Chapter 75

The picture gradually ended, and the voice of "Amani" gradually sounded.

But Han Feizi froze in place as if frozen.

"Fuck! Is this a domestic animation?"

"It's awesome!"

"Fuck! This production is invincible!!"

"My brother-in-law is too strong!"


At this moment, not only the barrage, but even Han Feizi was shocked by the production of "Hit, Hit a Big Watermelon".

Even though they guessed countless times before the award ceremony, they guessed the beginning, but they still couldn't guess the ending. "Hit, Hit a Big Watermelon" hit Han Feizi's head like a blow, completely blinding him.

The total duration of the film is 19 minutes and 42 seconds, including the theme song. Han Feizi feels that every second and every frame is not redundant, and they are the most suitable place in that place.

"There is no doubt that "Hit, Hit a Big Watermelon" deserves the award. Director Li Yi, a talented young man, taught me a lesson with his genius mind. "Hit, Hit a Big Watermelon" is my latest None of the most shocking Chinese comics I've seen in the past ten years."

"Today's China Manga Exhibition is over, and it's time for Lao Han to download it. Friends who like Lao Han can pay attention."

After turning off the live broadcast, Han Feizi couldn't restrain his inner impulse. He watched "Hit, Make a Big Watermelon" several times, and every time he watched it, Han Feizi could discover details that he had never discovered before. Han Feizi stopped his actions after watching the new harvest more than ten times.

Inexplicably and irrepressibly, Han Feizi had the urge to do a show for "Hit, Hit a Big Watermelon".

Han Feizi's execution ability is very strong, he does what he says, and is ready to start writing manuscripts immediately.But before writing, Han Feizi was stunned on the spot. In which column should he put "Hit, Make a Big Watermelon"?

"History of Chinese Animation"?
Not suitable, pass.

"Guoman Tucao"?
It's not appropriate either, it's here to complain about Guoman, but "Fight, Make a Big Watermelon" obviously doesn't need to complain.

"Classic Interpretation"?
It seems inappropriate, most of the films in the classic interpretation are works before the millennium. "Hit, Make a Big Watermelon" is mixed with these works, and it seems a bit out of place.

Finally, Han Feizi slapped his thigh and made a decision!
Han Feizi immediately opened a new animation column - "Guo Man Shen Zuo"

Just as Han Feizi was busy preparing for the new column, "Hit, Hit a Big Watermelon" on Weibo has become popular.

But the way it ignites is weird.

I saw that at the bottom of all the Weibo posts about "Hit, Make a Big Watermelon", the words "Support my brother-in-law" appeared all over the place.

At the same time, more details about the 6 Africa aid plan were also picked up by interested people.When people pay attention to more details, they all feel admiration and admiration for these young people who are far away in foreign countries.

And when people saw Li Muqiong's photo, everyone was conquered by this young lady with a brilliant smile, so countless people wanted to be Li Yi's brother-in-law for a while.So much so that Li Yi came out with the title of "National Brother-in-law".

In the car back to school, because Li Yi still needed to discuss many things with the organizer, the four of Li Yi and his party stayed in the venue for a long time accompanied by the school leaders, while the rest of the staff returned to school by bus .

This also made Li Yi a little regretful that he couldn't say a few words to He Cancan.

"Hey, Brother Yi, you're so hot." In the car, He Chang took out his mobile phone and pointed at the words "National Brother-in-law" and approached Li Yi.

"Go, go aside." Li Yi slapped He Chang aside with a slap.

However, Li Yi still took out his mobile phone and glanced at the words on the screen. He also felt a bit tricky. This matter was far beyond Li Yi's imagination. In fact, there were not many photos of Li Muqiong. I picked and put them up, and most of them were post-war photos of Africa.

And these photos were also sent by Li Muqiong to Li Yi before, which touched Li Yi very much, so he temporarily put the photos in the film.

But the current situation is beyond Li Yi's control.

"Am I inviting my elder sister to marry him?" Li Yi recalled Li Muqiong's various sinister methods in his childhood, and felt his scalp go numb.

So what, did the old lady say that she would be back at the end of the year?

Why don't you give her a call and tell her not to come back, it would be nice to stay in Africa
Li Yi was a little scared.

But soon, Li Yi came back to his senses.

No, I have martial arts!
Is Li Muqiong's Sanda eight-duan useful?

