Chapter 87

"Witch, it's bad. The tribe with cattle wants us to offer 20 goats and ten bags of sorghum..."

"Wu, does Lord Qinglang really want my tribe to sacrifice ten children...?"

"Wu, Dashan went to beg the immortal and knelt on the steps and was cut off by the immortal..."

"Wu, you must save Shuiwa..."

The extremely messy memory hit Lin Ping, and Lin Ping felt a headache.

He opened his eyes and found himself lying on the bed, surrounded by a dozen barbarians in rough linen clothes.

"Witch! Wu has woken up..."

All the barbarians knelt down and howled with joy, their desperate faces full of hope.

"You guys wait outside my room." Lin Ping said slowly.

When everyone heard this, they gave up kowtow and ran outside the house.

In the wolf tribe, apart from the wolf god, the witch has the highest status. What the witch says is the truth and he is the spokesperson of the wolf god.

The reason why the barbarians of the wolf tribe were so flustered was that Lin Ping was already the only witch in the tribe.

In this era, witches are synonymous with wisdom, strength, and power, and they are the hope that leads them to live.

A tribe without witches, even with the protection of "gods", cannot develop and will gradually die out.

Last month, the Dog clan attacked them and the Lang clan. If the witch hadn't used a spell to kill the witch of the Dog clan, they would have been defeated long ago.

Men were killed, women and children were taken as slaves.

A child recognizes a thief as his father, a girl is crushed by the enemy, and is flattered by the enemy.

This world is extremely cruel. Here, there are not only human tribes, but also various high-race tribes such as wolf tribes, dog tribes, and tiger tribes.

Lin Ping sorted out his thoughts and found that the current tribe had entered a difficult period. Due to tribal wars, the population of prime-age people had dropped sharply.

The wolf tribe, which lives by hunting and growing sorghum, has fast forwarded to a difficult period with no prey and no food.

What's even more disgusting is that at this time, the cattle tribe actually asked them to pay tribute to 20 sheep and 10 bags of sorghum.

This simply cut off the hope of the wolf's survival.

What was even more desperate was that the only witch in the tribe passed out and did not wake up for a long time.

The tribal leader also lost his mind, and could only kneel beside the witch's bed, praying for the witch to survive.

It seems that their sincerity moved the gods, and Wu woke up.

Lin Ping looked at himself wearing strange clothes and a smooth crutch beside the bed.

Also wearing a strange hat.

Lin Ping sank into his thoughts, checking the memory of the wolf god in his mind.

He didn't know if he didn't check it, and when he checked it, he became very angry.

This wolf god is not a wolf god at all, but a wolf who has cultivated into a spirit, occupied the wolf tribe, and became the god of the tribe.

Relying on this reputation, every year a tribe of wolves is asked to sacrifice their children to be devoured.

Because the tribe could not resist, Wu could only endure the humiliation and accept the fact that the wolf spirit had become the god of the wolf tribe.

You must know that in other tribes, the gods of the tribe not only ask for sacrificial items from the tribe, but also come out to help the tribe during tribal wars, repel the enemies, and protect the tribe.

This wolf spirit is good, he just wants to eat the people in the tribe. When the tribe is attacked by other tribes, he hides there and has nothing to do with himself, and he doesn't care about the survival of the tribe.

Originally, Youlang was still a middle-level tribe, but because of the tribe god, he was defeated by Qinglang and occupied the position of tribe god.

This led to the Qingteng Tribe changing its name to the Wolf Tribe.

Because of the laziness of the wolf spirits, the wolf tribe quickly weakened, and now it is so weak that even the low-level tribe, the dog tribe, can bully such garbage tribes.

Lin Ping opened Chaos Farm.

【Chaos Farm 5】

[Valuable item: 50000 years]

Lin Ping searched and found that in this world, the cultivation of crops in chaos farms is extremely expensive.

Moreover, Lin Ping discovered that the soul of his former Yang God was suppressed in this world and was only slightly stronger than ordinary people.

The five-level chaotic farm can't grow immortality items at all, and the immortality items can't be planted until level 6.

But now the normal level is enough.

"Sow the marrow washing pill."

[Successful sowing, mature in 10000 years]

Lin Ping directly ripened the Xisui Pill.

After taking the Marrow Cleansing Pill, Lin Ping's old body became much younger, and a few strands of black hair appeared on his head of white hair.

Lin Ping felt extremely comfortable in his body.

"Sow the Xiantian Pill."

[Successful sowing, mature in 30000 years]

Lin Ping took out the Xiantian Pill and swallowed it directly. Lin Ping felt extremely painful and fell into a coma again. After several hours, Lin Ping woke up.

At this time, he was exuding a foul smell.

Lin Ping gave himself a cleansing technique.

It just so happened that this witch knew two spells, one was water ball and the other was fire ball.

Some simple talismans will also be drawn, such as healing talismans and insecticidal talismans.

"It's not bad, but it's a pity that the power of the Shushan Sword Art has been greatly reduced in this world, and it has been reduced to the lowest level of cultivation magic, but it is enough to deal with wolf spirits.

This wolf spirit is only in the innate realm and knows a few wind blades.

But Lin Ping still needs a sword and carefully observes the wave of sneak attacks. "Thinking of this, Lin Ping searched the farm.

A dagger was found to be more suitable.

[Extraordinary dagger, extremely sharp, can break through the flesh of innate monsters]

Lin Ping took out the dagger without hesitation. After taking out the dagger, Lin Ping placed it on his waist, and the black linen robe blocked the dagger.

Lin Ping finished these and opened the door.

"Wu, you're here!" The tribal leader was extremely excited.

Lin Ping saw four children kneeling there with panicked faces, and were forced to kneel on the ground by their father.

Their father also looked sad and mournful.

But there is no way, their children have been selected and can only become the food of the wolf god.

Their tribe can't resist again, if it angers the wolf god.

The wolf god will eat them all.

"Wolf God urged to hand over the children again?" Lin Ping asked.

"Yes, Wu, please see if these people are suitable. If not, I will change them." The leader Dashi looked at a boy with a heartache on his face.

This is his third child. Because there are few children, as the leader of the tribe, he can only set an example and launch his own child.

These children knew their next fate, were very frightened, and their faces were very pale.

They held on to their father's hand tightly.

"No need, that's all. For this sacrifice, I will go to see the wolf god. Just follow along." Lin Ping turned around and walked towards the wolf cave in the back mountain.

At this time, a howling sound came from behind Lin Ping.

Then the tribal man knelt down: "Wu, can you let me replace the baby? I don't want to lose the baby!"

Lin Ping paused for a moment, at this moment, the cry of a girl also came.

The girl's cries were full of despair.


(End of this chapter)

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