I am an ancestor in Wanjie

Chapter 134 Alloy Long Sword

Chapter 134 Alloy Long Sword
The two attacks were at similar parts, and the difference in resistance was relatively large, which must have something to do with the extraordinary power in his body.

"Coach Yang, bull."

Chen Qilong raised his thumbs up. He found it very troublesome to deal with the guy. The two were killed when they met, which shows that the gap is really big.

"Basic operation."

Yang Chen said lightly, "Get some more meat later, I haven't eaten the lord level yet."

"Okay, you killed it, you can eat whatever you want."

Chen Qilong chuckled and looked at the other beasts.

On the battlefield, with the death of the black wolf, the offensive of these guys was completely broken, and they began to flee one by one without any threat.

Soon, there were no living beasts around the line of defense, and many corpses were left behind.

Yang Chen looked at the forest, and suddenly noticed something. He sensed a powerful fluctuating aura, and then something faintly looked at him.

Because there were too many trees and the distance was a bit far, Yang Chen wasn't sure what it was, but he guessed that it might be a great lord level beast.

According to some information from human exploration, lord-level beasts generally occupy a territory, covering several to tens of miles, and if they live in groups, they are basically leaders.

As for the vicious beasts of the great lord level, except for those who like to walk alone, they will command the vicious beasts of different regions and races, and their territory is over hundreds of kilometers.

As for the even more terrifying king of beasts, it is said that he can rule a mountain, a lake, a section of river, or an area of ​​sea!
Fortunately, the king of beasts has not been found near Shaoyang City for the time being, otherwise the city may be destroyed at any time.

Withdrawing his gaze, he looked at the scene in front of him.

Dilapidated fortifications, gunpowder smoke, bullet casings and gun craters all over the ground, black blood everywhere...

Everything shows that the war just now was very tragic, the beasts suffered heavy casualties, and the human side suffered a lot of losses.

Dead and wounded soldiers, wasted ammunition, and destroyed fortifications all cost a lot.

Seeing that the sadness and joy of these people only lasted for a moment, Yang Chen hurriedly repaired the fortifications and replenished the ammunition, feeling admiration in his heart.

He knew that this was the result of a lot of experience.

In the land in front of you, how many soldiers are buried here?

Chen Qilong is the leader, he doesn't need to deal with the battlefield, so he is much more relaxed.

He first arranged for someone to deal with the corpses of the beasts, and said to Yang Chen: "Master Yang, there are a lot of materials for these three beasts, see if there is anything you need, if not, we can sell it for you, and all the proceeds will belong to you .”

"You don't need all of them, just give me half. The other half is yours. Without your involvement, I will face more than that."

Yang Chen shook his head and looked at the fur on Hei Lang's body: "As for the material, I don't know much about it, can you introduce it?"


Chen Qilong pointed at the big wild boar: "Except for the meat, the fangs are the most valuable. They can be used to grind into swords. The material is comparable to titanium alloy, and it has a very good extraordinary energy storage effect. Its skin is also good, and it can block bullet."

"The leader of the sparrow is that the beak and claws are more suitable for making weapons, and the skin of this wolf is the most precious. In addition, the teeth and claws can be used to make special weapons."

After listening to the introduction, Yang Chen asked: "Which one has higher defense power, pig skin or wolf skin?"

"Wolf fur, and it's very suitable for making special clothes, and it's comfortable to wear."

"Make a few sets for me, just for my relatives and drivers, and give the rest to you."

Yang Chen caught a glimpse of pig hair, walked over and pulled out one, and found that it was very hard and tough, much thicker than normal pig hair.

"Choose some good ones for me and process them into pig hair needles of uniform size."

"No problem, is there anything else you want?"

Chen Qilong saw that Yang Chen killed many sparrows with the needle, and knew that this man was using the needle as a hidden weapon.

"No, but can you make me an alloy long sword? The tougher the better."

"Small, I'll fix it for you right away."

When the two were discussing, Wu Xuebing came with reinforcements to help deal with the battlefield.

The incident of the beast's raid is over for the time being, except for being more vigilant, there is nothing wrong with Yang Chen for the time being.

He continued to teach martial arts all afternoon. In the evening, the cooking soldiers prepared the lord's meat and set up a table.

Before he got close to the cafeteria, the strong aroma came over his face, making Yang Chen and the students who followed him drool.

"Coach, I'm going to have a good time with you tonight!"

Chen Qilong laughed.

"Lord-level ferocious beast meat is not common, and we rarely eat it."

A smile appeared on Wu Xuebing's usually calm face.

"Starting today, you have to eat more beast meat to maintain the consumption of martial arts."

Yang Chen reminded that at the beginning of martial arts training, food must be supplemented, especially high-energy food, otherwise it will hurt the body.

These people's abilities are not replenished enough, so they lose their vitality and overdraw their potential.

Entering the cafeteria, all kinds of special food have been served on the table, and Fan Chengxiang and others are already waiting here.

"Teacher Yang, you have worked hard today. You taught us soldiers how to practice martial arts, and you killed three lord-level beasts. No one here can do it."

Fan Chengxiang greeted him with a smile.

"Don't talk about this, I'm starving to death, let's eat."

Yang Chen waved his hand, and he was not polite, went to pick up a piece of sweet and sour pork ribs, took a bite of the meat, and immediately showed enjoyment.


He sighed in admiration, and looked at the others: "What are you doing in a daze, let's do it."

The students behind Yang Chen rushed to the table in a swarm.

"I want to eat hooves!"

"Give me a pork chop!"

"This bone is really big, one can feed a person!"

The dinner table suddenly became lively.

Fan Chengxiang smiled brightly. He was informal, and he really liked them and made people like him.

He followed suit, but after a few mouthfuls, he became hot all over. He knew that these lord-level meats were too powerful, and he was not strong enough to eat too much.

After stopping for a few sips of wine, he said to the people around him, "Go and get the things."


"Wow, it's hot."

"Stomach is like having a fever!"

After eating for a while, some people had to stop and watched the stronger ones continue to eat.

In the end, even Wu Xuebing and Chen Qilong stopped, and everyone looked at Yang Chen eating with red faces, admiring in their hearts.

Judging from the current situation, it is obvious who can eat the most and who is the strongest. This coach is also better than all of them in eating.

Yang Chen ate his fill in one breath, and stopped in satisfaction. Seeing everyone staring at him, Yang Chen chuckled, "It's been a long time since I ate so much."

"Coach Yang, the alloy sword you want has been made."

Fan Chengxiang spoke suddenly, and a man walked over with a long alloy sword.

Yang Chen looked over, his eyes brightened slightly.

This alloy sword has a silver scabbard, about four feet in length, very simple in appearance, except for the non-slip thread on the handle, there is no decoration.

"Coach Yang, although this sword is made by smelting metal at one time, and then used a machine to strike, but with our technology, this sword is definitely not bad."

Fan Chengxiang explained confidently.

(End of this chapter)

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