I am an ancestor in Wanjie

Chapter 200 Cultivating the Sunflower Book

Chapter 200 Cultivating the Sunflower Book

Yang Chen didn't have too many demands on the Roy people, he could live a peaceful life and just accompany his daughter to grow up.

Having established a relationship with the Roy people, Yang Chen found Ming Ziyan the next day and completed important things in his life.

Ming Ziyan, who had just experienced personnel affairs, was a little shy, and her whole face was flushed.

"In the future, you will be the younger sister at home, and the Roy will be the older sister. You won't be angry, will you?"

Yang Chen stroked Ming Ziyan's hair: "It's destined that I can't treat you wholeheartedly."

Ming Ziyan wrinkled her nose: "Sister Yiren is Chenchen's mother, why would I be angry? Strictly speaking, I am a latecomer, but you are not allowed to find another woman, don't be like other people who have three wives and four concubines." .”

Yang Chen smiled wryly: "Don't worry, you are enough. From now on, she will be responsible for the chores at home. You can continue to practice hard. After all, your talent is better."

"I will also do housework and cook."

Ming Ziyan smiled: "I will learn from my sister."

"Okay, let's hold the wedding in two days, it still needs a sense of ceremony."

Yang Chen was going to take care of the important events of his life.


Ming Ziyan showed a look of anticipation.

A week later, he held a simple wedding and married two wives at the same time, and the major events in his life were completely resolved.

Life has entered a happy state, and the human alliance has been successfully established. Yang Chen attended the opening meeting and began to clean up the tower of evolution.

This organization was more timid than the other, Yang Chen turned around and spent a lot of time, and he hadn't killed as many as when he first acted.

Back and forth, the rest time was coming to an end, Yang Chen returned to his home ahead of time, and waited quietly.

They moved to a villa area. In the beautiful environment, Roy was leading a toddler.

Yang Chen was sitting under the tree, Ming Ziyan beside him was lazily lying on the cool chair to bask in the sun, and his parents were planting vegetables in the field not far away.

Looking at his daughter quietly, Yang Chen felt that this kind of life was extraordinarily comfortable.

However, the premise is to pressurize the beasts in the wild so that the virus can no longer cause chaos, which requires strong strength as a guarantee.

After looking at the time, he got up and said, "I'm going to retreat for two days, please don't disturb me."


Daughter Nian Chen thought her father was talking to her, and babbled curiously, but didn't understand the meaning of this sentence, and Yang Chen couldn't understand what her daughter was saying.

"Okay, you can practice with peace of mind."

Roy smiled softly, and the wind blew through her hair, seeming to blend in with the scenery.

"I'm going to practice too."

Ming Ziyan got up and muttered: "The small goal of Yujian flying has not been achieved yet."

"The key to refining Qi and transforming spirit is to meditate and persevere. You don't want to spend three days fishing and two days drying the net."

Yang Chen shook his head, turned around and went to his practice room.

This was specially set up after the move. He and his two wives have it, so as to reduce external interference during cultivation.

Close the practice room, and the anti-theft door can ensure that the outside cannot be easily opened.

He sat cross-legged on the ground, waiting for the rest time to end.

When time returned to zero, his consciousness was taken away by a force and entered a new world.

The king of Qin conquered the six kingdoms, unified the six kingdoms, promoted the same text of books, and the same track of cars... he called himself the first emperor.

The era of the great empire is coming, but the remnants of the six countries are still unsolved, and the situation of a hundred schools of thought contending is not conducive to the great unification, and a top-down bloodbath sweeps across the country.

The Mohist school was one of the targets to be cleaned up, especially the Mohist tycoon was involved in Jing Ke's plan to assassinate Qin, which gave the first emperor a reason to take action.

With the assistance of the Quicksand Organization and the Gongsun family, everyone in the Mo family was forced to retreat to the headquarters, but they still couldn't change the situation of being besieged.

At this critical moment, inside the Mohist forbidden area, a skeleton suddenly trembled, and two balls of light emerged from the eye holes.

Feeling the new body, Yang Chen stared at the six phalanges, stunned for a long time, and then couldn't help but yelled: "Fuck, this time I was attached to a skeleton, did you make a mistake?"

He was speechless to the extreme. To him, a skeleton was equivalent to having no body.

I am even worse than Xiao Chen at this moment, at least he has integrated the magma energy, and I am in a state of pure soul.

What the heck.

"It seems that I have to learn from Xiao Chen and practice directly in the state of soul."

Yang Chen had no choice but to browse the identity information and mission status this time.


ps: I'm sorry, the setting of this novel is a bit imperfect, and the writing is not refreshing enough. I have to practice the Sunflower Book.

Fortunately, it is an infinite stream, a world is a story, so let's stop here.

During this period of time, I was a bit dazed, and my life and work were a bit of a headless one. I felt that I was going to be depressed, so I had to take a break before thinking about a new book.

The next book should be original, mainly because the writing of this type of infinite flow really lacks motivation, and it does not fit the current environment.

That's it, thanks to the friends who have been supporting me all the time, let's go to practice!
(End of this chapter)

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