Chapter 72

Looking down from a high altitude, the undercurrent of the sea surface is still surging. Looking around, you can see a circle of huge waves forming a ring in the distance and spreading outward. It is estimated that the traces formed by the giant monster turning over have not completely disappeared yet.

The sky and sea are boundless, as vast as the starry sky in reality. There are countless terrifying behemoths living in it. Like the unknown behemoth just now, whose size is measured in kilometers, it is not uncommon in the deep sea. If you are not lucky, you will Can meet, once met, if the strength is not enough, it may be shot to death by the unconscious aftermath.

The next day, Saber excitedly opened the door early in the morning, and dragged him to the practice point.

He ate something randomly and jumped into the sea with several others.A few of them have formed a fixed team, or the Saber Four themselves are a semi-fixed team. He just joined and was quickly accepted by them.

In addition to Saber, the other three in the team are Yi Cangsheng, Tanghulu, and an uncle named Jian Zhan Bafang, who is actually an air refiner, or all four of them are uncles.

The Saber team is led by Saber, and they are all veterans around 40 years old. Fortunately, human lifespans are very long now. In reality, there is genetic technology. Even if the lifespan is exhausted and comes out of the other side, it can be extended through genetic technology. With a lifespan of hundreds of years, there is no imaginary generation gap between the 40-year-old and the 20-year-old. They are still in the same generation gap. It sounds strange, but it is actually like this. Ye Qing chats with them very well.

Five people went into the sea, this time they accidentally found a dark green sea snake, which was as thick as a bath tub, thirty or forty feet long, without thick scales on its body, but with a layer of poisonous skin. Seeing the five of them, the sea snake stretched It opens its mouth to reveal sharp fangs, and the hissing sound can be heard in the water.

Ye Qing, who was far away, was the first to strike, holding up the three-foot-long Huang Ying sword light to penetrate the sea water, stabbing the sea snake with a sword, he stretched out his hand and swiped, the sword light circled around the snake body, and a ring-shaped bloodstain followed The sword light spewed out, and the two wing-like fins in the upper part of the sea snake's head shook rapidly, a large amount of dark green liquid spewed out from the body surface, and the surrounding sea water was dyed like thick ink.

Then the sea snake raised its head to look at Ye Qing, two black beams of light shot out from its pair of icy snake eyes, the sea water that the beams of light passed through was dyed black, from a distance it looked like a large chunk of black ink was rushing towards him.

Seeing this, Yi Cangsheng was about to throw out a magic weapon for defense. Every time he was in danger in the past month, this magic weapon could form a light shield to protect him, but the saber blocked him and said in a low voice:

"Don't worry, our little brother has changed into a flying sword and wants to test his own strength."

Candied haws and Jianzhan Bafang also nodded with a smile and said:
"Don't worry, Cang Sheng. Our little brother seems to have good swordsmanship. This flying sword seems to be the fifth-level Huang Ying sword in the guild warehouse. He actually exchanged it for it. He looks like a rich man!"

The four of them watched with great interest, but Ye Qing didn't know that he was concentrating on the two beams of black light, and he moved two feet to the side, but the beams actually had a locking function, so they also moved and shot When he came over, he didn't react for a while, and it was too late to avoid it. With a thought, the big Kun Yuanzhu in the mouth of the bowl rose from the top of his head, and a yellow light hung down.

The black beam of light struck the yellow light within a few millimeters, forming two palm-sized ripples on the yellow light. Layer after layer of ripples swayed from the mask layer by layer, and the magic weapon defense fell rapidly, and the speed shocked him.

When the power of the beam of light is exhausted, the [-] defensive Kunyuan jewel light consumes a total of [-], and each black beam of light has a lethality of [-], which is very powerful.

A missed hit can kill the target. During this period, the sea snake was cut out by the sharp sword light for five full circles of blood. He was not idle when defending. Huang Ying's sword was faster than his previous flying sword. No matter what How the sea snake beats wildly, the sword light is tightly attached to its body.

The sea snake at the back gave up struggling, opened its mouth and sprayed out a large jet of dark green venom, the surrounding sea water was dyed black by the dark green venom, expanding outward layer by layer, and soon even the shadow of the sea snake could not be seen.

Ye Qing's consciousness controlled the flying sword to shuttle back and forth several times in the black poisonous mist, unable to find the target, and he said helplessly to the saber behind him:
"Captain, I don't have a magic weapon on me, please help me."

The sabers laughed loudly and said:
"That's enough. This sea snake is almost level [-]. You'd be great if you could fight it alone."

Jian Zhan Bafang condensed a cloud of thunder in his hand and threw it forward. Guishui God thundered and blasted away the poisonous mist spreading towards them, revealing the sea snake sneaking along the poisonous mist. The saber immediately took out a blue Throwing the shuttle, a blue light flashed through the sparse poisonous mist, pierced through the body of the sea snake, and passed through from the other side.

Ye Qing's eyes flashed brightly, Huang Ying Jianguang slid in along the bloody hole that Qingsuo drilled, pinched with ten fingers and shouted coldly:

Huang Yingjian's sword light immediately exploded into countless yellow dots, spraying out from both sides of the sea snake's body hole. The yellow light dots did not disappear, but merged together and landed on the sea snake's body under his control to explode continuously. More yellow light spots exploded again and again, forming a yellow light with a radius of three acres and enveloping the sea snake.

