Master of Shu Mountain

Chapter 83 Assaulting the Port (Part [-])

Chapter 83 Assault on the port (subscribe for the tenth update)
The alliance leader added more and one plus one sister added more.

They were not fools. They couldn't just rush into the three-point horn formation when they faced it. Tang Xiaoying ordered the Datang to sail to the far left side of the port. In this way, they only had to face attacks from one corner, and the pressure was greatly reduced. The Vulcans on both sides of the port were The crossbow tower cannot move, and only the three-story ship, a treasure ship and a few stern warships can maneuver on the opposite side. Even if this mobile fleet comes forward, they can retreat calmly.

When the enemy retreats, we advance, and when the enemy advances, we retreat. They have an absolute advantage, and there is no reason why they cannot win.

In fact, the command ability of the opponent was beyond everyone's expectation. After Datang launched this attack strategy, they did not choose to defend, but went all out. Thousands of people from the entire guild came swarming up, The delusion was to repel the Datang in one fell swoop through the advantage of numbers.

"This is courting death!"

At the beginning of the war, the outcome is already determined. The numerical advantage is only useful when the average strength is not much different. If the difference in strength is too large, the number of people will not change the situation unless there is a gap of hundreds or thousands of times.

"The old president on the opposite side must not be resurrected, otherwise it would be impossible to issue such a stupid order."

Ye Qing sacrificed the Kun Yuanzhu that had been refined and repaired again, fixed his eyes on the crowds flying over from the port, and listened to the chatter of sabers, feeling a little sad in his heart.

Although Kun Yuanzhu was re-cultivated and cultivated, after all, he was seriously damaged. After repairing, his defense power permanently dropped by [-] points. The defense power was [-] points before, but now it is only [-] points. This made him depressed to death.

And just because of this break, if it is broken again in the future, the quality will directly drop to the third rank, which is basically useless.

He has already decided that when he finds a replacement magic weapon, he will sell this orb immediately. While it is still at the fourth level, he will not lose too much if he sells it. If he really falls to the third level, he will lose a lot.

Three or 4000 people flew over in a dense crowd, it looks huge from the momentum, at least it's good to be scary, but it can't scare them who know the basics, even Ye Qing knows that so many people estimate that [-]% of them are newcomers, and some of them are just newcomers. Not long after practicing Taoism, he used a second-tier and third-tier flying sword magic weapon, and his combat effectiveness was pitifully low.

He flew up from the building boat and pressed down with a palm of his empty hand. His energy condensed into an acre of starlight and he grabbed his big hand and slapped it into the crowd. He killed three people with one palm and knocked seven or eight away. The formation instantly became chaotic.

Even he could achieve such results, let alone others. All kinds of divine thunder graspers were blasted down overwhelmingly. Especially Tang Zhengdong waved his hand and slashed with thousands of golden knives made of flames, clearing the dense crowd in one fell swoop. A big hole.

The forbidden method of golden sword and flames, the subtle-level forbidden method, turns into thousands of flaming golden swords to attack, and each level increases by one hundred flaming golden knives, and the damage of the flames gradually increases.

The forbidden method can only be practiced by Sanxian who has cast the Dao foundation. It is extremely powerful. At the beginning of practice, you can issue a thousand flaming golden swords. It is terrifying for players who have not crossed the catastrophe.

Thousands of flaming golden knives slashed down, and these ordinary players were instantly killed. Before the 24 Xuanming Yinshui flags that they had high hopes for could be deployed, all 24 players in the formation were killed.

The only formation that could stop the Sanxian players was broken. The young president on the Blue Sea Guild's flagship was struck like a thunderbolt. He suddenly lost his energy and spirit. Without saying a word, the destroyer retreated and prepared to return to the port, but it was easy to think after he came out. Difficult to escape, Tang Xiaoying immediately seized the opportunity, the Datang pressed forward, and separated a team to fly to the Baolan together with Tang Zhengdong.

Datang's hull was turned horizontally, and it began to bombard the Vulcan Crossbow Tower on the left bank of the port. As for those players, they had already been killed, and they would have fled towards the port earlier.

Tang Zhengdong's banning method not only defeated them, but also broke their morale. The power of the banning method exceeded the limit they could bear.

To be honest, even Ye Qing was shocked by the power of this flaming golden sword. A single one is not very powerful, but there are too many golden swords. There are more than 1000 five-foot-long golden swords shrouded in flames. Under the circumstances, the coverage range is dozens of acres, which can be called a super-large-scale killer. It may not be able to deal with experts, but it is simply unstoppable against ordinary players.

Standing on the boat, Ye Qing sighed with regret. The collapse on the other side was too fast, and it was over before he could summon the Flame Bird. Now that the battleship was bombarding the defense turrets on the other side, he didn't dare to step forward. With the magic weapon he had discovered, The most it can hold is a wave of Vulcan repeating crossbows. Even if it can hold the magic weapon, it will definitely be scrapped. It's such a loss.

Generally speaking, battleships and coastal defense turrets are at a disadvantage, but it is different now. The defense of the headquarters of this informal organization has not yet been established. There are too few turrets, not as many as the Datang, and the coastal defense turrets cannot be used at all. The power was suppressed by them in turn.

Streams of flames drew arcs and fell in the air, and the stone buildings that housed the Vulcan Crossbow were blown up. In the end, only two Vulcan Crossbow towers with pits and iron scraps on the surface remained standing there. .

