fish out a entertainer

Chapter 61 Where Dreams Begin

Chapter 61 Where Dreams Begin
A, Ten, Hundred, Thousand, Ten Thousand, Hundred Thousand, Million.




"7, million?"

Li Yi raised his head, his eyes filled with disbelief.


100! ! !There are zeros! !

Just now, Yuanyuan sent a message about the release of the manuscript fee, and Li Yi threw the phone out in shock when he saw it at first sight. Fortunately, Li Yi reacted very quickly now and was caught in mid-air.

But seven-figure royalties? ! !

Li Yi suspected that he was wrong.

But after the five senses were enhanced, Li Yi's eyesight was excellent. His myopia, which was more than 100 degrees, was cured, and there was no possibility of seeing anything wrong.

So Li Yi held the phone and counted the digits several times.

The first time, seven figures!
The second time, seven digits!
Third time, six figures? ? ?Oh, sorry, I was too excited and counted wrong.


There was a soft sound, and another text message was sent to the phone, which was a reminder of Li Yi's bank card.

"Dear customer, the amount deposited in your bank card is 1012264.23 yuan."

Li Yi dug up Shangshang Bank, called up the bank card balance, and looked at the seven-figure balance, Li Yi showed a satisfied smile.

Li Yi's family is relatively wealthy. He owns four houses in his hometown in a second-tier city in Qingzhou. One of them was earned by Li's father and mother through hard work all his life, and the other three were lost after demolition. Although land prices in second-tier cities are cheap, there are still Less than 4 per square meter, but with four houses, you can be considered suddenly rich in this second-tier city.

Li's father and Li's mother also entered retirement life early.

Living in one house and renting out three houses, the rent collected was more than the previous salary of the two elders. In addition, Father Li and Mother Li had no time to live and opened a small supermarket of their own, so the income was considerable.Li Yi has never experienced the feeling of lack of money since he was a child.

Later, when I wrote a book, I ordered 7000 yuan for the first book, with a monthly income of [-] yuan, and occasionally tens of thousands, and there is no shortage of money to spend.

But although their family owns a house and a car, they are not considered wealthy.Although Li's father and Li's mother didn't say how much their family's savings were, and Li Yi didn't ask, he estimated that seven figures was a lot. In the imperial or magical capital, 100 million would only buy a toilet.

But in this one month, Li Yi has earned what Li's father and Li's mother have earned all their lives, and a month's money for a toilet in the imperial capital's house!
This caused Li Yi's brain to shut down on the spot.

According to Li Yi's prediction, his six-figure manuscript fee this month is a certainty, but a seven-figure manuscript fee is unlikely.But I didn't expect the surprise to come so suddenly.

100 million royalties
100 million royalties
This idea kept lingering in Li Yi's mind until he walked out of the restaurant after eating and returned to the dormitory, when Li Yi suddenly came to his senses.

yes!With this 100 million, I will be able to start a company!

Li Yi suddenly remembered and figured it out.

And if I can send 100 million this month, no matter how miserable I am next month, I can still get 80 million, right?Isn’t the start-up capital for starting a company coming now?

Are you afraid that you won't be able to recruit talents if you have money?
After thinking about the key points, Li Yi immediately calmed down.

Taking a deep breath, a puff of white gas turned into an arrow and was spat out by Li Yi.

Li Yi turned his attention back to popularity.

I need to think about how to start a company with the popularity of 100 million and 36.

With 36 popularity points, you can fish three times, which is rounded up to four times.

But I definitely can't fish directly like this, otherwise who knows what the hell I will catch.So be sure to use 'keyword search'.

Half a month ago, when Li Yi's popularity exceeded 50, the system sent a message that when fishing, Li Yi could add keywords to increase the probability of catching a certain type.

Li Yi thought about it for a while, isn't this thing just a fishing nest.When fishing, some people will build fish nests. Depending on the location, depth, etc. of the fish nests, different fish will be attracted.

However, keywords can only be provided by the system.

Players themselves cannot specify keywords.

Seeing this, Li Yi said it was a pity. It would be great if the players could specify the keywords themselves. Li Yi directly specified - 'Top [-] online novels from another world' or 'Top [-] anime movies from another world' ', then Li Yi will be invincible directly.

It's a pity that the system will not leave such a big loophole for Li Yi.

Regardless of second thought, this is enough.

It's much better than spending 10 people's popularity to fish indiscriminately. Although the things Li Yi catches seem to be quite useful, who knows if the system will pull out cheating things that day.

Li Yi retracted his thoughts and began to think about what type of company his company should be.

Internet novels, no, I can write online novels myself, so I can't afford to open a studio and find a group of people to help me write novels.

Animation Company Li Yi really wanted to open an animation company, but Li Yi knew very well that it was not easy to open an animation company because the domestic industry was declining.

Even if you can get good animation works, it will be embarrassing if you don't have enough money.Now the major Western animation studios use "[-] million US dollars" as the funding unit for making movies. Even if it is a slightly less expensive Neon Country animation, the investment is tens of millions of RMB.

Li Yi's monthly manuscript fee of one million yuan is not even enough to fill in the gaps between his teeth.But if you attract investment, it means that you will be restrained by the investor, and the degree of creative freedom must be very low. After all, investors are not willing to take risks.However, many aspects and concepts of works in different worlds are brand new to this world, just like "Hit, Hit a Big Watermelon", there are many expressive techniques in it, which Li Yi has seen for the first time.Or it was there earlier, but it was immature.

People in your own world may not be able to accept anime from another world.

These are risks.

So this is an immature little idea from the animation company.


Music company?Not to mention, do not make money!

Television Company?Make movies, TV shows?Again, the investment is huge and the market situation is complicated!


Finally, Li Yi suddenly had an inspiration.

What is the easiest way to make money on the Internet today?

Most people would say in unison - "Game!"

Games are really making money. You must know that Ascendas, the largest Internet giant, made its fortune through games, and it still accounts for more than 50% of Ascendas's total revenue.

And the cake of the game industry is really huge.

The number of game users in China alone is close to 3000 million, and the annual market sales are about [-] billion. In such a huge market, even Ascendas Group can only occupy the largest piece of cake, and cannot monopolize it.

In addition to Ascendas, the gaming industry also supports several gaming companies with a market value of hundreds of billions and dozens of gaming companies with a market value of tens of billions.There are countless other unknown game companies.

Compared with the game industry, the annual market sales of several billions in the online literature industry are nothing to mention. Even the top online article authors only make hundreds of millions a year, which is still far away from one billion.

But when a game is completed, it is easy to turn over millions or tens of millions a month.

In the game industry, there are many game companies that rely on a game salted fish to turn over.

Li Yi wrote the word game on the paper, and drew a circle heavily.


This is where my dream started!

After earning money through games, I have the capital to enter the market to save domestic animation!This can be regarded as a kind of curve saving the country.

【Ready to fish】

Popularity -100000
[Lock the fish keyword 'game']

Popularity minus -100000
【Start fishing】

Li Yi looked at the fishing rod thrown out with hope in his eyes.

Game industry, your emperor is here!

Tremble! !

(End of this chapter)

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