Master of Shu Mountain

Chapter 101 Kunlun Ancient City God Show

Chapter 101 Kunlun Ancient City God Show

As the ancient city of Kunlun, which can be compared to the main city in some aspects, it is not as large as the main city of Jinling, but the actual use area is almost the same, because the ancient city of Kunlun is a mountain city with hundreds of peaks in the city, and many buildings are built on it. above the mountain.

As the closest city to Kunlun Xianzong, one of the four holy places on the other side, the players and NPCs that haunt the ancient city of Kunlun are all related to Kunlun.

Well, NPCs are the words of the players, they are actually the aborigines of the other world. Human beings have entered the other world for 3000 years. There is almost no gap between players and NPCs. Many players marry aboriginals and have children. The offspring are born in reality. There is no difference between human beings, that is to say, real human beings have the same ancestors as the aborigines on the other side.

The only difference is that the aborigines cannot enter the reality through the star gate. They have the brand of this world on them and cannot leave the other side.

However, they all know the origins of the players. Players often team up with the indigenous people to kill monsters. The players gain practice points, and they gain experience and improve together.

In some small places, such as the Manshan Islands, which are far away from the Central Plains, the players are generally dominant. It’s not that the aborigines have no masters, but that most of the aboriginal masters left for the Central Plains after the first catastrophe In Shenzhou, they are not like players who are keen on power, but are pursuing power, and they all want to go to a better place to improve themselves.

That's why elites from all over the world have gathered in China, and we can see many aborigines, especially the major sects.

Ye Qing walked out of the teleportation array. As soon as he got off the high platform, he saw two NPCs among a group of players passing by, one male and one female. The female and a young player seemed to be lovers. They were holding hands and talking about something unexpected. It has something to do with the player, don't be surprised when listening to the NPC talk about which player is how, it's normal.

"No. 2486, Fifth Ring Road East, the main city of Kunlun, it should be here."

He stood at the edge of the teleportation area and entered the Kunlun Main City Forum, downloaded a map of the Kunlun Main City, and murmured to himself while searching for the address mentioned by his girlfriend.

There are seven rings in the main city of Kunlun, the core area is the first ring, which extends outwards, and finally the seventh ring has reached a thousand kilometers away from the core area.

Just like a real metropolis, the inner areas are more prosperous, the land prices are more expensive, and the people who live there are of higher status. The main city of Kunlun is the largest city near the Kunlun Immortal Sect. Most of the players who come here are Kunlun disciples or related to People related to Kunlun disciples, such as the younger brothers adopted by Kunlun disciples.

Kunlun Immortal Sect is one of the four holy lands on the other side, and the number of official disciples is not large. The total number of members of the entire sect does not exceed one million. Even if the disciples of the outer sect are included, it is only 200 million, and the number of students is recruited every three years. When I was a disciple, more than one billion players flooded into the main city of Kunlun.

Of these billion, there will never be more than [-] people who can actually get started and become outer disciples.

Of course, not all of the one billion players can innately meet the standard. Most of them are here to watch the fun. It is estimated that less than one percent of the real innate bones, longevity, etc. meet the standard.

Just like it is still nearly a month before Kunlun opens its gate to recruit disciples, but people have already arrived at Kunlun Ancient City and are waiting early.

So many people poured into Kunlun Ancient City, and the population density was even more exaggerated than in the main city of Jinling. Ye Qing squeezed in the crowd and felt like he was squeezing into the bus in the morning more than 1 years ago. Apart from the dense crowd of heads, nothing else can be seen.

After finally leaving the teleportation area, the crowd diverted through three forks in a row, and the congestion slowed down. At this time, I had time to look around and find out where the fifth ring is.

A wide street with row upon row of shops, a section of which is occupied by a building occupying nearly ten shops, Ye Qing came to this thirty-storey building, looked at the number on the side and muttered to himself:

"What time will the Shenxiu Club be held on the 29th?"

On the other side, I found the license plate, which is No. 2486, Fifth Ring East Avenue.

"It should be here."

He looked around at the flow of people coming and going in other shops, but the gate was deserted. He stood at the door for almost 2 minutes and he didn't see a single person coming in or out. There would be at least ten people entering the surrounding shops.

After straightening his clothes, he walked to the door and pushed open the transparent door, which should be glass. As soon as he entered, a gust of cold air came in, and there was actually a cold air circle inside to act as an air conditioner.

Inside the door is a lobby of about 29 square meters. There is a front counter in the center. Behind the cabinet are the three characters "Shen Xiu Hui". There is also a row of small characters below that says "Meeting Point No. [-]". There is a passage on the left and right. Going to the back, you can vaguely see the gorgeous decoration inside. There are rest sofas in the left and right corners of the hall, and all the tea sets are available. Two ancient-style screens block the room, and there is no one inside for the time being.

Behind the counter at the front desk, there were two delicate women wearing one light green and one blue lady dress, sitting there chatting.

Ye Qing walked to the counter without saying anything. The two women sensed him keenly and raised their heads. The girl in the blue skirt immediately stood up and asked in a clear voice:

"Hi sir, this is the Shenxiu Club, and it is not open for business."