The diameter of the Vulcan crossbow tower is about three feet, and there are eight directions. There is a Vulcan crossbow in each direction. The angle of the Vulcan crossbow is generally fixed and can only be adjusted slightly. When targeting a target, it can attack from three sides at most. There are 27 Vulcan repeating crossbows on the ninth floor. The two towers add up to a total of 54 repeating crossbows that can be fired at the same time. The power will not be inferior to that of the Datang.

The only disadvantage is that it cannot switch attacks from the other side like a battleship. At the same time, the Vulcan Crossbow Tower is not as strong as the Datang, so the two sides will definitely be unable to compete.

The Datang circled around the S-shape and approached the shore directly, and confronted the two Vulcan crossbow towers. When the distance was only more than 200 feet, one Vulcan crossbow tower was blown off from the middle and collapsed, cracking the bottom, and The Datang was also hit by no less than [-] hits, and the hulls on both sides were covered with large pits that could be drilled into by one person.

Fortunately, it did not hit below the waterline, otherwise the battleship would not be able to persist in combat and had to find a place to repair it.

When the second Vulcan crossbow tower was destroyed, the craftsmen of the guild swarmed out and moved a large amount of materials from the cabin to start emergency repairs.

On the other side, the No. [-] team led by Tang Zhengdong was still entangled with the Sapphire Blue. The fleeing players joined the flagship. Nearly a thousand people gathered around them. Relying on the Vulcan Crossbow on the battleship, they blocked him.

Seeing this, Tang Xiaoying immediately mobilized some guild members to support, Ye Qing happened to be among them, soared into the air with the others, and flew over there from the ship.

From a distance, he took out the flame bird flag, mana poured into it, the treasure flag expanded, and the fire bird above burst out endless flames and thunder, condensing into a huge fire bird with wings spread nearly ten feet, composed of pure flames. There were thick thunderbolts intertwined on its body, and with a clear bird song, the firebird spread its wings and flew towards the Sapphire Blue with a long tail of flame.

The level of this Jingyan bird is as high as 99, an elite template, and its strength is extremely powerful. With one pair of wings, a large amount of flames and lightning surged from the wings and condensed into a fast-rotating thunderball in front of the body. The big thunderball shot directly at the Baolan.

'boom! ' exploded like thunder, lightning and flames intertwined into a net, covering nearly three acres of the hull.

The player's defense magic weapons within the explosion range will be destroyed as long as they are lower than the third level, and those with weaker strength will be directly blown to fly ash.

Jingyan Bird's move is equivalent to the enhanced version of Jingyan Thunderball, it is more powerful and covers a wider area, even Ye Qing himself would be hard enough to block it, let alone these ordinary players who are not very strong.

More than half of the Tang guild members came to support, and the Hailan Guild, which had been struggling to resist, immediately collapsed. Tang Zhengdong summoned a wave of Guishui Divine Thunder Net to blast down, clearing out those who were still resisting, and flew to Qianshan who was blasted by a wave of Divine Thunder Net. The crumbling Sapphire with holes in it officially represents the occupation of this battleship.

As soon as they captured the three-story ship Sapphire, the Vulcan crossbow tower on the other side of the shore immediately opened fire on the Sapphire, and seventy or eighty flame crossbows fell towards this side.

Ye Qing was still some distance away from the Sapphire Blue and was not affected. He only saw the fireballs and explosions coming one after another on the battleship. A body as big as the Flame Bird was hit by two waves of crossbows. Its body made of flames exploded twenty times in a row. Each explosion They are all twisted and deformed, as if they are about to be torn apart at any time.

It seems to be just like, this is not true, anyway, if there are dozens of hits at the same time for the 99-level elite template, it’s okay, just two hits can’t tear the Jingyan bird apart.

However, the Sapphire Blue was too big and its target was too obvious. Nearly twenty waves of crossbows hit it at the same time. A huge crater three feet long and two feet high was blown up on the side of the battleship. It happened to be under the waterline of the battleship. A large amount of sea water poured in, and the battleship was hit by a large amount of water. It sinks obliquely at a speed visible to the naked eye.

They had just occupied the ship, and they hadn't sent people on board to control the battleship, and no one had sealed the cabin to prevent the seawater from pouring in. In less than 30 seconds, the Tier [-] battleship sank into the water.

Fortunately, the sea here is not very deep, and the ship sank with a part of the mast exposed. After the battle is over, the ship can be fished up and repaired, and it can continue to be used.

The coastal defense ballista only fired a wave to sink the Baolan, and then the Datang had already sailed over and began to confront the last two remaining Vulcan crossbow towers. This time, not only the Datang was fighting alone, but all the guild members Everyone freed up their hands, scattered from all around and rushed towards the Vulcan Crossbow Tower.

Ye Qing controlled the Jingyan Bird to rush to the front. Anyway, it was summoned. It doesn't hurt to die, but to re-summon it. Its huge size rushed to the front to attract firepower, covering other guild members from approaching the Vulcan Ballista.

In less than 5 minutes, the intense bombardment ended. The two Vulcan crossbow towers and the surrounding defensive buildings were all demolished by them. Although the Datang was scarred, it still persisted. The Jingyan Bird that attracted the firepower was shot at close range. The waves shot out continuously, exploding in the air and turning into a ball of flame that slowly dissipated.

(End of this chapter)

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