I am an ancestor in Wanjie

Chapter 126 The Hidden Disadvantages of Ability

Chapter 126 The Hidden Disadvantages of Ability

Ignoring Liu Kequan, Yang Chen took out his phone, went outside, and called Ming Jinshu.

"Mr. Yang, I was just going to find you."

"I still have three people from the Destiny Group. I'm too lazy to provide them with food. Let the military come and take them away."


Ming Jinshu was quite speechless about this reason, and was silent for a moment, "Okay, I will tell them, in fact, we are also planning to come to you."

"When will you come over?"

"after an hour."

"It's almost time for dinner, do you want to eat at my house?"

"I wonder if Mr. Yang would like to treat us to a meal?"

"Bring your own materials, we provide pots and pans."

After finishing the call, he walked back and prepared to knock the three of them unconscious.

"Is the Destiny Group really gone?"

Luo Jingshu asked nervously.

It was Yang Chen's palm that answered him, and with a muffled sound, Luo Jingshu rolled her eyes and passed out.

Liu Kequan was terrified, "Who... are you going to hand us over to?"

"You are a prisoner, and you are not qualified to ask too many questions."

Yang Chen walked over calmly, exerted more strength, and forcibly knocked him unconscious.

"I'm not from the Luo family, I'm just a part-time worker, please let me go, I can do things for you!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, the remaining one hurriedly spoke, hoping that Yang Chen would be moved.

"Not interested, I don't know you well."

Yang Chen was not moved, he still knocked him out, and brought the three of them to the garage, waiting for someone to pick up the goods.


An hour later, Ming Jinshu and Chen Qilong who met last night came over on time.

There is also a gray-haired man with a medium build, a tough appearance, and piercing eyes. He walks like a dragon and a tiger, with a majestic and imposing manner.

This person doesn't have much strength, but judging from the attitudes of Ming Jinshu and Chen Qilong, this person should have a higher status.

Yang Chen guessed that it was a high-level person, and walked over to greet him.

"Mr. Yang, this is Mr. Fan Chengxiang, the person in charge of our city security system."

Ming Jinshu introduces it first.

"Hello, Mr. Yang, I have known you for a long time. I heard that Mr. Yang entered the Destiny Group alone. Many people here admired him very much after hearing about it."

Fan Chengxiang started with the usual way of boasting.

"Mr. Fan, please come in and sit down and talk."

Yang Chen led the three of them to the living room and study room. Roy was very winking. He had already prepared tea, brought it over, and left wisely.

He didn't say anything, and it would be nice to have a woman in the family take care of things.

"Mr. Yang, I don't beat around the bush. I came here this time because I heard that Mr. Wu Dao has achieved a lot in martial arts and has a very strong inheritance. Now we lack such things to strengthen ourselves and improve the combat effectiveness of our soldiers."

Fan Chengxiang said solemnly.

"Well, I understand that judging from the current situation, practicing martial arts can help extraordinary people tap and control their own power."

From the situation of Ziyan and other people, Yang Chen determined that people who awakened abilities also needed to practice.

The abilities of these extraordinary people are like a treasure trove, and there is a big difference between developing and not developing them.

"This is on the one hand. On the other hand, Mr. Yang, your kung fu surpasses all kinds of kung fu today. In terms of upper limit, you can use internal martial arts such as Xingyiquan and Taijiquan, and external kung fu such as golden bell cover and iron cloth shirt. Nothing compares."

Fan Chengxiang sighed.

"If my golden bell jar is from the outside to the inside, it may not be bad."

Chen Qilong was a little unconvinced, after all, Wen Wu was the first, Wu Wu was the second, and Yang Chen had never heard of the name of his teacher. Where is his golden bell cover famous, and its practicality may not be as good as the golden bell cover.

"Who told you to talk!"

Fan Chengxiang said unhappily, he was complimenting Yang Chen, maybe when the other party is in a good mood, the next thing will be easier to talk about.

Chen Qilong was obviously stronger than Fan Chengxiang, but he immediately became dejected. Obviously, in his heart, Fan Chengxiang was very important.

Fan Chengxiang coughed and continued to praise:

"The most important thing is that Mr. Yang, your exercises can greatly delay the loss of vitality of supernatural beings. This is a life-saving thing. Only the legendary Taoist inner alchemy can be so good."

Yang Chen was surprised: "How do you know that my exercises have this effect?"

The exercises he imparted originated from Taoism, and they do have health-preserving effects and can prolong life, but he didn't say anything about it?

"I noticed it from Zi Yan, don't worry, we didn't deliberately spy on the effect of your exercises, mainly because of Zi Yan's special situation, we checked her body every few days and found that the flow of her life slowed down a lot, so that the Push it out."

Ming Jinshu explained.

"Her life is passing?"

Yang Chen vaguely thought of something.

"Well, it's not just Ziyan. Except for some special abilities, the lives of most people who have awakened abilities are passing by at a faster rate. The stronger the ability, the faster the passing."

Ming Jinshu nodded: "This is a phenomenon that has been researched a long time ago, but in order to avoid panic, it has not been made public."

"So that's the case. The awakening of the ability is actually equivalent to burning life, which is reasonable."

Yang Chen suddenly realized that he had considered this before. After all, it is not reasonable for an ordinary person to have great power upon awakening. After all, it is not like him running to inherit the power of those ancestors.

Without a system, if you want to rely on an ordinary body to carry extraordinary energy, there must be some price, at least it may be out of control like Ming Ziyan.

Now that he knew that his vitality would be consumed crazily, his balance immediately became much better.

He felt that his system was still much more powerful. Although it didn't make him a master or king right away, it was safe, and after one or two more times, he would be able to surpass these people who gained power by burning their lives.

"Didn't Mr. Yang notice it? It seems that your kung fu has completely offset these negative effects!"

Fan Chengxiang's eyes lit up, he didn't think much about Yang Chen's not being a supernatural person at all, he had obtained his current strength purely through kung fu, he thought Yang Chen's kung fu could solve this problem.

This time, even the unconvinced Chen Qilong was moved, and looked at Yang Chen with glowing eyes: "Brother Yang, envy, I have already consumed 10 more years of life, and if I continue to consume it, I will soon turn gray!"

"Who told you to fight those fierce beasts at every turn."

Fan Chengxiang glanced at this guy, and said gently to Yang Chen: "We have already promoted Neijiaquan in the army, but the effect is limited. We hope to obtain Mr. Yang's skills and solve the hidden disadvantages of supernatural powers. The condition is that you open it up as much as possible. , our Shaoyang City can’t satisfy, all the troops in China can help.”

"I don't need anything right now."

Yang Chen shook his head, the Destiny Group that provoked him was gone, and he had a lot of money, so he really didn't have much needs.

"Mr. Yang, don't worry, we know about you, two months ago, you specifically asked Brother Ming and the others to protect your family.

If you help us, our protection is far superior to theirs. Even if Shaoyang City is destroyed by ferocious beasts, or becomes a city of madmen because of the virus, I can assure you that your family will be safe ! "

(End of this chapter)

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