The heavens start from Liaozhai

Chapter 11 Eventful Autumn

Chapter 11 Eventful Autumn
At this time, Zhao Pinghu finally arrived at the scene under the protection of the police.

He happened to see the scene where the monster was being burned.

"County Honor!" Zhao Butou saluted County Magistrate Zhao.

"Besides Mr. Luo, are there any survivors?" Zhao Pinghu asked Zhao Butou.

"We checked the scene and the only person alive was Mr. Luo. The others had their hearts and brains ripped out by this monster and died in miserable conditions." Capt. Zhao replied.

"You did a good job. You guys moved the body back to the Yamen, so that the assistant can identify the identity." After Zhao Pinghu finished speaking, he looked at Luo Xiang, who was held by Lin Ping, and seemed to be thinking.

Lin Ping felt Zhao Pinghu's gaze, and he didn't have any other expressions on the surface, but at this moment, he was already tense, for fear that Zhao Pinghu would suddenly attack him.

Fortunately, Zhao Pinghu only looked at it for a while, then turned his attention away.

Lin Ping sent a stream of internal energy into Luo Xiang's body.

Luo Xiang woke up after coughing twice, but was still very weak.

"Lord County Venerable, now that my Luo family is in trouble, I can no longer entertain the County Venerable. Please also ask the Lord County Venerable to take the body away and leave my Luo Mansion." Luo Xiang said to Zhao Pinghu.

"Then don't bother Mr. Luo."

After Zhao Pinghu thought for a while, he ordered everyone to take the body away, and left Luo Mansion in an orderly manner.

After leaving Luo Mansion, Capt. Zhao whispered: "Brother-in-law, are we leaving like this?"

"I know what you're thinking. It would be fine if the third son of the Lin family wasn't here today, but if he's here, we won't be able to kill Luo Xiang and confiscate the Luo family's property." Zhao Pinghu spoke in a very soft voice, afraid that someone might overhear him.

"Why? Why don't we just get rid of Lin?" said Catcher Zhao.

"You don't talk through your head, you are really a pig's brain.

Can we touch this Lin family member?
Do you think that after we kill Lin Ping, we can blame Lin Ping's death on the monster? " Zhao Pinghu sneered.

"Why not? We haven't done too little in this matter." Zhao Butou looked puzzled.

"You may not know the identity of this Lin family, but I have some vague rumors that the Jiedu envoy of Cangzhou is from the Lin family." Zhao Pinghu said.

"How is this possible? How is it possible that this Lin family is the same family as the Jiedushi." Catcher Zhao broke out in a cold sweat when he heard this.

In today's world, although there is no great chaos, the localities have embraced their own self-respect and accepted the jurisdiction of the imperial court in name. In fact, no one will pay attention to the imperial court's decree when it reaches the locality.

The governors and vassal kings of each state are the largest local officials. They integrate military and political affairs and truly have the power of life and death. They are the true emperors of the land.

Therefore, after Zhao Butou heard what Zhao Pinghu said, he broke out in a cold sweat with fear.

"Nothing is impossible, the Lin family moved out of that place..."


After watching all the arresters leave, Luo Xiang said weakly to Lin Ping, "Thank you Brother Lin for saving me. If it wasn't for Brother Lin, Luo's life would have been lost."

"Brother Luo knew the situation at that time?" Lin Ping couldn't help asking.

"I was apparently in a coma at the time, but in fact I wasn't really in a coma, it was just that I was too weak for that to happen.

But I didn't expect that Zhao Butou actually had the heart to spy on my Luo family's foundation, it's really hateful! "Luo Xiang was extremely angry, and his anger caused him to cough up a few more mouthfuls of blood.

Lin Ping helped Luo Xiang to a clean empty room and put Luo Xiang on the bed.

"Brother Luo's situation is probably due to the excessive deficiency of yang essence." Lin Ping said directly.

"It is indeed for this reason that I estimate that I only have a few days left to live.