This is the magic that comes with Huang Ying's sword - the sky is filled with yellow sand. The yellow light is not a yellow dot, but a small sword light. Countless small sword lights wrap the sea snake, and penetrate through the vulnerable parts of the sea snake's mouth, nostrils, etc., and a little bit of blood The light exploded, and soon its head was a bloody mess.

It's just that this sea snake is much stronger than the big deep-sea fish they killed before. It is not a scrap template but an ordinary template. In addition to the talent of highly poisonous spells, it can also use water spells that aquatic creatures will know.

I saw it opened its mouth for a flash of inspiration, and a cloud of blue light gushed out from its body, quickly spreading to the whole body, forming a layer of crystal light membrane covering the whole body, and the yellow sand sword light exploded continuously on it, superimposed layer by layer, but It is always impossible to break through this layer of crystal clearness.

"Look at me."

The candied haws took out a black bead and threw it, and it swelled up into a huge black ball in an instant, hitting the crystal film hard, with a crisp 'bang' sound, the light film shattered inch by inch, and the black ball remained Unabated, it smashed past the tail of the sea snake, directly smashing a large part of its body.

Almost a small part of its tail disappeared as the black ball passed by. The sea snake stiffened and raised its head and let out a fierce hiss. Ye Qing was shocked by the power of this magic weapon, but his hand movements were not slow. A large amount of yellow sand sword light fell on the wound. On top, a large amount of flesh and blood exploded into mist, which filled the air.

I don’t know what this trick of candied haws is. I’ve never seen him use it before. It’s amazingly powerful. Not to mention breaking through the powerful defense of the sea snake with one blow, it also crushed a section of the body. It’s just that the mana consumption is a bit high, so I used one blow. He had no energy left to deliver another blow, so he immediately took out a pill to restore his mana.

But there is no need for him to take action, Ye Qing and Saber are enough to kill the suddenly seriously injured sea snake.

When the spell attached to the flying sword of Huangsha Mantian ended, the sea snake was almost dead. The sharp sword light cut back and forth alternately, leaving wounds on the sea snake's body that could hold a palm.

In less than ten seconds, he slashed down with his sword, taking away the last trace of blood from the sea snake. He obtained up to 80 practice points and two points of Taoism. This sea snake was an ordinary template, reaching more than [-] levels. He only had to kill it to obtain Taoism. reward.Saber and the others are much stronger than him, so they may not be able to get two points of skill, and there is no guarantee of a little skill. They can only guarantee that there is a high possibility of getting a little bit of skill. Maybe the level of the sea snake is higher, or the two best performers have It is possible to gain Taoism.

Like this, the key to gaining Taoism refers to the difference in strength, and the so-called strength refers to the level of the player's main practice of Taoism or sword art, only the highest one is considered. For example, Ye Qing is referring to sword art now, and the level 44 sword art is compared to deal with If the strength of spirits and monsters is too large according to a certain mechanism, they will be able to obtain Taoism.

Then, the difference between masters and ordinary players is here. The same level of swordsmanship, the same flying sword, the difference in strength between master swordsmen and ordinary players is calculated in multiples. It is easier for masters to obtain more skills, and it is easy to separate the strength of the two. gap.

This is also one of the main reasons why they are keen on going to the sea. Even if they may not always be able to obtain Taoism, as long as they encounter a few more ordinary template sea monsters, they will always gain one or two points.

It's a pity that the most seen in this boundless sea are waste material template monsters. Although there are many ordinary ones, they are much less than waste materials. If you can get two or three points in a day, you will be considered a profit.

Then they swam forward in the direction of the Datang, and the five of them dispersed to look for spirits in the seawater. Considering the reason for the rush, Saber decided to only look for ordinary templates and let the scrap templates go, so as not to waste time.

After waiting for almost half an hour, Yi Cangsheng on the far left found a silver scale fish of level 91, with shiny silver scales all over his body. Silverscale Fish, haven't decided whether to do it or not, Ye Qing suddenly received a voice transmission from the guild, telling everyone to return to the boat immediately.

He glanced at Saber Yi Cangsheng and the others with puzzled faces, they also received this voice transmission.

"Go back, something must have happened, otherwise we wouldn't have summoned everyone."

Several people nodded, gave up hunting the silver-scaled fish, and began to dive.

As soon as they surfaced, they heard a dull explosion. The four people's expressions changed and they immediately jumped into the air. They saw a thick water column rising more than ten kilometers ahead, where the Datang was located. direction.

Ye Qing rushed over with Saber and the others, and not long after, he heard a huge dragon roar, an extremely thick figure rushed out of the sea, flew high into the sky, turned around and spewed out a column of blue air, a large wave of cold air Flock around.

Listening to Long Yin looking at the figure, Tanghulu subconsciously shouted:

"Real dragon?"

"No, it's Jiaolong."

Ye Qing once killed a dragon on Chixia Island, although this one was bigger in size and different in color, it was a green dragon, but it was still recognizable at a glance.

(End of this chapter)

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