Create myths from pirates

Chapter 120 The abyss is full of 25 boys

Chapter 120

Above the sky is a sea of ​​thunder that has already boiled.

The brontosaurus was swimming, and the arc was jumping.

The entire paradoxical domain was illuminated by the majesty of Thunder.

Everyone was infatuated, facing the wonders of the world, feeling the mighty power of nature.

Qi held up the long saber, and the Thunder Saber Thousand Blades emitted waves of fluctuations, emitting crystal blue fluorescence.

Countless thunderbolts turned into beams of lightning and gathered towards his blade.


It was the roar of thunder, full of rage and destruction.

"No thinking."

"One knife."

Qi's calm and majestic voice sounded, as if a sentence was being pronounced.

The long knife in his hand swung down, and the thunder turned into a terrifying sword glow, and wiped out the entire ghostly domain layer by layer.

The four layers of paradoxical domain were torn to pieces like thin paper, and the shambling figure was directly turned into fly ash.

"Really, only one knife is needed."

The girl was stunned, her face still full of disbelief.

The iron that the monster can't die was broken.

At this moment, she was completely convinced by what Tang Jia said.

This man named Qi might really be able to save this world from the clutches of monsters.

"Qi God."

"Qi God is invincible."

A tsunami of cheers erupted at the scene.

The spooky realm was completely shattered, and everyone once again saw the neon lights in the city and heard the sound of traffic.

In Tang Jia's hands, the treacherous baby has fallen into autism.

"It's not dawn yet, let's go."

Ignoring everyone's enthusiasm, Qi turned and walked back to the apartment.

And his consciousness is always paying attention to the chat group.

【Bai: Qi, this battle is not bad, but this knife, you still need to hone it a little bit more. 】

【Ding!The group leader Bai sent an exclusive red envelope to Qi. 】

Qi chose to receive it without hesitation, and suddenly a sense of comprehension came into being.

Regarding the divine knife just now, he realized even more.

If he makes another move at this time, not only will the Paradoxical Realm be shattered, but the real world will also be plowed into a deep valley by him.

Qi thanked Taoist Venerable in the group, and then bowed to the void.

"Hey, Qi, what are you doing?"

Tang Jia was puzzled, and was a little curious about Qi's move.

Qi ignored his question and continued walking.


The ghost destroys the world.

Mount Fuji, the starlight falling from the clouds to the ground, was already heavily guarded by soldiers.

Dazheng Tianwang received the message from his subordinates, and rushed over when he learned that there was a miracle here.

He thought he was favored by the gods, but when his hand touched the starlight, nothing happened.

His hand went straight through, just like those mortals.

He became angry and ordered the killing of all who saw that scene.

He couldn't let others know that he wasn't approved by the gods, couldn't get his favor, and set foot on the end of the sky.

He is not qualified to meet the gods.

Tonight, the stars are bright and the moon is cool.

The starlight that fell to the ground seemed to be brighter than before.

Dazheng Tianwang raised his head and looked at the sky quietly.

He had a feeling in his heart that something was going to happen tonight.

Perhaps a miracle will appear, and his waiting day and night will be rewarded with the mercy of the gods, opening the way to heaven for him.

However, he was completely wrong.

At the top of the star bridge, countless small black spots suddenly fell.

Those were Daqin soldiers one after another, dressed in iron armor, holding long knives and spears, diving down excitedly.

Here, will be the starting point of Daqin's conquest of the heavens.

And just when the people below thought that it was a divine soldier descending from the sky, they wanted to welcome their heavenly king to meet the gods.

A burst of bright red burst out, and blood spattered out.

The scene suddenly fell into panic.

The soldiers of Daqin are all monks, they descended from the sky, how can the soldiers under the Dazheng Heavenly King resist?

Naturally, it will be defeated with one blow.

Seeing this scene, Dazheng Tianwang also went crazy.

He doesn't understand, where is it?Where did he offend the gods?

Let the gods send divine soldiers to kill him.

But before he had time to think about it, a flying sword directly nailed it to the ground.

Montaigne and others slowly fell from the sky, like exiled immortals.

After that, Tianma pulled the emperor's driver and ran out of the clouds.

Sitting there was none other than the First Emperor of Qin Dynasty.

Ying Zheng.

He came here today to witness this moment.

The imperial chariot of the emperor landed slowly, and Ying Zheng walked out of it. He looked at the moon above the sky and bowed in salute.

"Yingzheng, thank you Luna for your help."

After finishing speaking, he pulled out his saber, raised it high, and released the most extreme Dahe Sword Intent.

In an instant, the wind swept across Yingzhou.


Abyss world.

Darius was invited to attend the Abyss Master Conference.

The meeting place is the central world of the abyss, and countless large and small abyss worlds are reflections of the center of the abyss.

When Dalis walked through the boundary gate, he arrived here.

Bai Yujing's eyes followed, and he looked at the world curiously.

The spiritual tentacles began to spread and explore infinitely, but no one could detect the abnormality.

"Daris, long time no see."

A small red-haired Abyss Master saw Darius coming and greeted him warmly.

Dalis waved his hand, returned a symbolic salute, found a seat at random and sat down, waiting for the official start of the meeting.

The conference table is very long, covering several kilometers, because there are so many masters of the small abyss.

Fortunately, they are extraordinary creatures, and there is no situation where they sit too far away to hear them.

"Hey! Darius, did you get the message?"

Sitting next to him was also a small abyss master that Dalis was very familiar with. He put his mouth close to Dalis's ear and spoke.

Darius frowned, he didn't receive any news.

Just before coming, his secretary once told him that something big might have happened in the abyss.

But what is the big deal?How big is it?Darius was completely clueless.

"No, I haven't received any news."

Darius answered truthfully.

"The abyss is in danger of overturning."

The abyss master said.

Dalis had a question mark on his head, the matter was so serious.

Why are these guys not worried at all one by one, but full of expectations?
"I hate it when people only half-talk."

Darius opened his mouth and looked at this guy with disdain.

"You don't understand, do you?"

"Our chance has come."

The ruler of the Little Abyss laughed strangely.

But Darius still didn't quite understand, he felt that he was the master of the abyss for nothing.

"The only thing that collapses is the central world."

"If it is broken, we will not be affected in any way."

"Instead, we can get better."

"The legacy left by the central world will allow our little abyss worlds to evolve."


The Master of the Little Abyss opened his mouth, and looked at Darius as if he were mentally retarded.

I don't understand why this guy doesn't even have this bit of common sense?

Darius was taken aback.

Good guy, I'm all thinking of this kind of idea.

Is there no one loyal in the abyss?
He has learned a word from humans.

Under the nest, how can there be a complete egg?
 Second update~
  The epidemic is so serious~

(End of this chapter)

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