Create myths from pirates

Chapter 160 Black Hearted Slave Master

Chapter 160 Black Hearted Slave Master

After Qi Senhan said cold words, he put away the smile on his face, he was really annoyed.

It also doesn't take into account the actor's self-cultivation.

Hearing Qi's words, the little girl and the white-collar girls stopped making noise, even the woman on the phone at the end of the corridor fell silent.

Only the TV was still rustling, and a bald, middle-aged man trotting over.

"Excuse me, help me look for a wrench again."

The middle-aged bald man said with a sneer, his eyes fixed on Qi.

"No, but I have a knife."

Qi Bing said coldly, since he's bored, then he won't act.

Qi's body began to have electric arcs, he threw away the lollipop in his hand, and pulled out his own knife instead.


Before Qi even drew his knife, he saw the bodies of white-collar girls and little girls burst into black smoke, and immediately after, the body of the middle-aged bald man also burst into black smoke.

At the end of the corridor, the figure of a woman quarreling on the phone also turned into black smoke and exploded. In Qi's living room, white snowflakes burst and turned into a cloud of black smoke.

"Five deceitful domains."

Qi smiled coldly, the boundless black air enveloped everything, strange forces were entangled and overlapped each other, and then a distortion occurred.

The walls are moldy and the steel is rusty.The air became extremely turbid, as if about to stagnate.

"Jingle bell~"

Qi's cell phone rang again, but this time it was no longer a number with no display, but a call from Tang Jia.

"Hey, Qi. What's going on?"

"Why is there a paradox?"

"It's still an overlapping paradox."

"I can't even see that it's a few spooky domains."

Tang Jia's voice was urgent, and this strange area really frightened him.

"It's okay, it's because the Guild Masters unite and want to attack me."

"They released five monsters."

"The intention to kill is too heavy, it needs to be scaled up."

Qi's tone was serious, and the corners of his mouth curled up, showing a sneer.

On the other end of the phone, Tang Jia shuddered.

"These bastards."

Tang Jia spoke, although he knew that there would be such a day, but he didn't expect it to be so soon.

"What are you going to do?"

Tang Jia continued to ask Qi about her plans.

"It's useless no matter how many layers are stacked."

"The reason why I haven't made a move yet is because I don't want to let go of the one hiding in the crowd."

Qi opened his mouth to explain that there is a ghost master, who is a little special, and if he cut it off directly, innocent people would die.

The cunning ability of the master of cunning is to sign an agreement and let people work for him. He can pay the remuneration, but the remuneration is not generated out of thin air. He overdraws the value generated by the life of the person who signed the agreement, and after taking After nine layers of nine, it is distributed to the workers who signed the agreement.

What troubled Qi the most was that what those people had signed was actually a death-defying agreement, and when the master of treachery suffered fatal injuries, the priority would be transferred to the person who signed the agreement.

It is this ability to substitute death that makes Qi feel a little bit difficult.

That's why he wanted to take this opportunity to get rid of this treacherous master code-named "Black-hearted slave master".

"Okay, then I will protect the others."

Hearing Qi's words, Tang Jia felt relieved. He partnered with Qi, and protecting the innocent was his main job.

After hanging up the phone, Qi put on her coat and walked downstairs.

"work overtime…"

"work overtime…"

"work overtime…"

One after another voices came from downstairs, accompanied by many hurried footsteps, filled with a feeling of madness.

The corners of Qi's mouth curled up, revealing a sneer, he was immune to all the abilities of the monster, but that didn't mean he didn't have weaknesses, people were his weaknesses.

The trick master's strategy is to use people to pile him up to death.

"The black-hearted slave owner's company has 3000 employees, and it seems that they are all concentrated here."

Qi stopped and held the Thunder Saber Thousand Blades flat. In his spiritual perception, a huge crowd of people kept breaking into the Paradise Realm. The number was 3009, 3000 employees, and nine Guild Masters were hiding in it. .

Qi cheered up, to reduce innocent sacrifices, not to be careless, especially many people were strapped with explosives.


Qi suddenly had a warning sign in his heart, he jumped backwards, and the floor under his feet suddenly collapsed, forming a big hole that runs through the entire building.

"Is it the effect of overlapping paradoxes?"

He murmured to himself, and then a warp dodged the glass window that exploded again.

This is not a strange power, but a real physical effect, which is the overlapping strange domain.

"work overtime…"

"work overtime…"

"work overtime…"

Crazy negotiator employees rushed up, their eyes were red and bloodshot, when they saw Qi, they couldn't help but yelled and slashed.

"You have only seen the power of thunder."

"But I've never seen Lei's speed."

"Now, let you, the masters of treachery, see it."

"Our gap."

Qi Bing coldly opened his mouth, and the strange-colored arcs on the Thunder Saber Thousand Blades kept beating.

"Speed ​​is power."

With a wave of his hand, the Thousand Blades of the Thunder Saber shattered into countless pieces, turning into lightning bolts and slashing towards the crowd~

The streamer passed through their brains, and the weird material energy existing in their brains was directly destroyed, and each of the protocol employees froze in place.

The speed of the streamer of fragments was very fast, just like the real lightning in nature passing through all the corridors, but in an instant, all 3000 people were subdued.


The staff of the agreement all fell down, and the figures of the black-hearted slave master and the other eight masters of treachery were exposed.Someone yelled in horror.

They haven't seen what happened at all, they just seem to see some light point drawing an arc.


Some masters gritted their teeth.He took out the pistol in his arms, but at this moment, the floor exploded, and he was knocked to the ground by the impact of the explosion.

"Damn it, it's the effect of overlapping paradoxes."

The widow master coughed and stood up, cursing. Just as he was about to fight Qihuo with a gun, a middle-aged bald man suddenly appeared next to him. This man was holding a hatchet in his right hand, but his left hand was missing.

"My arm is broken, sorry."

"Can I lend you a hand?"

The middle-aged bald man raised his hand ax high, fixed his eyes on the Trickmaster, and waited for his answer.


"Who proposed to release these sealed monsters."

The treacherous master spat in disgust, his arm turned into a snake, biting towards the middle-aged bald man, the fangs were injected with poison, the middle-aged man's movements stagnated, and as soon as the treacherous master sent it away, he heard another voice sounded.

"Uncle, I'm so hungry."

A little girl with a yellow complexion spoke, and the moment the words fell, pity was aroused in the heart of the trick master, and he had the urge to saw off his legs and give them to eat.


The treacherous master bit his arm, maintaining his rationality through the pain, and then stared at the little girl with one pupil widened. This was the second ghost in his body, and its effect was to intimidate.

The little girl immediately showed a frightened expression after being stared at.

However, the middle-aged bald man who had survived the toxin attack had already woken up. He fell with an axe, and the arm of the Trickster fell off.

A miserable howl came out, and the treacherous masters were attacked one after another.

The black-hearted slave master held his breath and lay on the floor pretending to be a dead body without daring to move, but a crazy female voice rang in his ears.

"Why do not you speak?"

"Why do not you speak?"

The woman walked up to the black-hearted slave master and shook the black-hearted slave master's body frantically, which made him vomit three liters of blood.

However, he still didn't move at all, compared to the weird thing.

Sure enough, that man was more terrifying.

"An unthinkable knife."

Seven faint voices sounded, the thunder exploded, and the 36 layers of superficial domains were all shattered.

All the monsters turned into ashes in an instant.

Just when the black-hearted slave master was rejoicing, a foot stepped on his head.

"Got you."

Qi's joking voice sounded.

 Second update~

(End of this chapter)

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