates

Chapter 240 Huafan

Chapter 240 Huafan

Nine Heavens Profound Girl, Yang Jian, and Li Jing and his son were all shocked back several miles by the invisible force, and blood spit out from their mouths.


Nine Heavens Profound Girl clenched her teeth tightly, holding the black and white spear firmly in her hand, she looked at Xuan Xiao full of jealousy.

It's just a mortal, it's not fair why he can obtain such power.

They also sacrificed themselves and surrendered to the Emperor of Heaven in order to live forever and be extraordinary.

But this mortal actually sits and upgrades in the abyss of the East China Sea.


Nine Heavens Profound Girl snarled, and once again charged towards Xuan Xiao with a Liangyi spear in her hand, black and white in two colors, life and death flowing, smashing down with energy like destroying heaven and earth.


Xuan Xiao raised his sword, and the crimson light of Xi He's sword turned into a long snake, opened its huge mouth, and cut the Nine Heavens Xuannv into the dust again.

"Cough cough cough~"

Nine Heavens Profound Girl fell to the ground in embarrassment, coughing violently, Li Jing hurried to pull her up.

"Are you okay?"

Li Jing opened his mouth and said, looking at Xuan Xiao with extremely serious eyes, a full blow from the Liangyi spear was enough to tear the entire East China Sea apart.

But Xuan Xiao easily blocked it.

"too weak."

"I've lost interest in you."

"After all, you are just dogs with a broken spine."

"You don't have your own way at all, and the power in you is nothing but the gift of the Emperor of Heaven."

"You guys haven't made it yours at all."

"What the hell have you been doing for such a long time?"

"It's waiting for the fall of the Emperor of Heaven."

"Do you want to inherit his legacy?"

Xuan Xiao calmly looked around at Nine Heavens Profound Girl, Li Jing, father and son, and Yang Jian, and sneered.

Every word Xuan Xiao said was like a heavy hammer, hammering into their hearts, and the damage exploded.

"What do you mortal know?"

"Do you think no one has tried?"

"Self-righteous bastard."

Yang Jian was furious, and Xuan Xiao's words completely broke his defenses. He jumped up and killed Xuan Xiao holding the three-pointed and two-edged knife.

This straight strike was powerful and heavy, with the power to break mountains and seas, and contained the unwillingness and anger that had accumulated in his heart for a long time.

"The demon in Pagoda Town."

"Samadhi True Fire Dragon Roll."

"Yin Yang Promise True Thunder."

Almost at the same moment, the furious shouts of Nine Heavens Xuannv and Li Jing's father and son also sounded, and attacks that could easily destroy a country hit Xuan Xiao.


Xuan Xiao chuckled, the aura on his body exploded, and red fireworks ignited, and the flames soared into the sky, dividing Nine Dragons.


Xuan Xiao's eyes were cold, and as soon as he finished speaking, nine red flame dragons roared, and opened their mouths wide to meet Yang Jian and the others who were attacking.


A loud explosion shattered the sky, and the air waves generated by the collision overturned everything on the surface.

The nine red flame dragons tore up the bodies of Yang Jian and the Yuanshen like a bamboo.

Xuan Xiao has no joy or sorrow when he wins.

Because there is only one opponent for him, and that is the Emperor of Heaven.

Not these puppets.

"Wait a little longer~"

Xuan Xiao whispered to himself, suppressing the fighting spirit in his heart.

He needs to prepare again, not because he is afraid that he will not be able to defeat the Emperor of Heaven.

Rather, if you don't pay attention to your strength in a battle with the level of the Emperor of Heaven, you may destroy all living beings.

It's not worth it.

Above the Nine Heavens, in the Lingxiao Palace.

Looking at the real-time projection of the battle situation on the sky mirror, all the heavenly officials all had complex expressions, and all kinds of small thoughts surged in their hearts.

In the Tiandi Palace, the Tiandi sat on a futon, his face as gloomy as water.


He let out a cold snort, and the temperature dropped several degrees. Naturally, he had been watching the battle between the four of Nine Heavens Xuannv and Xuan Xiao.

"Immortal God, once you have concerns about mortals."

"How much of a body's strength can be exerted."

"Xuan Xiao, your weakness is that you are too soft-hearted."

"You want to avoid the war temporarily, but the problem is that I don't agree."

After the words of the Emperor of Heaven fell, his body became invisible, and he merged into the six realms and three realms, and everything in the world.

He is wind, he is fire, he is electricity, he is water, he is everything.

And in the Three Realms of the Six Realms, all the supernatural beings, whether they are demons, gods, Buddhas, monks, mountain spirits, monsters, ghosts and monsters, all feel fear in their hearts.

