Create myths from pirates

Chapter 169 Bad Character

Chapter 169 Bad Character

Amaterasu's eyes showed fear, and his mentality exploded directly. This sword condensed [-]% of his skill and thousands of years of anger, and the fire of the sky was the supreme flame that fell from the depths of the universe. The blow combined by the opponents was still easily blocked.

Not only that, but his saber Grass Pheasant Sword was also easily crushed.


Amaterasu Omishen felt resigned, the white-faced man was several times stronger than it was thousands of years ago, and he couldn't deal with it at all.

Compared with washing away the humiliation or something, living is the most important thing.

"I want to escape, it's too late."

The white-faced man saw through Amaterasu's thoughts at a glance, and one of the nine tails turned into a black lightning beam and swept towards him, and at the last moment when the primordial spirit of Amaterasu was about to leave the body of the witch goddess, he tore it abruptly return.


Amaterasu was gasping for breath. He suffered heavy injuries, and half of his soul had already entered the realm of the gods, but he was dragged back directly.

"White-faced person, do you really want to live forever?"

Amaterasu looked at the other party with gloomy eyes. Even if he had the idea of ​​retreating and didn't want to embarrass the other party anymore, if he had no choice, he would not kill him immediately.

"Master Amaterasu, don't worry."

"Humanity has definitely arrived on a steel warship."

"The monsters are also coming soon."

"Why don't you wait and see, and see if you can kill me if you work together."

The white-faced man opened his mouth calmly, speaking insanely arrogant words.

"It's really arrogant, then I'll be here to witness your destruction."


Amaterasu Omishen spoke loudly, but did not attack again. He was waiting for the arrival of humans and monsters.

In this way, the white-faced person will not care about him when they fight.

It's more convenient to run.

It's just that he didn't want to take the initiative to attack, but the white-faced man wouldn't let him sit idle. Nine-Tails moved, and a breath of frost shot out.

"White-faced person, don't go too far."

Amaterasu Omisami narrowly escaped a blow, gritted his teeth and said.

"Anyway, idle is idle, before those guys come, you can play with me."

The white-faced man opened his mouth, moved his tail, and shot out with a strong wind.

Amaterasu Omisami passively parries, he has no intention of taking the initiative to attack now, anyway, if he can't fight, it's better to lie down and have an equal chance.


The white-faced man continued to use his tail to launch energy attacks on Amaterasu Omikami.

Although Amaterasu Omisami was able to dodge it, he was so ashamed and indignant that he became a mouse in the role of cat and mouse, so he could only bite his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

Fortunately, someone quickly helped him share the white-faced man's attention.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa~"

There were several sounds of piercing through the air, and missiles flew towards the white-faced man rapidly.

"How pitiful."

"Does Yingzhou not even have an army of its own?"

The white-faced man sneered, and a circular barrier appeared around his body, and all the missiles hit it.


The explosion sounded, and the billowing smoke and flames burned, and it was impossible for flesh and blood to resist it.

"Win, Captain."

The watchman held the binoculars and was very excited to see this scene, what is the invincible monster in the legend.

In front of their White Eagle Federation, they are not even qualified to fight back.

To put it bluntly, the legend of the white-faced man's invincibility is only because the people of Yingzhou are too weak.

"Report to the captain, the target has been..."

The watchman didn't have time to finish his words when he saw a flash of lightning, and his body had already fallen straight and turned into scorched black.

The captain sat on the spot on the spot, his body was trembling, and his head was covered with beads of sweat.

"You are the fleet of the White Eagle Federation."

"Is the behavior just now understandable?"

"Is your country declaring war on me?"

The flames and smoke dissipated in the distance, and the white-faced person appeared, with an inexplicable smile on her face, and looked coldly at everyone on the White Eagle Federation Fleet.


Everyone gasped, their brains buzzed, they felt dizzy for a while, their hearts trembled, and boundless fear surged in their hearts.


"Why do we have to fight such monsters?"

All kinds of thoughts suddenly arose in the hearts of the soldiers, and their firm hearts were shaken. They didn't understand why they insisted on helping Yingzhou to deal with this kind of monster.

It makes absolutely no sense.

This is just sacrificing their lives.

So, who gave such an order?

The eyes of the soldiers began to look at the supreme commanders on their respective ships in unison.

"By the way, it was their order."

The captain, who had just recovered from the mental threat of the white-faced man, suddenly felt the strange gazes of all the soldiers on him, and immediately shivered in fright.

"What are you going to do?"

The captain roared and backed away, looking at the surrounding soldiers, he decisively drew out his pistol.

"He's going to kill us."

The soldiers in the front row were the first to speak out, and then, the words began to spread among the soldiers one after another, which was extremely weird.

"kill him."

Another soldier in the front row made a sound. He raised his rifle and pointed it at the captain's head, as if he was about to shoot.


The frightened captain was faster than him, pulling his own trigger first. The soldier's head was directly pierced by the bullet, and he fell on the deck in a daze.

At that moment, doubts appeared on his face, wondering why the captain shot himself.

"You all don't come here."

The captain yelled at the surrounding soldiers again, with his hands raised all the time, trying to push back those guys with strange smiles on their faces who just kept repeating.

It's just that his threat didn't work at all, instead it aroused the soldiers' killing intent.

"He really did it."

A soldier in the front row uttered his voice again, and these words echoed repeatedly in the crowd.

"God, what the hell is going on here?"

At this moment, the captain's heart is broken.

Suddenly, he raised his head and looked in the direction of the white-faced man, only to see that the other party was looking at them with a playful look.

"It's you, the white-faced one."

"You bastard is playing tricks."

The captain still doesn't understand that this is the method of the white-faced people, and she is watching them fight themselves.

"Asshole stuff."

He roared and ran towards the fort quickly, he wanted to shoot the bastard himself.

"Don't let him run away."

In the front row, another soldier spoke out, and he directly raised his rifle and shot at the captain.

"bang bang bang~"

Continuous gunfire sounded, one after another.

Soldiers shot at the captain one after another, and the captain's body had become a sieve at this time. He was lying in a pool of blood, dead beyond death.

 first update~
(End of this chapter)

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