I am an ancestor in Wanjie

Chapter 12 Unlocking the 9 Swords of Dugu

Chapter 12 Unlocking the Dugu Nine Swords
"This Feng Qingyang didn't expect to be alive."

"Suddenly there is such a senior expert in the Huashan faction, and the situation is suddenly different."

"What are you afraid of? Even if Feng Qingyang is not dead, he is still in his seventies and eighties, a bad old man."

"That's right, Feng Qingyang must have lost energy, and now he's just running back to take care of himself, so there's nothing to worry about."

Everyone talked about each sentence, and soon changed from surprise to disapproval, and no longer had any fear.

"You still have to be careful, whether this Feng Qingyang is really useless or not, you have to test it out!"

Zuo Lengchan made a final decision, his eyes were deep,

He wants to establish the Wuyue Sword Sect and seize the position of leader, but he can't let this Feng Qingyang make trouble.

"I'm afraid he won't come out after hiding in Huashan, otherwise I will definitely ask for advice!"

The middle-aged man with a sinister look next to him sneered.

"Spread the news, I believe some people want to test Feng Qingyang more than we do."

Zuo Lengchan's expression was very meaningful. Compared to him, some fellows from the Songshan School and the Demon Sect would definitely be unable to sit still.

With the assistance of the Songshan faction, the news that Huashan Fengqingyang was alive was like a bird with wings, and quickly spread throughout the martial arts world.

All the sects were alarmed, Feng Qingyang, the shadow of the famous tree, was a famous martial arts master in the past, suddenly appeared in the weakened Huashan sect, which attracted many people's attention.

Among them, the Devil's Cult reacted the most. They were planning to return to the Central Plains, so they were naturally quite afraid of this master who had made them suffer.

As for Yang Chen, he happily reaped the achievement points brought by fame in Huashan. Everyone provided not much, just a few tenths, or even only 0.01.

However, when the achievement points of tens of thousands of people are gathered together, there are hundreds of them. Adding the achievement points obtained when teaching Huashan disciples, his achievement points increase rapidly.

In the past half a month or so, the news of his existence has basically spread.

[Congratulations for completing the side mission 88, the cumulative number of people who know it has reached 880, and [-] achievement points will be rewarded. ]
When the task time expired, Yang Chen was relieved when he saw the prompt.

He stayed in Yunvfeng for a week, and he didn't take the initiative to go out after he came out. Instead, he relied on spies to spread the news.

Looking at it now, the spies and the Songshan faction are really powerful, letting more than 80 people know that Feng Qingyang is still alive in just over half a month.

If it weren't for the backwardness of news dissemination methods in this era, it is estimated that more people would know about it.

"With more than 1000 achievement points, you can unlock Dugu Nine Swords in one go!"

Yang Chen turned on the system. For more than half a month, he had unlocked Huashan's basic swordsmanship, lightness kung fu, and Hunyuan kung fu, spending a total of 340 achievement points.

The sum of these is less than one-fifth of Dugu Nine Swords.

His eyes fell on Dugu Nine Swords.


It only needs 1000 points to unlock at one time. With 100 points saved, he can get all the experience of Dugu Nine Swords.

The experience belonging to a master of swordsmanship poured into his soul in an instant and was completely mastered by him.

At this moment, Dugu Nine Swords belonged entirely to him, Yang Chen, not just Feng Qingyang.

There was a flash of light in Yang Chen's eyes, and there was a special aura on his body, like the center of heaven and earth, this is an aura that only a master of swordsmanship can have.

"From now on, I don't have to be obscene to develop!"

More worries in Yang Chen's heart dissipated.

With Dugu Nine Swords in hand, there will be no more than three people in the world who can threaten him one-on-one!

As for people who can kill him in kung fu, there are almost none.

No way, it's just so confident!

What is Dugu Nine Swords?It is the ceiling on the kendo of this world!

Who in today's martial arts world has such ceiling skills?
It's just that his internal strength is not very good, and he can't compare with Dugu Nine Swords.

Yang Chen felt the Hunyuan Gong in his body and was not very satisfied.

This is considered to be a good internal strength in the Huashan School, but it is far from the level of the Lonely Nine Swords, and the nine yang and nine yin are about the same.

Now his skill is not strong enough.

Fighting against Ningzhong, he knew that his internal strength was roughly 2.5 times that, that is to say, Ningzhong had about [-]% of his strength.

It's just that Ning Zhong is not as good as him in terms of swordsmanship. If you use Dugu Nine Swords, you can solve it with at most two successes.

Yue Buqun is stronger than Ningzhong, probably five to six times as successful as him, and Ren Woxing, a big dyeing workshop, is probably not much worse than him in terms of internal strength.

If you want to beat a top expert like Ren Woxing, you can only rely on skills, not head-to-head.

"Now that all are unlocked, there are still more than 800 achievement points left. What else should I do?"

Yang Chen came back to his senses and looked at his system interface.


Wanjie Character Experience System (Old Ancestor Version)
Player: Yang Chen

In the world: Swordsman
Patriarch role: Feng Qingyang
Achievement value: 863
Abilities: Dugu Nine Swords, Huashan Hunyuan Kungfu+, Huashan Sword Art, Huashan Lightness Kungfu+
props: none

"It seems that nothing has changed, hey, no!"

Yang Chen noticed that there were two more +s in Hunyuan Kungfu and Lightness Kungfu, which was not there before.

"Is there still room for improvement?"

Yang Chen nodded thoughtfully, and a new message popped up.

[Currently 40 years of skill, you can spend achievement points to increase your skill, and you need 10 achievement points to increase your skill for 800 years! ]

[The essence of other exercises can be added, the specific cost is determined according to the added exercises, the minimum is 200 points. ]
Seeing the two extra options on the system panel after completing the first task, Yang Chen smiled.

Sure enough, the achievement value can not only be unlocked, but also has other uses. This method of increasing skill and incorporating other kung fu essence is very good.

After all, there are still limitations in a single kung fu. If you learn from others' strengths and integrate the essence of other kung fu, you may be able to produce internal and light kung fu comparable to Dugu Nine Swords.

"There is no rush to improve the lightness skill, first add 10 years of skill!"

Yang Chen directly spent 800 points and chose to increase his skill.

The next moment, his dantian had an extra wave of warm energy, which was comparable to [-]% of his original cultivation.

Under the influence of this new internal force, his bones creaked, his qi and blood circulated rapidly, his face became rosy, and he seemed to be younger.

He let out a breath, creating a gust of wind that made the windows shake.

Soon, he became familiar with and mastered the power of the 50-year Hunyuan Gong.

"This Feng Qingyang is worthy of being a member of the Sword Sect. He really doesn't pay much attention to internal strength training. He only has 80 years of skill at the age of seven or eighty. He must rely on Dugu Nine Swords to conquer the world."

Yang Chen muttered secretly.

Fortunately, in this era, Qizong is weak, and internal strength cultivation has declined, and people with 40 years of strength are rare, and now it has been promoted to 50 years, and few people can compare to him.

At this time, footsteps sounded in his ears, and Yang Chen stopped practicing.

Outside the door, Yue Buqun walked over with an ugly face.

Before knocking on the door, voices could be heard from inside the house.

"Nephew's breath is not stable, and he is angry, what's the matter?"

Yue Buqun, who was angry, was startled. This uncle not only knew that he was coming through the door, but also knew that his aura was fluctuating, and his cultivation was really profound.

He lowered his body and explained: "Uncle, the flower picker Tian Boguang has been doing evil near our Mount Hua recently, this junior is planning to go down the mountain with my younger sister."

(End of this chapter)

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