Their power is flowing irresistibly, scattered between heaven and earth.


"My strength, my strength is slipping away."

In the Lingxiao Palace, feeling the changes in the heaven and earth's inspiration, and feeling their own anomalies, all the immortals and gods fell into madness.

"God, save us."

A fairy god cried out, and then dragged his "leaky" body to the Heavenly Emperor Palace, looking for the Heavenly Emperor to be rescued.

However, the Tiandi Palace has long been empty.

The elders and disciples of Shushan, Kunlun, Emei, Taibai and other major cultivators are also in despair.

"Tao, there is no way ahead."

"One hundred years of cultivating the Tao is in vain."

Master Shushan Qingyun looked up at the sky, two lines of tears fell silently down his cheeks.

Without the extraordinary support, he became old and weak, and his longevity was about to come to an end.

"This kind of thing, don't want it."

Some monks couldn't accept it, they went completely crazy, became crazy and bloodthirsty, like a very hungry wild dog.

Kill anyone you see.

Not to mention the monsters, monsters, ghosts and monsters in the demon world, the demon world, and the cave world.

The fear of losing power, of losing everything.

is sending the whole world into hell.

However, this is not over yet, the Emperor of Heaven, incarnated as the Dao of Heaven, began to use his power to bring disaster and ominousness to the whole world.

Drought, rainstorm, flood, plague, hypoxia, high temperature, freezing, earthquake, volcanic eruption and so on.

Unprecedented darkness continued to pervade, as if to devour everything.


Xuan Xiao's eyes were cold, his gums were clenched, and the anger in his heart was almost boiling.

How could this level of great changes in the world be hidden from his spiritual perception.

However, he never imagined that the Emperor of Heaven would be able to do this and take the whole world as a hostage to fight against him.


"Xuan Xiao, what are you going to do?"

The gust of wind slashed across Xuan Xiao's side like a thousand knives, blocked by an invisible force field, and the laughter and words of the Emperor of Heaven came from the wind.

"What are you going to do, Xuan Xiao?"

"Can you kill me?"

Xuan Xiao's complexion was as frosty, and the crimson sword light slashed out, shattering the violent wind in front of him, but soon the voice of the Emperor of Heaven sounded again.


"Xuan Xiao, what are you going to do?"

This time, the Emperor of Heaven turned into a cloud, and the white clouds in the sky gathered into a mocking smiling face.

"God, are you so afraid of me?"

"This method needs to be used."

"You and I haven't even met face to face."

When Xuan Xiao opened his mouth, he also had some doubts, isn't this kind of method always used as a last resort?

"You are really ridiculous."

"Chidi, don't put gold on your face."

The Emperor of Heaven sneered and emptied ten miles of oxygen in an instant.

Birds fell from the sky one after another, and animals died suddenly.

"Red Emperor?"

The speaker has no intention, but the listener has the intention, Xuan Xiao seems to understand something.

It seemed that he was regarded as another person, a powerful enemy named Chidi.


Xuan Xiao looked at the Xihe sword in his hand, which exuded a crimson light.

"Could it be because of this?"

Xuan Xiao was suspicious, but he didn't get too entangled, anyway, he was sure to kill the Emperor of Heaven.

"You seem to only awaken power."

"The memory of the true spirit has not yet been awakened."

"Then don't wake up."

"Just die."

The voice of the Emperor of Heaven suddenly became sharp and sharp, and the wind and sand were rolled up, and then rotated at a high speed, turning into a big drill.

Drill towards Xuan Xiao.


Xuan Xiao shattered it with a sword, but the air suddenly burned, turning the surroundings into a sea of ​​flames, and the ground was filled with dust.


The flame ignited the dust, causing a dust explosion.

In the center of the dust explosion, Xuan Xiao was unharmed, not even the corners of his clothes were stained with dust.

"Heavenly Emperor, you don't think it's such a small fight."

"Can you put me to death?"

Xuan Xiao frowned. As the supreme being in this world, the Heavenly Emperor now has various attack methods, but their power is very weak.

This made him quite puzzled and puzzled.


The Emperor of Heaven didn't respond to Xuan Xiao's words, but kept sneering.


A wall of water mist appeared, and pictures began to emerge one after another. They were human races who were hurt by the sudden changes in the world.


Xuan Xiao frowned, not knowing what the Emperor of Heaven was doing, so he just watched it.

In the picture, countless intelligent beings are calling his name.




Those are monks who have no hope of becoming immortals, Buddhas who are about to be enthroned, demons, demons...

There is also a mortal.

Their tone contained terrifying resentment and hatred, as if they wanted to tear Xuan Xiao alive.

