I am an ancestor in Wanjie

Chapter 6 The Root Cause of the Sword Qi Controversy

Chapter 6 The Root Cause of the Sword Qi Controversy
"Aside from this matter, it's actually because the old man has realized everything and is freed from what happened back then."

Yang Chen knew that the matter of the Demonic Way was not enough to convince the couple, so he continued: "Back then, our Sword Sect and Qi Sect fought to the death, but now it seems that it is a complete cannibalism."

Yue Buqun and Ning Zhong had ugly faces, the former snorted, "Master Feng, why did you say that? Could it be that you think that the Sword Sect and the Qi Sect are all wrong?"

"It's all wrong!"

Yang Chen bluntly said: "Martial nephew, you should know how the sect has withered these years, do you think this fight is right?"

Yue Buqun originally wanted to refute directly, but he thought that the Huashan faction had not been able to do what he wanted these years, so he couldn't object to this question.
He frowned and said, "It's true that the internal strife has damaged the foundation too much, but this is a dispute between good and evil within the sect. It must be clearly distinguished, so that the Huashan sect can truly flourish."


Ning Zhong teased Yue Buqun a bit, saying that in front of the masters of the Sword Sect, wouldn't he be afraid of making this senior mad?
You know, Jianzong was defeated back then, and it was easy to become angry when hearing this.

Unexpectedly, Yang Chen looked calm and not angry at all, which surprised them.

Yang Chen was actually a little upset about being affected by his memory, but he was not Feng Qingyang, but Yang Chen. His world outlook and values ​​were not comparable to those of a martial artist.

He said flatly: "Are you sure it is flourishing, not declining?"

Yue Buqun was ashamed and angry: "If Uncle Feng came here to humiliate the junior, the junior admits that he is not capable enough to strengthen the sect."

The implication of these words is that the current weakness of the Huashan School is due to his lack of ability, not because the Qizong's path is wrong.

Yang Chen didn't understand why, he shook his head and said, "You are actually quite capable, but unfortunately, the previous generation left you too little.

Back then, in the battle between Qizong and Jianzong, the masters in the sect were killed and injured.

Up to your generation, both martial arts and manpower are seriously insufficient.

It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice, let alone the operation of a school.

In this case, how do you carry forward the sect? "

Yue Buqun was silent, but Ning Zhong's eyes were slightly bright.

This senior actually spoke so clearly.

In their generation, there are only the husband and wife, and most of the martial arts in the school have been lost.

In this case, how can it compare with the power of those thousands of people?

"Now, do you still think the infighting is right?"

Yang Chen asked back.

Yue Buqun moved his mouth, but he had nothing to say.

"This question is over, let's move on to the next question. Now let's talk about Jianzong Qizong. You think Qizong should be the master, but Jianzong thought he should be orthodox, right?"

"Hmph, for those who practice martial arts, the key point is the word 'qi'. If qigong is strong, fists, kicks, and swords can be all-powerful. This is of course the right way to practice kung fu in this sect."

When it came to a battle of ideas, Yue Buqun of course resolutely defended his lineage.

In fact, he had been shaken in his heart for a long time, otherwise he would not have planned to seize the Lin family's evil sword manual.

But he's a hypocrite and won't admit it himself.

"It's reasonable for the public to say that the public is right, and it's reasonable for the mother-in-law to say that the mother-in-law is right. I understand what you said."

Yang Chen nodded and did not object, which made Yue Buqun think that he was going to betray Jianzong.

"However, why didn't our patriarch of the founding school get entangled in these things, instead, we have been arguing about such things for a hundred years?"

Yue Buqun and Ning Zhong were both speechless.

Sword Sect and Qi Sect only appeared in their Huashan Sect, and Patriarch and other sects didn't bother about it too much.

But why he didn't struggle, he couldn't say.

"The patriarch didn't say these things because swordsmanship and martial arts are all for people to practice. They are for you to use to strengthen your body, protect your family and country, and kill evil spirits and heretics, not for internal use. fighting."

