Chapter 33
It is certain that Zhuang Fengjun has advanced to Xiantian. Martial Dao Xiantian is considered the pinnacle in the mortal world. At least he can win against some low-level mountain spirits and ghosts.

In terms of maintaining law and order, the innate realm is more than enough.

You can also be a top general on the battlefield.

Then, Lin Ping ordered the cook to make a big meal and put it in the cafeteria.

After Zhuang Fengjun's transformation is completed, after taking a bath, he can eat it directly when he comes out.

After an hour, Zhuang Fengjun's transformation was also completed. After Lin Ping and Zhuang Fengjun said that there was food in the cafeteria, they left.

When he came outside the door, Lin Ping saw that Pang Dashan and other talents were recruiting personnel.

They are very efficient, Lin Ping feels very satisfied, and feels that it is worth spending so much time cultivating these talents.

There was a thunder, and it rained again.

In one morning, nearly 7000 people were admitted to the martial arts gym. This number is no longer a small number.

The whole street was crowded with people, and they all lined up to grow up.

In the evening, Pang Dashan came to find Lin Ping.

"Comrade Lin, today we organized people to plant corn, but we were hindered.

Comrade Lin, you have to help us solve this matter, otherwise the matter of spring plowing is probably going to die. "Pang Dashan said.

"What's going on?" Lin Ping asked.

"This land is not ours. Those landlords don't want to plant it, and they don't let us plant it. When we organized it, we were beaten by some hooligans!" Pang Dashanda said.

When Lin Ping heard this, his face became ugly, and his heart was already full of killing intent.

"Male Gobi, this group of people can't see the situation clearly, do you remember what they look like when they hit people?

You ask people to investigate, find out which one belongs to them, arrest them all, and behead them in public. "Lin Ping said directly.

"Comrade Lin, these people just beat people, so they shouldn't be guilty of death, right?" Pang Pangshan felt that it wasn't enough to behead him.

"Comrade Pang, I said you should turn the corner. This is no longer the legal society of Blue Star. If you don't have to pay attention to the law, they will not be afraid, and they will make you stumble." Lin Ping explained.

"That's the only way to go. It's like killing chickens and monkeys." Pang Dashan shook his head and left.

After Pang Dashan left, Lin Ping called Zhuang Fengjun.

"Master!" Zhuang Fengjun saw Lin Ping's expression was not right.

"You call thirty people, hold knives, and line up in two rows for training. Tomorrow, I will hold a banquet for the landlords and gentlemen of Shaoyang City." Lin Ping said.

Zhuang Fengjun nodded, she could guess what.

Lin Ping asked Zhang Guan to send [-] letters one after another, and the letters were sent to the master landlord in Shaoyang City.

Lin Ping wrote in the letter:
"I sincerely invite all the landlords to come to the Lin Mansion to discuss the matter of spring plowing. Those who fail to do so will be at their own risk."

Lin Ping didn't want to continue writing more short words.

Li family.

"Father, this is a letter from Lin Ping." Li Rui's face was full of bitterness.

Li Yuanwai looked at the contents of the letter, and his expression turned ugly.

"You guessed it too, right?" Li Yuanwai asked.

"Yes, father." Li Rui replied.

"Do you think we should go? Or not?" Li Yuanwai said.

"I can't figure out my old friend now.

In the past few days, he has formulated a series of measures that are rare in the world, and he is definitely a genius.

It doesn't match at all with the dandy I met before who only went to brothels.

He's more like a decisive genius.

Now that the spring plowing is here, he invites us to his house to discuss the spring plowing matters. If we don't come, he may be regarded as an enemy by him.

It is even possible that we will be used as an example to others. "Li Rui analyzed.

"The Lin family has a lot of troops. If anyone dares not listen, he will definitely be regarded as an enemy by the Lin family, and it will be a trivial matter to take a knife.

But, I don’t understand, if this land is just for people to be planted, why does he have to arrange for the people to be planted by himself? "This is what Li Yuanwai can't understand.

Why do we need to incorporate land, and it is superfluous?
"The child will go first. After all, I am familiar with Lin Ping, so I can fight for some benefits." Li Rui said.

"Rui'er, I know you are proud and arrogant, but our family missed the opportunity to rise in troubled times, and now we are meat on the cutting board, and it depends on what that kid Lin Ping likes.

Don't stand out when it's time, promise first if you have something to do, and then come back and discuss countermeasures with your father. "Li Yuanwai said.

"Okay! My child understands." Li Rui nodded.


In the evening, Lin Ping took the evil-dispelling sword and continued to guard the ghost cave of Chenghuang Temple.

Pooh!One sword and one ghost, now Lin Ping is very skilled in handling it, and the number of ghosts and ghosts in the farm is constantly increasing.

These remnants are all real money, and they are specially given to Lin Ping.

It wasn't until dawn that Lin Ping returned to Lin Mansion to rest.

This time, another 1300 ghosts were brushed, which is more than the last time.

Back to Lin Mansion.

He wants to have a good night's sleep, and entertain all the gentlemen in the afternoon.

In the afternoon, Lin Ping woke up, and then asked Zhuang Fengjun to lead a team of about thirty people in two rows, each holding a broadsword.

The first landlord who came in saw this scene, and his body kept shaking.

"I've seen Mr. Lin Xianzun." This landlord is quite tactful.

Then came one after another.

"Master Lin." Li Rui came in and cupped his hands towards Lin Ping.

It's not in private at this time, so naturally I won't say hello as a friend.

Then Liu Cong also came.

"I've met the county magistrate." This Liu Cong is also very smart, but his complexion is not very good today.

Then, one after another, people entered the arena.

No one spoke at the scene, it was very silent.

Thinking of the knife-carrying guards behind them, they were already flustered, but they remained calm on the surface.

"Okay, today I am hosting a banquet for everyone, and I would like to offer you a toast." Lin Ping poured wine and toasted everyone.

Everyone looked at each other and didn't know what to do. At this moment, Li Rui raised his glass.

Then Liu Cong raised his glass, and they raised their glasses in a panic.

"I've finished the wine, I called everyone here today to host a banquet and to inform you.

I will temporarily rent your land for ten years.

Ten years later, it will be returned to you again. What do you think?
You guys have to think about it, you are wrong, the guards with knives behind you will not be vague. " Lin Ping blatantly threatened.

Everyone look at me and I look at you, but they just can't speak.

Those lands are their private property, they don't plant them, they would rather leave them unused than allow others to plant them.

Lin Ping was waiting for the opinions of the crowd at Nexin, and now that he is waiting for him, it would be better if this group of people disagreed, and they would directly criticize him, and he didn't bother to sign the contract.

Li Rui took a deep breath as he watched the crowd. He knew that if he didn't express his opinion at this time, he might not have the chance to express his opinion.

"I am willing to rent my family's field to the county lord."

"I am also willing to rent my family's field to the county lord."


"Very well, since everyone is willing, let's eat meat together.

Some of you must think that I use force to do things, and when I am in trouble you will come to me to settle matters, right?
but it does not matter.

In fact, if you have been out, you will know that our Shaoyang County is better now, at least your food women have not been robbed. "Lin Ping took a sip of wine and left after speaking.

He didn't continue to pay attention to the crowd. He called these people today to show them off, so that they don't get in the way. Now that they have been notified, if these people are not good, Lin Ping can only use force to subdue them.

(End of this chapter)

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