Create myths from pirates

Chapter 125 Truman's Big Big Wolf

Chapter 125 Truman's Big Big Wolf
Sheep wolf universe.

Big Big Wolf's consciousness returned to his body.

Countless pieces of information immediately poured into its mind like a tide.

It makes me feel like a clown.

And actually, it was a clown.

Your own life is never your own.

Not even a name of his own.

This is the life of Big Big Wolf.

If it hadn't already known the truth, it must be very happy now.

Happily catching the lamb that will always run away, and happily living in Wolf Castle with his wife and children.

But it is a pity that it already knows the truth of its own existence, after returning to this false universe.

It couldn't be happy no matter what, it could only force a smile and continue acting.

But it does not despair, because while knowing the truth, it also acquires the ability to break the tragedy.

Joining the chat group and gaining the mercy of the Daoist gave him more possibilities to escape the control of the screenwriter and the audience.It is proved to be free and unrestrained.

Dispersing the complicated and useless thoughts, Big Big Wolf sat lazily on the chair.

The brain continues to receive a flood of fragmented information.

"Haha, Mom, look, Big Big Wolf is flying again."

Yes, this is an outdated barrage.

"Haha, this stupid wolf made the lambs run away again."

Yep, it’s still outdated barrage.

"The ratings have dropped again, why don't we withdraw the film and broadcast it to Big Bear?"

Well, this is the TV station complaining.

"Kids nowadays, it's getting harder and harder to be funny."

Well, this should be the screenwriter's complaint.

"Why let the lamb and the stupid wolf go again, I want to see the big bear."

Well, I was disgusted.


Fragmentary information one after another poured into Big Big Wolf's mind, and it was manipulated by these numerous messages.

Lived as a clown who couldn't help himself.



Two voices sounded, it was his wife Hong Hong and Hui Hui who had returned.

"It seems that there is a new plot."

Big Big Wolf thought, generally when there is no plot, all of them, including itself, are in a stagnant state, and only when a plot occurs, they will be driven.

"Honey, what's the matter?"

Big Big Wolf jumped off the chair and ran over excitedly.

As always, be humble.

The show will continue, and his body can't resist it.

But in the dark, a shadow of the primordial wolf that no one can see is sitting cross-legged in the sea of ​​consciousness between the brows where Big Big Wolf doesn't exist.

There is the unseen place, another dimension separate from the body.

"Honey, I'm hungry, I want to eat lamb."

Hong Hong said coquettishly.

"Father, don't catch the lamb."

Huihui also said that he and the lambs in Yangcun are good friends, and he doesn't want his father to catch them.

"Then dad won't go."

Big Big Wolf smiled foolishly, and then his wife pulled out his portable frying pan and flew out of Wolf Fort with one blow.

Big Big Wolf got up, patted the dust off his body, and looked up at Xiangyang Village.

"Big Big Wolf made Big Big Wolf's secret little hamburger, and the smell of the hamburger wafted into the sheep village. The lazy lamb is the best in the village, and the lazy lamb was attracted to catch it..."

Another message came, Big Big Wolf immediately set up a kitchen on the spot, set up a stall, and began to make hamburgers.

I don't know where it got the materials and food ingredients.

Everything can only be said to be unscientific.

"It's really ridiculous."

Big Big Wolf thought to himself, letting his body move freely.

Yuanshen Langying sat cross-legged in the sea of ​​consciousness between her brows and continued to practice.


White Snake Universe.

In front of Jinshan Temple.

In order to save her husband Xu Xian who was suppressed under the Leifeng Pagoda, Bai Suzhen, a white snake demon, used immortal methods to launch a flood, and planned to flood Jinshan with water.

Along with it was the green snake monster Xiaoqing. The two monsters tried to threaten the lives of all the monks and pilgrims in Jinshan Temple to force Fahai to release her husband.

"Bai Suzhen, a demon is a demon, and a man is a man."

"Shemale is different, don't be obsessed with it anymore."

"In the end, you didn't just hurt yourself, you hurt Xu Xian, and even your child."

"Your child is a shemale."

"Neither the human society nor the Yaozu will accept his existence."

"Are you willing to let him be discriminated against since he was a child, and live under the guidance of others?"

"What's more, there is reproductive isolation across species."

"Even if a shemale can conceive a child, there is a high probability that he is a fool."

"So reckless and selfish."

"Is that your love?"


Fa Hai kept talking, trying to persuade Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing to quit.

"Fahai, what are you talking about..."

Bai Suzhen's head was full of black lines, but Xiaoqing couldn't take it anymore, she uttered a rage, interrupting the bald donkey's nonsense.

"That's enough, Fahai, you are the one who is obsessed."

"Xu Xian and I are in love with each other, what's the matter with a monk like you."

Bai Suzhen also spoke, looking at Fa Hai with murderous eyes, her tone was cold, making the scorching summer feel like a bone-chilling winter.

"Bai Suzhen, Master Xu entered the Leifeng Pagoda voluntarily."

"The purpose is to break this evil relationship. Now Master Fahai is trying to persuade you with good words because he has the virtue of being good at life. Don't make mistakes."

Behind Fahai stood a group of monks from Jinshan Temple, one of them spoke sharply.

"You nonsense, how could my brother-in-law abandon my sister and enter that Leifeng Pagoda."

"Do you think my sisters are fools?"

Xiaoqing opened his mouth, and behind them were water waves as high as mountains, like crawling beasts, ready to engulf this ancient temple at any time.

"Fahai, let my husband go."

"Otherwise, I will flood Jinshan, and none of you will live."

Bai Suzhen shouted threateningly.

"You are crazy, Bai Suzhen."

"Xu Xian did good deeds and accumulated virtue all his life, hanging a pot to help the world."

"How many lives have been saved."

"Now, for your own personal reasons, you actually want to kill all the monks in Jinshan Temple."

"Are all the innocent passers-by going to the mountain to pray for incense and fulfill their vows killed?"

"Do you want Xu Xian to bear this crime and suffer for the rest of his life?"

"Open a passage and let them all go down the mountain."

"After that, I will fight with you."

"It is not only the victory or defeat, but also the decision of life and death."

"How? Bai Suzhen."

Fahai opened his mouth, he was sure that he could easily suppress the two demons, but he was not sure that the innocent would not be hurt, so he came up with this strategy.

"Sister, don't listen to him."

"Without this mountain of hostages, he won't let his brother-in-law go."

Xiaoqing quickly persuaded him, she knew that White Snake was kind-hearted, and would be easily persuaded by these monks.

Bai Suzhen pondered, but finally couldn't bear it, and spoke.

"Fahai, I can promise to let them go."

"But in the next battle, if you lose."

"Xu Xian must be released."

Bai Suzhen opened her mouth, her complexion much softer.

"Sister, you are... confused!"

Xiaoqing wanted to speak, but Bai Suzhen stopped her directly.

"I've made up my mind."

Fa Hai clasped his hands together and saluted.

"It seems that the benefactor still has kind thoughts in his heart."

 first update~

  Written during accounting and testing...

(End of this chapter)

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