These words made Yue Buqun's pupils shrink, and Ning Zhong was also lost in thought.

Was the fight back then really necessary?

The outcome of the fight was already evident, and that was that it was not doing any good.

[Ding, achievement points +2! ]
[Ding, achievement points +1! ]
Yang Chen was very satisfied with his fooling around. In fact, the dispute between Jianzong and Qizong had something to do with the Sunflower Canon.

At that time, Yue Su and Cai Zifeng from the Huashan School went to Putian Shaolin Temple as guests and peeked at the Sunflower Book. Due to time constraints, the two read half of it separately, but their comprehension was too low.

As a result, the incomplete Sunflower Book attracted the covetousness of the Demon Cult. Ten elders attacked Mount Hua, causing heavy casualties on both sides.

Another part of the Sunflower Canon relayed gave birth to another master, Lin Yuantu.

Of course, the impact of these things, he will naturally not say it.

"Can't you figure it out? Internal strength and swordsmanship are both tools. Talent is the most important thing. It's not the sword sect and the qi sect that drive people, but the people who drive qigong and swordsmanship. This is the priority!"

At the end of Yang Chen's speech, he incited his inner qi and drank, which made the ears of the two of them ring and deafen.

Yue Buqun's expression was complicated, and he remained silent for a long time before he said with difficulty: "Thank you, Uncle, for pointing out the maze. If the seniors could have realized this earlier, maybe there would be no such thing as killing each other."

Ning Zhong rolled his eyes: "Since the uncle said that people are the main thing, you still have to face the choice between martial arts and swordsmanship. There will always be a priority. At that time, should Qi or sword be the main thing? "

Yue Buqun's eyes lit up, he secretly praised his wife for being smart, but he wanted to see how the Grand Master would answer.

Of course, Yang Chen wouldn't let people come back, but said: "Wait to answer this question later, you tell me, why is there a fight between Qizong and Jianzong?"

"Hmph, it's not that your sword sect took shortcuts and thought you were great after learning some superb swordsmanship, which caused many people to neglect the cultivation of internal strength and take the edge of the sword, causing turmoil in the sect."

Yue Buqun's words obviously shifted the responsibility to Jianzong.

"Everything has its reason, so why do people keep trying to take shortcuts?"

Yang Chen is persuasive.

"It's not that I don't want to endure hardship." Yue Buqun took it for granted.

"It's human nature not to want to suffer. Haven't you thought about taking shortcuts?"

Yang Chen pointed out something.

This made Yue Buqun's heart skip a beat, could it be that this old man knew about his plan to snatch the evil sword manual?
Impossible, I did it so secretly, even Yu Canghai from the Qingcheng School didn't notice it, how could this person know?

Yang Chen naturally wouldn't reveal anything, he wanted Yue Buqun to respect him as much as possible, and said, "After all, you still haven't found the key."

Ning Zhong said politely: "This junior is dull, please ask Uncle Feng to point it out."

"Nephew Yue is lucky to have such a good wife as you."

Yang Chen glanced at the beautiful and intelligent young woman Ning Zhongze, and sighed in his heart that Yue Buqun could give up such a beautiful woman from the palace, because he really cared about the Huashan School.

He didn't hide it either, pointing to the two swords: "The key is them."


Both of them looked at a loss, why is the reason on the sword?
"Strictly speaking, it should be sharp weapons such as swords. Have you noticed that over the past few hundred years, with the improvement of smelting technology, swords have become sharper and sharper?"

Yang Chen didn't wait for the two to answer, and said to himself: "In the Song Dynasty hundreds of years ago, weapons were not so sharp, and most people in the martial arts judged the outcome based on their fists and kicks.

For example, the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon by Qiao Feng, Guo Jing, etc. defeated all the people in the world. This kind of boxing kung fu relied heavily on internal strength, so there were countless people with strong internal strength in that era, and it was rare to hear of magic weapons that could decide the outcome of a battle.

At the end of the Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, with the improvement of smelting technology, such magical weapons as Yitian Tulong appeared, and one could command the heroes!

(End of this chapter)

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