This time when she comes back, I will pay back all the unfair abuse I received before.

Li Yi's heart was full of confidence, and he was full of pride for a while.

When he returned to school, Li Yi was called to meet with various school leaders, department leaders, and professors with similar routines, encouraging them, granting scholarships, recommending graduate students, studying abroad and so on.

Li Yi's busy feet didn't touch the ground, and by the time Li Yiquan finished his work, a day had passed.Not to mention that under the influence of hot searches on Weibo, all the students of the Academy of Arts knew Li Yi, the true god, and everyone wanted to get close to Li Yi, and Li Yi was even more troubled by these things.

It took two full days for Li Yi to stop with his feet on the ground.

This celebrity life is simply too scary! ! !

Even Li Yi Guoshu was exhausted by this endless enthusiasm.Every day when I returned to the dormitory, I slept all the time, and even stopped the work of coding, because there was no time at all.Fortunately, Li Yi's manuscript deposit box has been set with manuscripts that can be sent to next year.

And even if Li Yi thanked the guests behind closed doors, the people who came to visit with various connections every day almost broke through the threshold of the 404 dormitory. Well, there is no threshold in the 404 dormitory, but the smooth mirror-like ground can See a clue.

Li Yi directly made a decision to go back to the apartment to hide from the limelight for two days.

So Li Yi climbed over the wall and escaped.

It was really over the wall, Li Yi didn't dare to take the big road at all, for fear of being recognized by others.Otherwise, those wolves and tigers would be blocked by Li Yi every minute.

After Li Yi escaped, the enthusiasm of the group turned their attention to Li Tianxing, He Chang, and Sun Hao, so Li Tianxing, Sun Hao, and He Chang fell into a state of pain and happiness.

And Li Yi fled back to the apartment, feeling the long-lost tranquility, Li Yi felt his whole body relax immediately, took a shower, lay on the bed and fell asleep immediately.

I didn't even hear my phone ring when it was set to vibrate.

A certain city in Qingzhou.

In a small supermarket in an ordinary community.

A middle-aged woman who is still quite fashionable is sitting in a small supermarket chatting with several other middle-aged women.

"Oh, look at how promising your family Li Yi is. He has already passed the college entrance examination. The one in our family is lazy and lazy every day. He only passed two exams in the college entrance examination this year."

"Yeah, when your family Li Yi comes back, can you go to make up lessons for that bear in our family? This is a sophomore in high school, and this bear knows how to play games every day, but it makes me worry to death. If he doesn't pass the exam What can a good university do."

There are not many things that a few women can talk about together, and they basically revolve around their own children.

Among them, Li's mother was naturally at the top of this ridiculous pyramid because Li Yi was admitted to the emperor, and naturally occupied the commanding heights, overlooking everything.

"I'll wait for Xiao Yi to come back and ask him for his opinion. After all, this child is quite tired from studying at Imperial University." Mother Li said with a smile.


"Oh, by the way, Miss Huang, what major did your Li Yi apply for?" one of the women asked curiously.

When asked about this, Mother Li had an unnatural expression on her face, and then said: "It seems to be some kind of animation design or something."

"Anime?!" The other women's eyes widened.

"Oh, sister Huang, why did you ask Li Yi to learn animation? I have a friend's son who is doing animation now. He works overtime every night and stays up late every night. The salary is less than [-] a month. He is also studying animation in a famous university."

"That's right, a child of one of my relatives is also clamoring to learn some animation. What can this child do with what he watches?"

Everyone talked in one go, full of interest, and even a hint of gloating in it.

"Isn't this what the child wants to learn? We also respect his opinion."

How could Li's mother fail to recognize the taste, and tried her best to maintain the smile on her face.

After chatting for a few minutes, a woman suddenly opened her eyes, pointed at the TV that was broadcasting the news broadcast and yelled.

"Hey, Miss Huang, isn't that your Li Yi?"

Hearing this, Li's mother was startled, and quickly turned her head to look. As expected, the figure that appeared on the TV was Li Yi.

"The youngest director in the Chinese animation industry won the Golden Dragon Award."

This news didn't take up much space, it was just passed by after being mentioned by the host.

But Mother Li still hadn't recovered from her mind at this time, and she didn't even notice the chattering discussions of other women, and there was only one thought in her mind.

"My son is on the news network?"

(End of this chapter)

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