"They all received the apocalypse."

"Knowing that you are the culprit of all disasters."

"Now, I wish I could eat you raw."

"Isn't it ironic?"

"In order to take their safety into consideration, you even want to temporarily avoid the battle with me."

"But these people have received your kindness, and wish they could kill you with their own hands."

"This is really ridiculous."


"The heavens abandon me, I would rather become a demon."

"Xuan Xiao, you don't look like a demon at all."

The Emperor of Heaven laughed at Xuan Xiao wantonly, trying to break his Dao Heart, as long as the other party's Dao Heart fell for a moment, it would be the time for him to fall.

"What are you expecting?"

Xuan Xiao tilted his head, puzzled, how firm his Dao heart was, and how could he be shaken so easily.

It was right to say that they had taken care of the common people in their battle with Jiutian Xuannv before, but in fact the bigger reason was that they were worried that too many civilian casualties might reduce their score with Dao Zun.

When necessary, he can also be ruthless and righteous, even if he destroys the whole world, he must complete the set goal.


Seeing that he had said so much, but the other party was unmoved, the Heavenly Emperor couldn't help but snorted coldly.

"Do you think that's all?"

"Everything in this world is mine."

"Except for your variable, everything is under my control."

"Resentment, hatred, anger, unwillingness..."

"Everything, I can turn it into a knife."

"Cut you down."

The Heavenly Emperor's tone was serious, and when the words fell, resentment and hatred evaporated in the picture of the wall of water mist, turning into skeletons and swords.



The wall of water mist shattered, and at the same time, a big knife made of endless resentment, hatred and other negative emotions fell down.

"So what."

Xuan Xiao took his time and raised his Xihe sword to block, but the ground under his feet split open, like a huge mouth of an abyss, with earth, fire and sky thunder surging in his throat, which was very frightening.


The mouth of the abyss closed abruptly, swallowing Xuan Xiao whole.


The ground was churning, and even hiccupped, but the Emperor of Heaven would not naively think that Xuan Xiao was dead.

If Xuan Xiao could die in such a trifling manner, there would be no need for him, the supreme being in the world, to go to war.


The crimson sword light reappeared, the ground was cut in two, and a figure flew out slowly.

"God, have you played enough?"

Xuan Xiao's expression was indifferent, and he spoke coldly. Xi He swung his sword light, and the giant skeleton and the big knife in his hand exploded, turning into smoke and dissipating.

Xuan Xiao knows that this thing is not dead and can condense at any time.

But he is no longer ready to spend with the Emperor of Heaven.

The Emperor of Heaven wants to drag this world along to die, and he can fulfill his little wish.

"Are you really ready to die?"

"By the way, I forgot to tell you."

"Even if you die, I will not die."

Seeing that Xuan Xiao was really determined to destroy the world in order to destroy him, the Heavenly Emperor spoke out again.

"No, you will."

As soon as Xuan Xiao finished speaking, Xi He held his sword high, and the crimson sword light slowly turned into a flame, igniting everything.

"It's not right, this flame."

"This flame does not come from your sword."

"This is the fire of the Dao Heart."

The Emperor of Heaven saw the key at a glance, and hurriedly said that this thing is very strong, but it is also very weak, mainly because of his idealism.

Idealistic things have always been unreasonable.

In particular, Xuan Xiao is in the same realm as him, without absolute crushing in realm, it is easy to suffer a disadvantage when facing this thing.

"Burn it for me."

Xuan Xiao shouted sharply, and the clothes on his body also burned together.

Then, the flames ignited all around like crazy, and the void continued to burn.

"Break off oxygen~"

"Big water~"

"Extremely ice~"

The Heavenly Emperor resorted to several means to extinguish the fire, but it was still useless. The burning conditions of this thing were different from normal flames, even from fairy fires, and they could not be isolated and extinguished at all.


"Do you really think that you are the only one with this ability?"

The indifferent voice of the Emperor of Heaven sounded, and following his words, the world was silent, everything was slowly blurring, turning into nothingness, and the whole world was collapsing and collapsing.

Everyone, gods, demons, mortals, and all traces of living beings are being erased and appear as a human body.

The human body is the Emperor of Heaven, and now the whole world has collapsed and turned into his body again, and both he and Xuan Xiao have no foothold.

Stepping into nothingness, standing quietly.


Xuan Xiao sighed softly, despite repeated avoidance, the world still collapsed and destroyed, but he sighed, his goal remained unchanged.

Kill the Emperor of Heaven.

As for the destruction of the world, although it is not my wish, I do not regret it.


 2 in 1
(End of this chapter)

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