At the beginning, I should have listened to Brother Lin's dissuasion, and just didn't go to the Rouge Building to order red.

I didn't expect that I was so confused that I couldn't even tell the difference between a human and a demon, and I even took Hong'er as my concubine, which led to the robbery of my Luo Mansion. "Luo Xiang said this with great regret.

"If Brother Luo is due to a lack of yang essence, I have pills that can help Brother Luo, but the price is a bit expensive." Lin Ping decided to exchange Yangbu pills for a large amount of silver.

He believed that in this situation of certain death, Luo Xiang would definitely agree to the price he offered.

"Is there really such a pill in this world? I took the Yang Bu Yang Pill, which delayed it for a while." Luo Xiang was eager for Lin Ping's answer.

"It is true that there is a kind of pill called Butian Pill, which can change one's life against the sky, but Brother Luo knows that such a pill is extremely precious. I wonder how much Brother Luo can pay for it?" Lin Ping stared at Luo Xiang.

He felt that the number of plantings was extremely precious, and if Luo Xiang couldn't get a good price, he would rather not sell it.

Lin Ping is not a virgin bitch, and besides, he and Luo Xiang don't have much of a relationship. The previous friendship was also a friendship with the original person. They were fair-weather friends, not close friends.

He has no obligation to save Luo Xiang.

"If there is a elixir that can save my life, I am willing to spend [-]% of the wealth of my Luo Mansion in exchange." Luo Xiang gritted his teeth and said, he knew that even if he didn't hand over the property to Lin Ping, sooner or later he would be swallowed up .

"Since Brother Luo is so forthright, then the deal is done." After Lin Ping finished speaking, he planted the Buyang Pill directly on the Chaos Farm and ripened it immediately.

"When can Brother Lin get this elixir?" Lin Ping was very anxious. He felt that he really couldn't hold on much longer and might die at any time.

"It's on me." Lin Ping reached into his pocket, took out the elixir and handed it to Luo Xiang.

After Luo Xiang got the elixir, he drank it immediately.

After eating it, Luo Xiang felt that his body was recovering quickly. Although his face was still a little pale, he already felt that the deficiency of his body had recovered.

The reason why his face was still pale was because he knew that he had lost too much blood.

"It's amazing that it can be restored to this point. It really is a elixir that can change life against the sky. Brother Lin, come with me!" Luo Xiang's face was overjoyed.

He took Lin Ping directly to the treasure house.

Then Lin Ping opened the Luo family's treasure house.

"Brother Lin, the gold in this box is most of our Luo family's savings, and all of it is given to you.

As for my family's property, the handover is also more troublesome, and it is not something that can be handled in a day.

But before that, I hope Brother Luo can send someone over to protect me for a while.

After all, I am the only one in the Luo family now, and I am afraid that some people will have evil intentions. "Luo Xiang made a request to Lin Pingduo.

"It's easy to handle. I'll move this box of gold later, and you go to my Lin Mansion together. I will pay my father some family guards to help you tide over the difficulties." Lin Ping also knows Luo Xiang's situation now.

Since he took the money, he should protect Luo Xiang.

In case he just turned around, Luo Xiang died suddenly for no reason.

"Thank you so much, Brother Lin." Luo Xiang breathed a sigh of relief. What he was most afraid of now was the people from the county government.

Since ancient times, officials acting as strange bandits, burning, killing and looting is nothing new.

After Lin Ping moved the gold, he called for a carriage or two.

Then he put the box on it and returned to Lin Mansion.

Luo Xiang was in the car, closed his eyes and rested his mind, and didn't say much.

After returning to the Lin Mansion, Lin Ping settled Luo Xiang and went to find Yuan Lin.

"Father!" Lin Ping saluted.

"What do you want from me?" Lin Yuanwai asked.

Lin Ping told what happened to the Luo family.

"What? You mean..." Lin Yuanwai had a serious expression on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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