He smiled slightly and said directly:

"I'm here to find someone. My girlfriend asked me to come here to find her."

The girl in the blue skirt immediately asked:

"Is your girlfriend a member of this association? Can you know her name?"

He replied:
"Her name is Mu Xintong."

The girl in the blue skirt thought for a moment before answering:

"There will be an elite member named Mu Xintong, but I can't be sure it's your girlfriend. Could you tell me your name, and I'll pass the information on to her."

"Ye Qing, my name is Ye Qing, the leaf of the leaf, the green of green."

"Okay, please wait a moment, I will pass the news on now."

The girl in the blue skirt replied very politely. At the same time, another girl in the green skirt came out from behind the front counter, stretched out her hand and led her to the side to rest behind the screen, and said:
"Senior Sister Mu is in the Kunlun sect. It will take at least two hours to come here after receiving the news. Please take a rest first."

Ye Qing nodded, followed her to the resting place on the left side of the hall, the girl also sat down and made tea for him on the tea set on the coffee table.

He glanced at the girl in the green skirt, and he had a pretty good impression of this Shenxiu Society. From the reception of people and things at the front desk, it can be seen that this Shenxiu Society is quite extraordinary.

Although this girl in the green dress is a receptionist, she makes good tea with a gentle and smooth technique that is as pleasing to the eye as flowing water. It is obvious from a glance that she has specially practiced tea ceremony. She does not look like a receptionist, but like a lady.

Soon the girl finished making the tea, and with her slender hands, she handed a cup of milky white tea cup as thin as a cicada's wing to him:
"Please taste it!"

He picked up the teacup, which was as thin as a cicada's wings, and seemed to be broken if he tried a little bit, and sniffed it gently at the end of his nose. His eyes fell on the emerald green tea, and he nodded in praise:

“Good tea!”

Gently sipping the green tea, the fragrance of the tea leaves refreshed his nostrils.

The girl smiled slightly and said:

"Mr. Ye, if you like it, you can have a few more drinks."

"I don't know how to call Miss?"

The girl in the green skirt was making the second pot of tea. When she heard him asking, she looked at him and said:

"Everyone calls me Miss Feiyun, and Mr. Ye can also be called me the same way!"

"Miss Feiyun, can you explain the Shenxiu Society to me? I want to know more about it."

Ye Qing was looking for trouble, so he couldn't just sit here. His girlfriend happened to be in this organization, so he wanted to know more about it.

Miss Feiyun looked up at him in surprise, as if wondering how his girlfriend could not know about Shenxiu, but she did not show it and said softly:
"The Shenxiu Society is a mutual aid organization mainly composed of Kunlun disciples. It is not as strict as the guild. Anyone who meets the requirements can apply for membership."

Well, this introduction is simple enough. It can be seen that the girl in the green skirt doesn't want to talk about the situation of Shenxiuhui, and I don't know if it's an illusion. He can feel her expression is a little colder, which can't be seen on the surface. , but feel it.

He was not surprised. He was sure that the question he asked was a bit of an amateur. In fact, some people had no interest in entertaining them in other places. Even if they were unhappy here, they would not show it. This shows that this woman named Feiyun is of good quality.

Well, in the eyes of some people, this is a fake show, but in the eyes of others, it is basic politeness and accomplishment. He has a good impression.

After three rounds of tea, when the two were chatting without saying a word, someone suddenly came to the hall and entered the hall, and Miss Feiyun apologized and left to receive the seven people.

These seven young men and women are probably members of the Shenxiu Society. Another girl in a blue dress chatted and laughed with them and entered the back room. One of the young men with long white hair tied up with a rope and hanging behind his head saw Ye Qing. suddenly asked:

"Who is that person? It doesn't seem like we will."

The girl in the blue skirt said:

"The one who came to see sister Xintong said it was her boyfriend."


Not only the man, but the others all exclaimed, turned around in unison, seven gazes fell on Ye Qing at the same time, he felt the gaze keenly, and looked up to see the surprised gazes of the seven.Then, at the end of the seven people, a white-haired man suddenly turned around and walked towards him.

A girl behind the white-haired man reached out and grabbed him:

"Yingjie, what are you doing?"

"Don't worry, I have my own measure."

The white-haired man gently shook off the girl's hand, strode up to Ye Qing, his teammates reluctantly followed.

"Is there anything wrong with you?"

Ye Qing looked up at the seven people rushing over, especially the white-haired man at the front who seemed to be somewhat hostile for no reason. He remembered that he had never met him before. This unreasonable hostility should be related to Xintong, he guessed.

The white-haired man took a deep breath to calm down, pointed to the chair opposite him and asked:
"Can I sit down?"

He nodded:
"I'm not the master here, you can sit anywhere you want."

The white-haired man sat down across from him, looking up and down his whole body, but remained silent.

This made Ye Qing a little curious, but the other party didn't speak, he didn't know what to say for a while, the two just kept looking at each other.

(End of this chapter)

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